Dungeons & Dragons is among the most popular tabletop roleplaying games in the world — and possibly the greatest. However, despite what the name suggests, dragons rarely ever capture the spotlight. In truth, the few occurrences in which they appear are short-lived and lackluster. This disappointing reality is often the result of ignorance regarding dragons and their hoards.

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Fortunately, Dungeons & Dragons has realized the dissatisfaction fans have with dragons. As such, they have released a new sourcebookFizban's Treasury of Dragons, a compendium of everything and anything relating to these winged creatures. Though not every single detail of the sourcebook could be listed, here's a guide to what Fizban's Treasury includes, and examples of what awaits players and Dungeon Masters alike.

Dragonborn Subraces

A Split Image Of New Fizban Dragonborn Types

A staple of Dungeons & Dragons 5e is the Dragonborn race. These draconic humanoids are by far the most imposing yet wondrous races. However, despite their outward appearance and lore, Dragonborns prove to be rather lackluster. This error is one that Fizban's Treasury of Dragons aims to solve through reworks and the inclusion of new subraces.

Chromatic Dragonborn

  • Ability Score Increase: +2 to ability score +2 and +1 to another; OR +1 to three different ability scores
  • Racial Traits: Chromatic Ancestry, Breath Weapon, Draconic Resistance, Chromatic Warding

Chromatic Dragonborns descend from the legendary yet malevolent Chromatic Dragons; thus, it is only fitting that they possess unrestrained elemental power. Fizban's Treasury of Dragons achieves this with the addition of Chromatic Warding, a racial trait that negates elemental damage. Whatever a Chromatic Dragonborn's ancestry, they gain immunity to their respective damage type temporarily. For instance, Red Dragonborns can use their Chromatic Warding to resist Fire damage entirely. With the new subrace, Dragonborns have become a more viable choice for nearly any class.

Gem Dragonborn

  • Ability Score Increase: +2 to ability score +2 and +1 to another; OR +1 to three different ability scores
  • Racial Traits: Gem Ancestry, Breath Weapon, Draconic Resistance, Psionic Mind, Gem Flight

Gem Dragonborns trace their roots back to the renowned and brilliant Gem Dragons. Their ancestors have imparted unusual magic, telepathy, and even the gift of flight upon them. They make for considerably powerful and unpredictable adventurers, especially considering their unique damage types. A Gem Dragonborn can utilize the power of Force, Radiant, Psychic, Thunder, and Necrotic damage.

Metallic Dragonborn

  • Ability Score Increase: +2 to ability score +2 and +1 to another; OR +1 to three different ability scores
  • Racial Traits: Metallic Ancestry, Breath Weapon, Draconic Resistance, Metallic Breath Weapon

Metallic Dragonborns' ancestors are the revered and righteous Metallic Dragons. Despite their similarities to Chromatic Dragonborns, their power comes from a more disciplined source. Fizban's Treasury of Dragons marks this difference with the addition of a Metallic Breath Weapon, which comes in two different forms: Enervating Breath and Repulsion Breath. Each has the potential to deter or even dispatch enemies, granting a Metallic Dragonborn significant advantages.


A Split Image Of New Fizban Subclasses

Despite the influence that dragons have on the D&D universe, they have little effect on classes. Only Draconic Bloodline Sorcerers have any real ties to these godlike creatures. There is no other class that utilizes or reflects the immense power dragons possess. Fizban's Treasury Dragons changes this with its two new draconic subclasses.

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Monk: Way Of The Ascendant Dragon

Legend tells of a young monk that founded a monastery based on the emulation of dragons. According to this myth, that young monk was the Metallic Dragon God Bahamut in disguise. Regardless of what is true, such an order of monks exists, and they follow the Way of the Ascendant Dragon.

This tradition allows one to alter their spirit and make it more akin to that of a dragon. As such, they can breathe like a dragon, fly like a dragon, and even cast forth a draconic spirit. This subclass is a perfect balance of flavor and efficacy that outshines others.

Ranger: Drakewarden

Many D&Dr players have longed for a dragon companion, only to be disappointed. Fortunately, Fizban's Treasury of Dragons seeks to make this wish a reality with the Drakewarden. Through a unique connection to nature, Rangers of this subclass can manifest a draconic spirit in physical form, providing draconic companion that assists them in battle any way a dragon would.


Fizban's Treasury Of Dragons Cover Art

Every Feat in D&D has unique enhancements and effects. However, none grant the abilities of a dragon, except for the Dragonborn Racial Feats. So, Fizban's Treasury of Dragons worked to include three Feats to achieve just that.

Gift Of The Chromatic Dragon

Chromatic Dragons are among the most elementally inclined of their kin. As such, the Gift of the Chromatic Dragon grants phenomenal control over the elements. Characters with this Feat can harness both the offensive and defensive capabilities of Chromatic Dragons. Therefore, they can infuse a weapon with or fend against elemental energy of a particular type.

Gift Of The Gem Dragon

Gem Dragons possess a keen mind much greater than that of their draconic brothers and sisters. Thus, the Gift of the Gem Dragon imbues one with otherworldly psionic abilities. Using their new psionic power, characters with this Feat can telekinetically manipulate others, effectively dealing Force damage and pushing them away.

Gift Of The Metallic Dragon

Metallic Dragons bear the responsibility of defending the world from great evils, and their Gift grants immense regenerative and defensive capabilities. Characters with this Feat can call upon righteous draconic power to heal or protect others, rejuvenating a beaten ally and shielding them from danger using spectral dragon wings.


