Dying Light 2: Stay Human was one of the most anticipated open-world games of this generation, and despite being praised for notable aspects, many felt it was somewhat lacking in the story department. As a result, the fans want more, and while Techland has released some cosmetic DLC already, many would like to see an expansion of the world through extra missions. As it happens, the studio is releasing some extra parkour challenges, but alongside that, one player has managed to spot some hidden details in the game files that hint at more to come.

In a post on the Gaming Leaks and Rumors subreddit, user sekurko has managed to unearth some information about possible upcoming DLC for Dying Light 2 that includes the region it may take place in, as well as points of interest. Looking into the data files, they were able to uncover something referring to "Outpost," "Blood Diamonds" and "Archers," which could be in reference to quest names, which may or may not take place in the Elyseum district.

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While the information pulled from the game appears to be quite detailed, outlining a number of potential aspects for some upcoming new content, it's worth pointing out that the developer has not made any official comment on these specifics at the time of writing. Dying Light 2's lead designer has discussed the game's future, which includes mentions of DLC. So what sekurko has found could well be in relation to this. At this stage, it's speculation that does align with what the studio has been hinting at recently.

On top of that, Dying Light 2 has also received a recent major update, which tweaks a lot of the game, including improving the interface, making night mode more challenging, as well as a litany of bug fixes. It also finally sorts out the "deathloop" glitch, in which fans were finding it impossible to progress due to an issue in which a player death would make them respawn too far away to get back to the mission within the time limit.

However, the Dying Light 2 patch has also nerfed Korek charm, making it a little less effective and a bit more expensive to craft. Techland has said that it will look into this issue in a future update. For now, it will be interesting to see what further announcements the developer will make and whether it will be in relation to what's been unearthed and leaked on Reddit.

Dying Light 2 is available now on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X

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