In Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos, the Dungeons & Dragons book, Lorehold College is known as the College of Archaeomancy. Archaeomancy describes the exploration of ancient things through magic. Students who choose to attend Lorehold College will explore the past and ways to preserve its lessons for future generations. This means students will often study archaeological sites and summon the spirits of long-dead historical figures.

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Lorehold would be an ideal place for College of Creation, College of Lore, and College of Spirits Bards to shine. Even Order of Scribes Wizards would enjoy the curriculum offered at Lorehold. A Path of the Ancestral Guardian Barbarian (Xanathar’s Guide to Everything), may also be able to excel in historical studies at this university. What should DnD players know about Lorehold College?

Lorehold Philosophy


Lorehold College is overseen by two deans, who are often called the Dean of Order and the Dean of Chaos. Order and chaos are core themes students of Lorehold will see throughout their study of historical events.

This college takes a similar approach to order and chaos as the struggle between Jedi and Sith in the Star Wars franchise. Order is seen as how law, religion, economics, education, and social class form structures that bring people together. While chaos places emphasis on individual actions, personal bonds, and passionate people in history.



Velomachus Lorehold is the founding dragon of Lorehold College, and the first dragon to master the magic of Order and Chaos. Velomachus founded Lorehold College so that mortals would never forget the lessons of the past.

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Her spells, breath weapon, and legendary actions are often accompanied by visual effects in the form of scrolls and tomes. Players unlucky enough to be in the path of her breath weapon will regret it.

The dragon's breath weapon deals 45 (7d12) force damage and 45 (7d12) thunder damage and any creature in its path is pushed up to 20 feet in a horizontal direction of Velomachus’ choice.

Campus Grounds


The campus grounds of Lorehold College are an archeologist's dream. The campus sits in a natural chasm and hosts a large excavation site of ancient ruins.

Students who choose to live in the campus housing may find themselves in updated ruins dug out from the cliffs. Half hazard bridges link each of the neighborhoods together, which leads to students occasionally making missteps.

Fortunately, it’s not entirely unheard of for helpful spirits to rescue students before they are seriously injured.



While it is very common for players to attempt to antagonize NPCs in Dungeons & Dragons, the faculty of Lorehold College will make players second guess themselves. The Dean of Order, Augusta Tullus, is able to conjure entire legions of spirits to reenact historical events for her lectures.

The Dean of Chaos, Plargg, in contrast, specializes in military history created a form of magical embossing, which acts as a magical brail system. This system also provides users with a tactical way to read and share information.

The other faculty members of Lorehold College have just as unique accomplishments. Crafting spirit statues, and perfectly duplicating ancient relics are just a few examples.

Lorehold Scholars


While it may seem like a tall order for a GM to fill an entire campus the size of Lorehold with students and instructors, Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos provides plenty of options to work with. There are ten types of scholar types that may be currently attending Lorehold College.

Out of the ten types of scholars five focus on the principle of order.

  • Archaeoscribe
  • Battle medium
  • Conservator
  • Pastraiser
  • Relic reader

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There are five types of Lorehold scholars that focus on the principle of chaos:

  • Chaos scholar
  • Dustspeaker
  • Ruin shaman
  • Tomewielder
  • Warsinger

Each scholar has unique characteristics that can help GMs make plenty of interesting faculty and students. Dustspeakers for instance, learn to converse with Spirits of the Past to learn their stories.

Background & Feat


Players who may want to make a character that is specifically designed to be a Lorehold student can use the optional background provided. In addition to being able to take spells in the character's background stage, players are also given a feat.

The Lorehold Initiate feat allows players to take two additional cantrips and one 1st-level spell, from the Strixhaven Spells table, that relate to Lorehold. Players are able to cast the spell without expending a spell slot, once a day.

The background for Lorehold Students also grants players additional spells, on top of any spells they may have from pact magic or spell casting features.



Lorehold College is also known for having a Spirit Statue Mascot. Golwanda will often answer the summons of one of the college's instructors, to recount the tale of what happens to a society that loses control of its aggressive impulses. Golwanda is a stone giant warmonger, who is notorious for terrifying students with her screams.

While Golwanda is one of the more well-known Spirit Statues Mascots, there are various other Spirits on the Lorehold campus. These statues can also bond with and mentor a specific student or faculty member. These mentorships can range from research colleagues to martial tacticians.

Places to Explore


There are various areas around Lorehold campus to explore, though some may be more dangerous than others. Pillardrop is full of ruins and upgraded halls used for research, classrooms, and student housing.

A bridge crosses over Pillardrop and leads to Effigy Row, which is the heart of the campus. The bridge and pathways are lined with statues and monuments depicting historical figures and prominent professors and alumni.

Players who embark on The Magister's Masquerade adventure will get a chance to explore part of Kollema Hall. Here players may attend larger lectures and ceremonies.

Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos came out on December 7, 2021.

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