In a surprise Instagram post on September 2nd, Dwayne Johnson confirmed that he, along with his wife and daughters, have tested positive for COVID-19, saying "this has been one of the most challenging and difficult things we've ever had to endure as a family."

However, fans can breathe a little easier knowing Johnson and his family are at the tail end of the infection, and appear to have taken it well. After announcing his diagnosis, he quickly added, "I am happy to tell you guys that we as a family are good. We are on the other end of it, we're on the other side, we are no longer contagious." While his daughters had some minor sore throats at the beginning of the process, he reassured fans that this was largely the extent of the symptoms for the two young ones. He and his wife, Lauren, had a "rough go" but they are also feeling much better now.

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With the news about his family out of the way, Johnson then moved on to going into as much detail as he could about their infection and their whole process, hoping to help anyone watching to avoid catching the virus and/or handling things if they do. One of the important points he made was to hammer home how even his own remarkably disciplined lifestyle wasn't enough to avoid COVID-19, and that everyone should take that as an indication of just how important it is to take every precaution possible.

Johnson also made it clear that he doesn't see the virus as the political issue many seem to be making it. "I don't care what political party you're affiliated with, I don't care what part of the world you're from," he said, "I do care about all of you and I do not want you or your entire family to get COVID-19." It's a shame that some still don't understand the importance of wearing masks and how they protect others as well as the wearer, but maybe hearing it from everyone's favorite friendly giant Dwayne Johnson will get through to a few who might not have listened otherwise.

While fans can rest easier knowing Johnson and his family are well on the road to recovery, hopefully they take his story about how it happened to heart. It's scary knowing someone close has been infected, and Johnson made clear his wishes that nobody else would have to go through that like he did. Unfortunately, until a viable vaccine is made available to everyone, constant vigilance and discipline (in other words, social distancing and masks) are still the best defense for the time being.

In the mean time, why not stay home and binge some of Johnson's films? He's in 2 whole Jumanji films and they're pretty neat. But whatever happens, stay safe. It's what The Rock wants.

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Source: The Rock/Instagram