Players who have saved up their coins should be proud of themselves. Dying Light 2 is an unforgiving environment and it's easy to go broke buying temporary boosts that hardly make a difference at all. Thriftiness is rewarded with a pick of items from vendor inventories.

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But with a rotating shelf and a lot of fool's gold, it's easy for players to waste their cash on gear that doesn't make enough of a difference and wind up right back scrounging for cash. For those who want their purchases to count, these are the best things to buy in Dying Light 2.

Unique Accessories

Dying Light 2 Buying A Unique Throwable From A Vendor

It's hard to say that a zombie game can ever have too much zombie killing in it but for those who complete the game, the five-hundred hour mark can get brutal. At some point, whacking zombies loses its luster. There has to be a better way than just attacking, right?

Though many are calling for fixes in the game, vendors offer a fix for the zombie issue right away. The have unique items that can distract zombies and allow Aiden to pass by undetected. Or Aiden can score lots of kills by luring zombies to an area and tossing an explosive after they targets have gathered together. The unique accessories pay for themselves in loot.

Common Weapons

Dying Light 2 Refusing To Buy Rare Weapons From A Vendor

Weapons in the game are less about quality and more about quantity. Of course, nobody is going to complain about an artifact hammer that wipes out zombies in three hits or fewer, but the only time Aiden is in real trouble is when he runs out of weapons.

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Go ahead and modify whatever weapons are found, but don't buy expensive weapons that only last for a few minutes until they break. Instead, buy common weapons for cheap prices. They might not be as efficient in combat, but they're better on the wallet.

Immunity Boosters

Dying Light 2 Buying An Immunity Booster From A Vendor

Perhaps the lone exception to a craftable item that should be bought, Immunity Boosters make this list because it's impossible to find enough UV Shoomz to make enough on Aiden's own. Players that have to go to sleep at night are missing out on lots of loot, missions, and places to raid.

There aren't many ways to boost immunity in the game outside of returning home. The one-hundred coins it costs is easily offset by the valuables looted at night with the extra time. During the segments of the game where Aiden is stuck indoors, players will be glad they stocked up.

Gear Upgrades

Dying Light 2 Looking At Rare Sneakers On A Vendor

When selling items to a vendor, it's fair to wonder what they can offer in return. Gear makes itself an easy sale because sometimes the vendor is carrying better gear than what the player has equipped. In this case, pawn off Aiden's current equipment and buy what the vendor has.

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Because vendors rotate their inventory, there are no promises that those amazing gloves or that incredible helmet will be seen again; either by vendors or looted in the wild. Err on the side of buying upgrades, no matter how slight, because it's hard to say when another better piece will come along.

Rare Resources

Dying Light 2 Selection Of Resources In A Vendor Inventory

It never fails that great blueprints call for two things: one of which the player has found unquantifiable amounts of and another that Aiden has never once seen before. Since crafting is cheaper than purchasing, players should try to make it if they can.

Vendors selling rare resources used in crafting help with this issue. Who knows how they got their hands on them, but Aiden doesn't need to ask questions. Instead of hoping to get lucky and find that mythical ingredient, buy it instead.

Dying Light 2 was released on February 4th, 2022, and is available on Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

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