If anyone out there is feeling like leveling up in Dying Light 2 is taking forever, they aren't alone. It's astounding that players who are burying hundreds of hours into the game still can't hit the maximum level in combat, even after countless zombies killed.

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There are some tips that can shorten this process to a mere fraction of what it needs to be. Nobody can claim to max out combat experience quickly, but it can realistically be done in a weekend of gaming. Those who want go toe-to-toe with any zombie in Dying Light 2 sooner rather than later will want to employ this technique.

Wait For Nightfall

Dying Light 2 Finding A Bed To Sleep In

There are two reasons to wait until nighttime. The first explanation is somewhat common sense; players will only get combat experience in combat and, at night, there are more zombies to do combat with. That's a no-brainer.

The second point is that Aiden gets double experience points at night. This process is already going to be an extremely lengthy grind, cutting that time in half takes this monumental task and makes it much easier. It won't stop players from demanding fixes for the game, but at least the grind is more manageable.

Start A Chase

Dying Light 2 Starting A Chase With Hakon From The Ground

Yes, players looking to maximize their combat experience are going to do something that the tutorial part of the game makes out to be certain death. Run around the streets and find a Howler (the yellow zombies that scream when spotting Aiden). Poke the Howler and get moving.

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This magnifies the reason players are hunting at night to begin with. The multiplier goes from a double bonus to a triple and, eventually, a quadruple bonus. And when a chase is on, Aiden will never have to worry about there not being enough zombies to bash. Night hunting cuts the grind time in half. Chase battling cuts the grind in half once again. Less time leveling, more time getting the best combat skills.

Find A UV Light

Dying Light 2 Coming Across An Indoor UV Light

Aiden doesn't get any experience when he's dead, so the next part of the plan is to find a UV light. Players who have captured the Alder Windmill will have a nice UV Light at that location. The Bazaar also has a convenient UV light on the ground level.

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Aiden will be overwhelmed if he fights out in the open during a chase. To keep all the enemies on one side, Aiden should fight with his back in the UV light. Enemies won't be able to approach from that angle and all the swings will be in front.

Fight Until Volatiles Show up

Dying Light 2 A Volatile Zombie Guarding A Ladder Indoors

At this point, it might seem to easy to kick back on quadruple experience and clubbing enemies that have no hope of striking back. Well, most of them don't stand a chance. But the ones that do can wreck the party really fast. Upon spotting a Volatile, run fully into the UV light and wait for the chase to end.

Volatiles can kill Aiden in one or two hits. Dying eliminates all of the extra experience accumulated at night, so it's better safe than sorry. When the fight ends, simply find another Howler and repeat the process again.

Dying Light 2 was released on February 4th, 2022, and is available on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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