Dwarf Fortress is known for having a very steep learning curve, even with its new tutorial function. There are just some mistakes that players will make no matter what due to the games randomly generated aspects and it's vastness. Luckily for new players, the old guard Dwarf Fortress players can lend a hand. Tips, tricks, and guides are plentiful for Dwarf Fortress and these can help new players ease into the game.

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However, part of the fun of Dwarf Fortress is learning the mechanics and experiencing the rites of passage that all Dwarf Fortress players must endure. With that said, these mistakes are spoiler free and will help new players avoid some of the more common mistakes.

10 Ignoring a Strange Mood - Minds Of Madness

Dwarf Fortress Axe

If a dwarf suddenly finds themselves enjoying a strange mood, it is best to facilitate their success in whatever task they wish to complete. If, for whatever reason, the dwarf is unable to complete their task, their sanity will fail. Players can help facilitate the completion of the task by ensuring the dwarf has all the requisite materials.

A dwarf that fails a strange mood is sadly going to die, however, they could also start attacking other dwarves and causing mayhem before they pass on. For this reason, players need to keep a watchful eye on any strange moods.

9 Cats - These Cats Breed Like Rabbits

Dwarf Fortress Cats

Everyone loves cats, right? Well, it turns out dwarves do love cats. However, the cat population can very quickly get out of hand. This quick spiral out of control is commonly known in Dwarf Fortress circles as a Catsplosion. This happens because cats can self-tame and become a pet of a dwarf, meaning that they are now protected from butchery.

It is advisable to keep just one cat, a non-breedable pair, or geld the cats that live in the fortress. This way players can be sure that there won't be a sudden frame drop due to an explosion of felines.

8 Embrace The Loss - Losing is Fun

Dwarf Fortress Warhammer

Losing is a frustrating feeling in most games, but Dwarf Fortress isn't in most games. When the fortress fails, because it probably will fail. Players must get used to this and use the experience for the next playthrough. The story of how a fortress falls is usually one of the most memorable moments in the game and should be enjoyed as much as the other parts of the game.

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The creators of the game want players to enjoy the loss, it's a big part of the game. A good way to avoid the frustration would be to have a sensible goal to aim for. Maybe this time, the objective could be to create the most luxurious fortress filled with gold or build a mighty army. Try to complete a self-imposed goal and this can provide a distraction to any sudden loss.

7 Avoiding Aquifers - Endless Water

dwarf fortress aquifer

Aquifers can be extremely difficult to work around as they emit lots of water that be a curse or a blessing, depending on the situation. Most new players will be told to avoid aquifers, for good reason as they can be tricky to seal up for inexperienced players. However, learning how to utilize aquifers can create a convenient source of drinking water for a fortress. Light aquifers flood much slower than heavy ones, which makes it much easier to handle them. A room can be dug out and used as a water source in case of emergency, or just rather than traveling to a water source on the surface.

Word of caution, it can quickly go wrong if an aquifer is not handled correctly. Try not to drown the dwarves as that is another common mistake players can make.

6 Using The Wrong Dwarf - Specialize To Economize

Dwarf Fortress Jobs

Some dwarves are skilled miners, others are great with numbers. If a carpenter dwarf dies, players will need to find a suitable replacement. Make sure that each worker is assigned to a suitable role, as this aids in productivity and also improves their specialist skills.

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Though if there is an emergency and players find themselves lacking certain dwarves for certain roles, low skill is better than nothing. Players need to ensure that they specialize their dwarfs, which can be done on the labor screen. The fortress's best smith shouldn’t be hauling stone.

5 Not Using Specific Weaponry - Stab Or Smash?

Dwarf Fortress Spears

A game such as Dwarf Fortress is very complex and there is usually no best way, each scenario is likely to be different. This is why players should take extra care when equipping their military squads with weaponry and armor. Some weapons are better than others against various enemies.

Axes, in general, are good all-rounders, but so are warhammers, so which should be chosen? Well, it still depends on what enemy type will the dwarves be facing and what material is around to create the weapons. Undead are exceptionally hard to kill with slashing and piercing weaponry, so blunt force trauma is the way to go. However, large enemies are quite hard to kill with just blunt force, so piercing may be better. Try to equip a few different weapons within a squad of dwarves. That way, the squad is well-suited to most enemies.

4 Bigger Army - Size Matters

dwarf fortress military squad

Dwarf Fortress is a game that tests a player’s resolve with greater challenges as the game progresses. Once a fortress leaps over the starting hurdles, it is a good idea to prepare for greater calamities.

Once the population of a fortress reaches a large number, the militia garrison will need to be a suitable size. Make sure any dwarf that is not essential has a role in the army. If there is a tavern in the fortress, scan for any idlers that can be conscripted. When a population reaches around 80, other factions may try to siege a player’s fortress except for the undead, who can attack at any time. So creating a large army is advisable, even if it is half of the fortress. The objective of a siege is to wipe out every last dwarf and make sure there are enough ready to defend the fortress.

3 Digging Too Deep - Uh Oh

Deep Digging Dwarf Fortress

There are a lot of hidden treasures in the depths of the earth. This is why dwarves love to dig! The potential of riches is exciting, however, it can quickly go wrong. Without revealing spoilers, there are certain places, things, and creatures that can ruin a fortress if revealed from the depths.

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Players need to ensure that their fortress is in a good condition before potentially risking the deep mining missions that could spell their doom. A top-tier tip, if a player has the crazy urge to dig deep, then it is advised to do it outside the fortress walls.

2 Elves - Wood You Believe It

Dwarf Fortress Elves

Every Dwarf Fortress player will forget this one. The elves can be friendly unless you trade wooden items with them. Offending the elves by offering up wooden items will cause them to leave and not come back the same year. If this insulting offer is repeated, the elves may be provoked into waging a full-blown war against the fortress.

Any wooden items or even items that are decorated with wood. They are quite picky, the elves will even refuse items that require components derived from wood, such as lye. Even trading animals can be fatal if their cages are made of wood. So, take care when trading with the elves.

1 Not Having Soap - Beards need to be washed

Dwarf Fortress Soap

Dwarves can get grubby, as they spend most of their time digging underground. Due to this filthy lifestyle, a source of fresh water and making some soap are the dwarfs' best friends. To make soap players will need ash, some tallow, lye, and a Soap Maker's workshop.

A clean dwarf is a happy dwarf, so it is a good mood booster, but it also serves a greater purpose. Without soap, small cuts can become infected and potentially fatal. A little soap can save a life.

Dwarf Fortress is available on PC.

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