Halfling Spellcaster Using Draconic Magic

Spells in D&D allow one to achieve that which is seemingly impossible. Fizban's Treasury of Dragons takes things one step further with several unique spells that draw inspiration from the legendary dragons. These prove to be a valuable addition to nearly any spellcasters arsenal. Fizban's Treasury of Dragons has a huge number of spells to offer, so only a few of the best are listed below as examples.

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Ashardalon's Stride

  • Level: 3rd
  • School: Transmutation
  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: Verbal, Somatic
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

This spell's name and effect take inspiration from the infamous red dragon Ashardalon. Through the use of a dragon's fire, a caster can propel themselves at great speed. Anything and everything within a caster's scorching path must endure its unrelenting flames. Thus, not only is Ashardalon's Stride an effective means of travel, but it inflicts decent damage as well.

Draconic Transformation

  • Level: 7th
  • School: Transmutation
  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: Self
  • Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (a statuette of a dragon, worth at least 500 gp)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

As the name suggests, this spell allows one to take on the form — at least to some degree — of a dragon. This spell provides one with blindsight, a dragon's breath weapon, and the ability to fly. This spell can shift the tides of battle or evoke fear in others.

Fizban's Platinum Shield

  • Level: 6th
  • School: Abjuration
  • Casting Time: 1 bonus action
  • Range: 60 ft
  • Components: Verbal, Somatic, Material (a platinum-plated dragon scale, worth at least 500 gp)
  • Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

This spell is the creation of the sourcebook's author himself, Fizban the Fabulous. With it, a caster can create a protective barrier on another creature or themselves, using the magic of a platinum-plated dragon scale. The target of this shield receives additional protection, resistance to the elements, and evasion against particular effects. It's a surefire way to defend against nearly any danger.

Magic Items

A Thief Stealing From A Dragon's Hoard

The number of dragon-related magic items in D&D is pitiful, but Fizban's Treasury of Dragons includes many new arcane artifacts. Some draw power from Chromatic dragons, others from Metallic dragons, even a rare few hold ties to the wondrous Gem dragons. While there are many arcane artifacts to gaze upon in awe, only a couple could make it on this list — here are some of the best.

Dragon-Touched Focus

A Dragon-Touched Focus functions just as any arcane focus would, with additional effects. Depending on its rarity and the type of dragon that marked it, a Dragon-Touched Focus's properties vary. However, it generally works to enhance a spellcaster's magic prowess while granting them a unique power.

Flail Of Tiamat

The Flail of Tiamat bears the visage of the Chromatic Dragon Goddess herself. Moreover, its effect reflects that of Tiamat's ferocity and elemental versatility. With each attack, the Flail of Tiamat deals elemental damage of the wielder's choice. Additionally, this magic item can unleash a devastating breath attack, reaching a distance of ninety feet.

Platinum Scarf

The Platinum Scarf is likely an artifact of the Metallic Dragon God Bahamut, and represents everything the virtuous god stands for. By pulling a scale from the Platinum Scarf, one can enact a single of the artifact's effects: Breath of Life, Platinum Shield, or Radiant Hammer. This magic item's effects last for an hour and only have three uses.

Draconic Gifts

Adventurer Takes A Draconic Gift

Fizban's Treasury of Dragons presents a new type of boon that Dungeon Masters can bestow upon players. These unique aids are known as Draconic Gifts, and they come from the death of a dragon. Should one slay a dragon or be named a dragon's chosen heir, they will receive a draconic blessing of sorts. These Draconic Gifts can have a variety of effects, all of which are immensely powerful. Of the many new Draconic Gifts, however, only a few could make it on this list. Here are a few examples of what they can offer players.

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Draconic Rebirth

Draconic Rebirth is by far the most life-altering change a dragon's power can cause. Those that receive this Draconic Gift undergo a dramatic transformation, becoming Dragonborn. The type of Dragonborn they become depends on the dragon who bestowed the gift. Any features of one's previous race (except for skill proficiencies) are replaced by that of their respective Dragonborn type.

Tongue Of The Dragon

Those that receive this Draconic Gift gain a sliver of the majesty and eloquence that dragons possess. Thus, one with this blessing learns Draconic and becomes better at persuading others. Moreover, Tongue of the Dragon allows one to speak with the imposing volume of a dragon temporarily.


Split Image Of A Draconian And An Elder Brain Dragon

Despite what the name Dungeons & Dragons suggests, draconic creatures and the like are scarce. Therefore, it is no surprise that Fizban's Treasury of Dragons would include such a vast number of draconic beings. Many of them are dragons, while others are closely related creatures such as the Hoard Mimic. In spite of the numerous new additions, only a handful of the most impressive could appear on this list.


Draconians are the spawn of corrupted or otherwise altered dragon eggs. They resemble Dragonborns, although with sizeable figures and — usually — more draconic features such as wings. Draconians differ in their forms and skills depending on the egg from which they were born. For instance, Silver Draconians are the largest of their kind, and they possess the ability to change their form.

Elder Brain Dragon

Elder Brain Dragons are the horrible result of illithid experimentation on dragons. To alleviate the limited reach of an Elder Brain, Mind Flayer colonies will sometimes attempt to capture a dragon. Should they be successful, the dragon will act as a vessel for an Elder Brain. Thus, allowing it to move freely while granting it power beyond its psionic abilities, making it a world-ending threat.

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