There is a heavy emphasis on RPG mechanics, looting, and crafting in Dying Light 2 Stay Human. This means that much of the game will be spent exploring and seeking out new items, weapons, and the blueprints to create them.

However, in order to do this in Dying Light 2, the player needs to gather important materials and common items such as scraps, which are vital resources in the game. This is because scraps are used in all aspects of crafting except for medicinal items.

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Whether it's making throwing knives, lockpicks, or repairing weapons in Dying Light 2, scraps will almost always be the key material that's needed before everything else. Knowing where to farm these important materials will always be beneficial to Aiden's arsenal.

Farming Scraps

Buying From A Vendor

dying light 2 Vendor buying scraps

The most straightforward method of gathering scraps to craft and modify items is to buy them from an item store. They're inexpensive valuing at only one coin per item, so it'll make gathering them less of a challenge. Vendors can be found all over the city working for Dying Light 2's factions known as the Peacekeepers or the Survivors. They will often be found in safehouses, Windmills, and other bases of operation.

Looting Bins

dying light 2 looting bins for scraps

The next almost guaranteed place to find scraps will be the bins found all over the city inside and outside buildings. Bins can often be found in backyards or near Convoy zones. Whether it's large trash cans or small waste bins, they will almost always have scraps for Aiden to loot.

Looting Apartment Buildings

dying light 2 wicker chest holding scraps

Exploring apartment buildings can often yield a lot of useful crafting materials for Aiden to find. Taking the time to explore an abandoned apartment building can be a dangerous endeavor, as it is usually filled with sleeping zombies.

So Aiden will need to sneak around the buildings and use stealth takedowns to kill them, to explore freely. The apartment buildings usually have lots of waste bins and wicker chests to open, often with scraps and other useful resources there for the taking.

Killing And Looting Zombies

dying light 2 looting zombies for scraps

If there is one thing that Dying Light 2 is never short of it's the undead. Thankfully, killing them can yield some useful items if the player takes the time to search and loot their bodies. It's completely random, but they usually have small amounts of money, rags, trophies, or scraps waiting to be claimed.

Purchasing scraps is the safest and most reliable method of obtaining crafting materials like scraps. However, players willing to search every chest, loot every zombie, and scavenge from bins will often find an abundance of scraps and other materials to modify and craft in Dying Light 2.

Dying Light 2 Stay Human is available now for the PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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