Dungeons and Dragons fifth edition has been well-received since its launch, but the tabletop RPG has grown even more popular during the era of social distancing and state and country lockdowns. Remote gaming sessions have become the norm and players and DMs alike have been adopting digital toolsets to keep their games alive, and start new ones, remotely.

One of the most valuable tools for those campaigns and adventures has been DnD Beyond. Although it doesn't provide a virtual tabletop, it is one of the best ways to create Dungeons and Dragons character sheets and manage adventures and campaigns online. The recent additions of digital dice and updates to the encounter tool have also taken steps to remove additional third-party tools to fill in some of the blanks.

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DnD Beyond allows players in the same campaign to share content (sourcebooks and adventure books), assuming one player has purchased them and has content sharing enabled. This is a great benefit of the tool and eliminates the need for players to all purchase sourcebooks. That said, at least one person does still need to hand over some cash to pickup the books that the party needs digital versions of. Luckily, DnD Beyond has been offering a lot of deals over the holiday seasons and, apparently, another one is right around the corner...

DnD Beyond January Bundle

A new email from DnD Beyond seems to be teasing that a new bundle (and possibly some other surprises) are coming to the digital platform between January 7 and January 9. The email doesn't go into any details about what the bundle will contain, but does note that it is a sale event that many in the community have requested.

"We're kicking off 2021 with a special sale event that many in our community have requested. Keep an eye out – there may be some new surprises conjured up, too."

"Details coming soon!"

"Save the Dates: January 7–9"

At this point, it's a little hard to make a prediction. The most requested feature related to sales has always been a way to link physical purchases to digital purchases. The closest that the platform has come to delivering on that front has been a few standalone offers that gave players who purchased select books through a participating game shop a code to get 50% off of the digital version of the same title. It seems unlikely that the sale will be something else like that, especially since the company is teasing a bundle, so shoppers shouldn't get their hopes up too high.

Recently a bundle deal of the Monster Manual and its counterpart expansion books was offered during the Halloween season, so it likely won't be related to those either. Other contenders could be a bundle of the Magic: The Gathering sourcebooks, the three starter books needed to get a campaign off the ground, or perhaps a deal on some of the adventure books that link together to tell a larger story.

More details should be arriving in the near future, so be sure to check back for more details in the coming week.

Dungeons and Dragons books are available now at game stores everywhere or digitally through DnD Beyond.

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