Dungeons and Dragons has released the next set of playtest material for One D&D, this time covering the Cleric class and several new species. This is the third set of playtest material Dungeons and Dragons has released for its evergreen evolution of 5th Edition.

This new Unearthed Arcana is titled “The Cleric and Revised Species.” In addition to the new version of the Cleric and revamps of the Ardling, Dragonborn, and Goliath species, several rules and spells from 5th Edition received facelifts as well.

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The biggest block of changes for the new One D&D Unearthed Arcana came with the Cleric class overhaul. Like the Expert classes from the previous One D&D UA, the progression of the Cleric class was drastically changed. Players will find their Cleric Subclass won’t be unlocked until third level but will get all the features from it by level 14. The class’ Channel Divinity feature works differently, and the new Holy Order feature gives them the ability to specialize in combat, skills, or spellcraft. Like previous One D&D UAs, Dungeons and Dragons game design architect Jeremy Crawford released several videos breaking down the new content.

Perhaps the most important change in the new One D&D Unearthed Arcana is the removal of the term “race.” Historically, “race” has been used in Dungeons and Dragons to describe what type of creature a player’s character is. Moving forward, Dungeons and Dragons will be using less-problematic terminology. This UA fielded the term “species,” but Dungeons and Dragons is open to feedback on what diction to use.

Players are already eagerly diving into the new One D&D playtest material, combing over its details and trying them in their own games. With each update, Dungeons and Dragons is growing and adapting the system, applying player feedback as it goes. Players are enjoying being able to help shape the new system, along with having their voices heard.

Of course, any new Dungeons and Dragons content is going to cause as much panic as it will excitement. From what Dungeons and Dragons has shown in its Unearthed Arcana for One D&D, classes players have used for the last ten years may play quite differently now, with some abilities changing and others being replaced altogether. Players should make sure to remember the One D&D playtest material is not finalized–and to give their feedback to Wizards of the Coast when it opens surveys for “The Cleric and Revised Species” Unearthed Arcana on December 21.

One D&D is in development.

MORE: The Pros and Cons of One D&D Removing Homebrew Content

Source: D&D Beyond