Dying Light 2 has been anticipated for several years, especially by those who were big fans of the first installment. Even though the second game has been receiving some mixed reviews, it's still an open world zombie title worthy of praise, especially when it comes to its parkour mechanics. Of course, because of its popularity, some people in the modding community have taken it upon themselves to make some tweaks here and there, to see whether things can be improved.

According to a recent report from DSO Gaming, a number of modders have come forward with some add-ons for Dying Light 2, which aim to enhance the visuals and general experience of the game. Gathering some notable ones, it seems that there have been some busy bees in the fan base who have been keen to improve things like the draw distance, as well as make some adjustments to the weather, and even an attempt to change the physics to such that they are more in line with the original game.

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The Enhanced Mod seems to overhaul a number of aspects, such as adding more shadows, adjusting the contrast and saturation, as well as increasing the density of zombies and other AI throughout. There's also a mod which makes the game a bit grittier and seems to want Dying Light 2 to return to how it was during the 2019 E3 demo. On top of that, there are also a couple of add-ons which may interest fans who are interested in a gorier gameplay experience, as well as one which allows players to adjust the somewhat limited FOV some more.

Dying light 2

In general, these mods seem to represent the beginning of a committed fan base that will be working diligently to make some improvements to the game. Dying Light 2 also has a few glitches, so it's possible that there will be some custom-made fixes for these, if official ones don't patch them out first. Those who are playing the PC version may wish to check out some of the tweaks that are currently making themselves known, as it sounds like they may be quite useful.

With the free Authority Pack DLC releasing very recently, the hype around the game has nowhere near died down yet, which is understandable given that it only came out at the beginning of this month. It may have been a bit of a letdown for some, overall, but it's clearly made enough of an impact for a dedicated slew of followers to begin making their own improvements already.

Dying Light 2 Stay Human is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S. A Switch version is also in development.

MORE: Dying Light 2: 10 Things The Sequel Adds To The Lore

Source: DSO Gaming