As with many other open world games, Dying Light 2 holds its fair share of bugs and glitches. Though some of these glitches can be frustrating, others lead to hilarious Dying Light 2 clips of objects or characters performing strange actions.

For example, one recent clip saw a Dying Light 2 streamer scared by an NPC, a moment that was both surprising and funny. This is a prime example of one of the tamer, harmless moments caused by the game. Moments like these are indicative of the open world experience where pretty much anything can happen.

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Another of these moments came when Reddit user ZealousidealFilm4763 was attempting to have a simple conversation with Maya when suddenly Maya loses her head. This is not to say that she went insane; rather, her head started literally spinning all over the place, causing ZealousidealFilm4763 to sit and stare as Maya's head was sent in all directions. As opposed to Dying Light 2's daytime chase bug, there seemed to be no reason or cause for Maya's head to go haywire.

What's stranger is the more that one observes the rest of Maya's body, the more glitched she becomes. Her feet and legs are facing towards ZealousidealFilm4763 normally. Her body is normal up until her stomach, where it begins to noticeably twist in the direction of her bed. Her arms and hands also seem to be frozen in place, as they never move and are in strange positions. In fact, throughout the video the only things that move are Maya's mouth and head. Perhaps Techland should include Maya in its Dying Light 2 zombie physics fix, as her body movements make her look like a new variant of infected.

Reddit users also found the clip hilarious, cracking jokes about Maya's strange behavior. One user joked that Maya was keeping her head on a swivel for more PKs, referencing the conversation in the clip. Another two users lamented having accidentally sold Maya's music box, selling it alongside other random items. Yet another user joked that Maya's condition was caused by long-term inhibitor abuse, and that players are next to start spinning in crazy circles.

Bugs and glitches like these can reduce immersion for players, but can also lead to hilarious and very memorable clips. Just like Dying Light 2 Easter eggs and Easter eggs in other games, some glitches can become synonymous with the random, fun nature of open-world video games.

Dying Light 2: Stay Human is available now on the Xbox Series X/S, PS5, PS4, and PC.

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