Dying Light 2's Parkour mechanics lend it lots of verticality, which developer Techland has used to tuck all sorts of goodies away on rooftops, in buildings, and scattered elsewhere around Dying Light 2's expansive map. After a while of clearing Dying Light 2, players will be tasked with taking on the Downtown Thugs Bandit Camp, which has Military Airdrop THB-1L0 on the roof. Here's how to climb the Downtown Thugs Bandit Camp and get Military Airdrop THB-1L0.

How to Climb Downtown Thugs Bandit Camp

The Downtown Thugs Bandit camp is sprawling and full of enemies, so be careful while exploring it. There are tons of resources to find as players make their way to Military Airdrop THB-1L0, but not all of them are on the golden path. It's a good idea to clear the camp of bandits before diving all the way into it, as it's easy to miscalculate a jump and plummet to the ground, and respawning will land players a decent bit away from the camp.

RELATED: Dying Light 2: How to Capture the Alder Windmill

dying light 2 downtown bandit camp entrances

There are two main entrances to the Downtown Thugs Bandit Camp. Those looking to face its challenges directly can wander into the north entrance, which is heavily guarded but relatively quick to enter. Those with a sneaker disposition can check the western entrance, which will have players climb up the side of the building and into a small hole. It's a good warmup for what's to come, and it gives players the chance to take down bandits with Dying Light 2's combat skills.

dying light 2 bandit camp entrance

Speaking of skills, players are going to want to invest in Dying Light 2's Parkour skill tree before climbing Downtown Thugs Bandit Camp. Specifically, players will want the Dart, Tic Tac, and Wall Run skills before they embark on the journey. Dying Light 2 recommends 300 Stamina to complete the objective, though it's possible to get Military Airdrop THB-1L0 with 260 stamina. The rest of this guide presumes players have met these prerequisites.

Once inside, players will find three key portions of the Downtown Thug Bandit Camp. The front entrance is a large pavilion with a windmill and enemies scattered around. Further back is a section containing the interiors of office buildings, and beyond that is a second courtyard with more enemies and climbable obstacles leading to the top of the building.

To start, climb the crane in the center of the courtyard, then move along the red walkways to go up the walls. Be careful here, as the pathway is easy to miss when jumping, and death will result in restarting the path completely. Continue navigating along the pathway using the highlighted path, crisscrossing between buildings and steadily gaining elevation.

Eventually, players will follow a small catwalk around the side of the building, leaping up another catwalk towards an exposed door. Head through the door and back outside to the catwalk. There will be another door leading into a room with an elevator. Climb up the elevator shaft, but be incredibly cautious.

The elevator shaft is a bit janky, and it's very easy to miss a leap, fall down the shaft, and die, kicking players back to the nearest respawn point and erasing any progress they've made. There's a hatch leading outside the elevator. Climb through it, and players will have climbed the Downtown Bandit Camp and found Military Airdrop THB-1L0.

Downtown Bandit Camp Inhibitors and Safe Code

In addition to the Inhibitor found inside the Military Airdrop THB-1L0 crate, there are two others located inside the Downtown Bandit Camp that players can find fairly easily. One will take some Parkour prowess while the other requires players to find the Downtown Bandit Camp safe code.

Downtown Bandit Camp Safe Code Location

The Downtown Bandit Camp safe inhibitor can be found in a destroyed room. The room Inhibitor will prompt players when they get within 50 meters of it, and it should be easily accessible from the exterior scaffolding. While facing the safe in the room, players should see whole in the wall in the top-right corner of the room. The safe code will be in the room on top of the table. The code is 313.

Downtown Bandit Camp Pathway Inhibitor

The Inhibitor along the pathway is the easiest to find. After jumping from the crane, walk along the red catwalk until it ends. To the left, there will be a small wooden ledge. Leap to the ledge and walk down the catwalk. The Inhibitor will be there waiting.

Dying Light 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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