It seems like there are very few games that are announced that stick to the initial release date that their trailers show. There are a lot of reasons game delays happen during normal times, but adjusting development time to account for the struggles related to the ongoing global pandemic has certainly caused more delays than usual. Unfortunately, it was announced today that Dying Light 2 Stay Human won't be releasing on December 7 like it was planned to; instead, it'll be releasing on February 4, 2022. While this news is certainly disappointing for fans who've been waiting for the sequel, it seems like it might do the game a lot of good in the end.

Delays are always disappointing for both fans and studios alike, but Dying Light 2 has had such a storied development cycle that many are simply happy that the game is actually coming out at all. Based on the various trailers and looks into the game's development, Dying Light 2 seems like it might be shaping up to be the next must-play zombie game and it would be a shame if its development were to be rushed and for its reputation to be tainted. For that reason, it makes a lot of sense to delay the game for an additional two months to make it the best it can possibly be.

RELATED: Dying Light 2 Hopefully Proves That More Games Should Have Parkour

Making Sure Dying Light 2 is Polished

dying light 2 open world

Dying Light 2's world looks like it's going to be massive, allowing players to really explore the post-apocalyptic city of Villedor. On top of its huge size, Dying Light 2's open-world looks stunning, and it would be a shame if the immersion it creates through its beauty and realism were to be broken by unpolished parts of the map. Whether it's through graphical bugs or lower res textures, taking players out of the game's world would hurt the overall experience, but allowing for more development time could help remedy those polish issues.

Although there were many other problems with the game, it takes one look at the launch version of Cyberpunk 2077 to see how a lack of polish can instantly break immersion, even if a game's world is gorgeous. While Dying Light 2 hasn't made the same promises as Cyberpunk 2077 did before its release, fans would likely still be disappointed if the zombie parkour game were to launch feeling unfinished and lacking overall polish. Because the last few weeks of game development are often devoted to polishing, pushing Dying Light 2 into 2022 bodes well for Techland's priorities in terms of presentation for the title.

Delivering a Jaw-Dropping Zombie Game


Fans of the zombie genre were already impressed by Techland when it released Dying Light as a follow-up to Dead Island.Dying Light 2 seems to be expanding upon the original game's formula even more, which has caused plenty of excitement to surround the game. The previews, trailers, and looks into its development have only given fans more to gawk over, so if Dying Light 2 doesn't deliver on a high-quality experience, it could be disastrous. If the game ends up being as good as it looks, it'll stand out from the crowd in an already over-saturated genre of zombie-action games. However, if it releases before it's ready, then it could still stand out for all the wrong reasons.

Delaying Dying Light 2 seems to have been the correct move on Techland's part, as fans have been waiting for years to see the game and expectations are pretty high. The studio has set Dying Light 2 up for success, and if it delivers the ambitious parkour experience that it's promising, then it could be one of the all-time zombie game greats.

Dying Light 2: Stay Human is set to release February 4, 2022 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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