The Garrison Electrical Station is a location in Dying Light 2 that players will visit during the Broadcast story quest. There is a puzzle inside this building that centers around connecting a series of generators, and fans will need to solve it in order to get the substation running. For those players that may be stuck on the Garrison Electrical Station puzzle in Dying Light 2, a full walkthrough of its solution can be found in this guide

Dying Light 2: How to Get the Substation Running (Broadcast)

As Dying Light 2 players enter the Garrison Electrical Station, they will encounter a green generator with an "A" and a "B" on it. Fans should interact with this generator to pull its cable and then plug that cable it into the red "A" generator that is directly across the room. This generator is next to a metal gate, and fans should press the button on the other side of that gate to open it.

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Players should now remove the cable from the "A" generator that they just powered up, carry it through the open gate, and plug it into the red "B" generator that is on the wall. This action will allow action RPG fans to use the button that is next to the nearby "B" gate to open it, and that is exactly what they should do.

After passing through the "B" gate, players should walk forward until they run into a wall, turn to their right, and then locate the yellow pipe in the back corner. Zombie video game fans should now climb that pipe, turning to their left as soon as they pass through the opening in the first metal grate. There is a green generator with a "1" and a "C" on it a few steps forward from this position, and players should grab its cable before continuing along the path and unlocking the yellow metal door.

Immediately after walking through that yellow metal door, players should turn to their left, drop, and walk toward the "B" gate that they opened previously. There are a series of ledges that players can climb above that "B" gate, and they should use their parkour skills in Dying Light 2 to go up two levels and find an open double door. The red "C" generator, which players should plug their cable into, is just past those double doors.

At this point, players should go back through the double doors and turn to their left to locate the "C" gate, which can now be opened. There is a green "2" terminal on the other side of that gate, and fans should grab its cable. With this cable in hand, players should pass back through the "C" gate and fall down as far as possible, descending some stairs to reach a flooded area. The red "2" generator is in this area, and fans should use their cable to power it.

This action will electrify the water in the area, and players should use some floating crates to jump safely to an open vent on the wall. Climbing through this vent will put fans inside a shaft that leads to the other side of the electrified room, allowing them to access the stairs they descended previously with minimal damage. At the top of those stairs, fans will encounter a red "1" generator, and removing the cable that was inserted into the red "C" generator previously and plugging it into this one will mark the end of this puzzle in Dying Light 2.

Dying Light 2 is available for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X, with a Switch version in development.

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