Dungeons & Dragon's latest adventure, The Wild Beyond The Witchlight, takes players to a land scarcely explored in its ever-expanding universe. Following the hijinks of the whimsical Witchlight Carnival, adventurers undergo a journey across the Plane of Faeries, best known as the Feywild, for the first time. This notably beautiful yet dangerous realm of existence holds many wonders.

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The Wild Beyond The Witchlight takes advantage of its fantastical setting to inspire awe and evoke amazement. The rampant magic of the Feywild gives rise to many wondrous things unseen anywhere else in the Dungeons & Dragons universe. As such, this adventure includes many new additions, all of which are wacky and seemingly unconventional, but remarkable.


A Split Image Of The Wild Beyond The Witchlight Backgrounds

The Wild Beyond The Witchlight includes two new character backgrounds: the Feylost and the Witchlight Hand. These backgrounds — although somewhat limited — provide many opportunities for unique character concepts. Moreover, they grant adventurers a deeper connection to the Feywild and the adventure's overarching story.

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The Feylost

  • Skill Proficiencies: Deception & Survival
  • Tool Proficiencies: Musical instrument (player's choice)
  • Languages: Elvish, Gnomish, Goblin, or Sylvan (one of the player's choice)

The Feylost background is perfect for characters that grew up in the Plane of Faeries. At a young age, the Feylost character crossed into the Feywild either by accident or against their will. They spent most of their lives in the Feywild, and thus are marked by its magic. When the Feylost grew up, they returned to their home plane with little to no memory of their time in the Feywild. However, occasional flashbacks and an unusual marking serve as a reminder.

The Witchlight Hand

  • Skill Proficiencies: Performance & Sleight of Hand
  • Tool Proficiencies: Disguise kit or musical instrument (player's choice)
  • Languages: Any (one of the player's choice)

The Witchlight Hand background connects characters directly to the plot of The Wild Beyond The Witchlight. The Witchlight Hand joined the Witchlight Carnival at a young age. They play an underlying role in the circus's affairs, and are close to many of its workers. The Witchlight Hand character knows of the various planes and worlds the carnival visits, although nothing too complex. Despite this, they seek to escape the tedious and overbearing work of a carnival hand.


A Split Image Of The Wild Beyond The Witchlight Races

The Wild Beyond The Witchlight includes two new races: the Fairy and the Harengon. These races are native to the Feywild and as such, they are imbued with its free-flowing magic. Despite their endearing appearance, they make for capable and flexible adventurers in any campaign.

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  • Ability Score Increase: +2 to ability score +2 and +1 to another; OR +1 to three different ability scores
  • Racial Traits: Fairy Magic & Flight

Fairies are a race of fey that resemble tiny elves with insect-like wings. They are a wee-folk similar to sprites and pixies; however, they are much more diverse. Like other inhabitants of the Feywild, Fairies are infused with great arcane energy. This magic grants Fairies the inherent ability to cast spells and fly. Fairies are a great choice for most classes as they possess incredible adaptability.


  • Ability Score Increase: +2 to ability score +2 and +1 to another; OR +1 to three different ability scores
  • Racial Traits: Hare-Trigger, Lucky Footwork, & Rabbit Hop

Harengons are a bestial race that are rabbit-like in appearance. Despite being natives of the Feywild, they are classified as humanoids rather than fey. The magic of the Feywild has imbued Harengons with supernatural luck and great dexterity. This grants Harengons the ability to miraculously evade oncoming threats. This race is perfect for any class as they possess exceptional versatility.

Magic Items

The Wild Beyond The Witchlight Cover Art

The Wild Beyond The Witchlight introduced many new magic items. Each arcane artifact has an appearance and effect resembling the Feywild's inscrutable nature. Despite being silly and jovial, these magic items are exceedingly powerful and should not be wielded lightly. While there are many new magic items, here are a few examples of what The Wild Beyond The Witchlight provides.

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Chromatic Rose

Chromatic Roses are a consumable magic item whose effects vary based on their color. Similar to dragons, the hue of this magic item represents a particular element. Wielding a Chromatic Rose will grant resistance to that damage type. Alternatively, it can be used as a breath weapon of its respective element.

Iggwilv's Cauldron

Iggwilv's Cauldron is a magical pot belonging to the infamous witch queen Natasha, or Tasha. This notorious cauldron has two forms that each possess unique qualities. When golden, Iggwilv's Cauldron can inspire many beneficial effects. When iron, the Cauldron boasts numerous harmful effects. Regardless of its form, only hags and other powerful entities can use it to its full power. Humanoids that attune to Iggwilv's Cauldron cannot harness its true potential. Moreover, it will age them immensely, consequently killing them within weeks of use.


The Snicker-Snack is a magical greatsword that despises evil, typically of the dragon variety. As such, it can only be wielded by those with good in their hearts. The Snicker-Snack's effects are similar to the Vorpal Swords except with additional benefits. Overall, it is a remarkable weapon with particular preferences of who can wield it.


A Split Image Of The Wild Beyond The Witchlight Monsters

The Wild Beyond The Witchlight introduces many new monsters to the ever-expandingDungeons & Dragons universe. Each of these additions embodies the whimsical and chaotic nature of the Feywild. This wondrous appearance leads many to undermine their capabilities. Thus, all those that belittle these powerful creatures meet their untimely yet well-deserved doom. Below is a taste of what The Wild Beyond The Witchlight has to offer.

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Brigganocks are small fey creatures with supernatural characteristics and abilities. They resemble greenish pig-like dwarfs with an ethereal figure sprouting from their backs. This spiritual shape is their soul, which resides outside of their physical form. In addition to this unusual detail, Brigganocks possess the power to speed up time. They use this ability to perform an hour's worth of work within mere moments.


Campestris are small plant creatures with adoration for music. They appear to be small mushrooms with tiny legs and exuberant faces. While they love music, they cannot discern the good from the bad. In fact, Campestris themselves are generally terrible vocalists. Even so, they will happily join any song as an obnoxiously nasally backup singer.


Jabberwocks are huge dragon-like creatures that use incessant mumbling as their greatest weapon. They resemble large yet lanky reptilian beasts with protruding eyes. Despite their comical appearance, Jabberwocks are undoubtedly dangerous. Using their nonsensical burbling, they can confuse and debilitate all that hear it, allowing the Jabberwock to eviscerate or vaporize foes without much concern.

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