Dungeons and Dragons just released its biggest Unearthed Arcana playtest packet in its long history. This massive document includes revisions for multiple classes, subclasses, spells, feats, and other Dungeons and Dragons rules.

Wizards of the Coast is in the process of revising 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons to become an evergreen system. This initiative, called One D&D, has involved rigorous playtesting via Unearthed Arcana documents full of revised rules and new content.

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Its most recent Unearthed Arcana packet is its biggest one yet. This 77-page document includes tons of revisions, many of which build upon previous playtests and surveys. Several spell lists, spells, and feats have received continued tweaks in an effort to improve the game, and Weapon Mastery from the last Dungeons and Dragons playtest has been refined and expanded to other classes. Additionally, seven full classes appear in the document, including Monk–the only one not published in an Unearthed Arcana yet.

Here are some of the biggest changes each Dungeons and Dragons class received:

  • Bards can now use spell slots when they run out of Bardic Inspiration, have more freedom in what spells they learn, and have a powerful capstone ability called Words of Creation.
  • Clerics now always have the Commune spell prepared, can deal damage with Turn Undead, and can cast the Wish spell using Greater Divine Intervention.
  • Druid Wildshapes changes have been partially reverted, but all Druids can transform as a bonus action and can improve their Wildshape attacks or cantrips with Elemental Fury.
  • Monk Martial Arts dice scale from a d6 to a d12, but only affect unarmed strikes. Additionally, several Monk abilities are renamed and reworked, and they have a new capstone called Defy Death.
  • Paladins can now use Lay on Hands as a bonus action, and Divine Smite has been reworked into a series of Paladin-only spells.
  • Rangers gain iconic Dungeons and Dragons spells like Hunter’s Mark and Conjure Barrage for free, and have an improved version of Foe Slayer as a final ability.
  • Rogues can reduce their sneak attack damage to inflict conditions and maneuver around the battlefield with Cunning Strike and Devious Strikes.

Additionally, the two classes received two never-before-seen subclasses: the College of Dance Bard and the Circle of the Sea Druid. The College of Dance gives the Bard powerful support abilities reminiscent of a Monk, and the Circle of the Sea grants Druids abilities to navigate the skies and the oceans and to control the battlefield cold, lightning, and thunder damage. If these subclasses are printed, players can expect them in the revised 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons Players Handbook planned for 2024.

Dungeons and Dragons is available now.

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