During the tutorial portion of Dying Light 2, players get access to their first crystal. They're informed that the locals revere them as wards to stave off infection but that this rumor isn't true and they should just sell them for a pile of coins. And that should make any gamer wonder.

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First, where can Aiden find more of these? If they're so valuable, finding a few of them should alleviate a lot of money problems. Next, is there any truth to the whispers? Will there be any regrets about selling them now and then finding out later that they can give the player superpowers in Dying Light 2?

Where To Collect Crystals

Dying Light 2 Finding A Pile That Has A Crystal Inside

When searching for crystals, look for an orange/gold circle. These are the same icons that pop up over military caches and GRE boxes, denoting that the loot is particularly valuable or unique. But instead of the icon appearing on a box, it will appear in a black pile.

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These piles make hard shells over the crystals that Aiden can crack open by following the button prompt. For those who are looking for areas with more than one, try hazardous areas with multiple inhibitors. Clearing out the Center for Stage IV THV Study, for example, will yield at least three of these crystals.

Selling Them Off

Dying Light 2 Selling Valuables To A Vendor

Gamers are taught to pursue every whisper in the wind and act like it's the truth. That's not a fault, it is a healthy curiosity to want to get to the bottom of every story and uncover truths that have been buried by jaded cynics or outright antagonists.

Unfortunately for all of the dreamers in the world, these crystals are, indeed, good for nothing but to sell. That's not a very exciting answer, thematically speaking, but it is a valuable tip. Aiden will be able to make a lot of money in a very short period of time if he stumbles across a collection of crystals in a facility.

Dying Light 2 was released on February 4th, 2022, and is available on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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