TikTok, as with any social media, is filled with trend chasers looking for views and engagement. There’s plenty of ripe, entertaining content on the platform, no matter what, and that only adds to its popularity. There’s plenty of gaming content on TikTok too, all across the spectrum.

Whether that’s for big AAA games or for tabletop games, there are entire sides of TikTok dedicated to just about anything. Dungeons and Dragons fans, for example, often find themselves on the D&D-tok side of TikTok, and there’s plenty of interesting content related to the TTRPG. However, perhaps one of the most entertaining and unique pages on TikTok is Adventures in Aardia, which is run by DM Jacob Pauwels.

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This is because of a relatively new series the TikToker has been doing. One enjoyable aspect of Dungeons and Dragons is the sheer randomness of a dice roll, oftentimes leading to hilarious in-game situations. However, instead of rolling for something in a game, Pauwels rolls their lunch.

Adventures in Aardia’s Roll for Sandwich Series

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The Roll for Sandwich Series began on April 12 and is, as of this writing, up to 21 entertaining episodes. Most of the episodes are 1-2 minutes in length and feature the TikToker rolling and putting together their sandwich. There are plenty of entertaining commentaries as the sandwich comes together, and nice little flairs are hidden in some episodes (like toys) to spice up the entertainment.

Absolutely everything that goes on the sandwich is rolled, meaning should the TikToker roll Tuna as the meat, he does not add mayonnaise. The Sauce Roll, as it is called, comes last, and it sometimes perfectly complements the situation or it turns into an absolute disaster. He will then eat the sandwich and comment on it. Throughout this series, there have been good sandwiches, combinations no one would ever think of, and absolute disasters.

How Adventures in Aardia’s Roll for Sandwich Series Works

Since the series’ inception on TikTok, the available ingredients for each episode have changed, but the gist stays the same. The available bread and so on also changes, likely depending what is on hand, but the elements are the bread, main course, cheese, Roughage, Wild Magic (formerly known as Other), and Sauce. Previously, there were a few D4 in the series, but as of the latest episode, bread was a D6 dice roll, the main course was a D12 dice roll, cheese was a D6 dice roll, Roughage is a D12, Wild Magic is a D12, and the most chaotic roll—the Sauce—is a D20.

As a reference point, the above video (episode 20) shows the entire process. This sandwich was placed on an everything bagel, with turkey as the main course. The cheese roll saw him add Cheese Curds to the sandwich, which was then topped by apples. The Wild Magic roll saw some simple salt and pepper added, and the Sauce Roll went well with the addition of mayonnaise. Ultimately, Adventures in Aardia rated this sandwich an 8/10.

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The Best (Worst) Sandwiches Seen on Adventures in Aardia’s TikTok So Far

While a good sandwich is what the TikToker likely hopes for, it doesn’t always down that way. Some are strange, and some are downright disgusting. The randomness draws people in, but the chaos of a bad sandwich is what keeps them, alongside the joys of a particularly good sandwich. The TikToker and the viewers just never know what they’re going to get.

Three episodes stand out, so far, as the worse sandwiches in the series. Episode 19 featured multi-seed bread, hummer, asiago cheddar, sauerkraut, no wild magic, and marshmallow fluff. He described the sandwich as soggy and said he can’t find “a single redeeming quality” about the sandwich—resulting in 0.5/10.

Episode 15 saw a sandwich made on Hawaiian Bread, with tuna, Swiss cheese, banana, no Wild Magic (per its table), and marshmallow fluff. The Tiktoker described this sandwich as “sweet goo with a fish taste” and rated it a 1/10.

Episode 8 featured multi-seed bread, imitation crab meat, pepper jack cheese, pickles, salt and pepper, and Hershey’s chocolate syrup. “None of these flavors want to play nice together at all,” he said, and rated the sandwich a 1.3 out of 10 because he believes it’ll get worse.

The best-rated sandwich is Adventures in Aardia's most recent, episode 21. He rated this sandwich at a 9.5/10 and it consists of an everything bagel, olive loaf, swiss cheese, pineapple, extra roughage from the Wild Magic table (onion), and balsamic sauce.

For many Dungeons and Dragons fans, this unique series just hits all the right notes.

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