In Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Allianceplayers can fill the shoes of the Dwarven King Bruenor Battlehammer. This stubborn yet compassionate Dwarf has ruled Mithral Hall graciously, and united many under his rule. With the arrival of a new threat to Icewind Dale, Bruenor must once again defend Ten-Towns alongside his friends.

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Bruenor Battlehammer is a formidable fighter capable of both taking hits and dishing them out. Even so, his stout build greatly his mobility in battle. With the aid of Feats, however, Bruenor can easily overcome this limitation to become an insurmountable force in combat. Though each Feat grants exceptional benefits, there are those that outshine all others.

10 Tough

Bruenor Battlehammer Standing
  • Feat Tree: The Anvil
  • Minimal Level: 1
  • Description: 10% Max HP Bonus

Tough grants Bruenor a boost to his Maximum HP. This Level 1 Feat enhances his already impressive Health, making him far more formidable in battle.

Bruenor is unable to maneuver like his ally Drizzt Do'Urden, and instead must bear the brunt of enemy attacks. Even though he can endure devastating hits, a 10% Max HP Bonus acts as an incredible buffer against damage. This is especially useful against swarms of foes, or particularly dangerous enemies Bruenor cannot adequately defend against.

9 Shield Master

Bruenor Battlehammer Defending With His Shield
  • Feat Tree: The Anvil
  • Minimal Level: 1
  • Description: -15% Stamina Cost Bonus

Shield Master provides Bruenor with a 15% decreaseto hisStamina Cost. This Level 1 Feat allows him to endure long, perilous battles without fail.

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Bruenor must directly defend against enemies of great numbers or strength. This requires a great deal of Stamina to effectively defend and attack oncoming foes. Consequently, Bruenor may completely drain his Stamina, allowing enemies to take advantage of his weakened state. With Shield Master, however, he can face overwhelming odds with little risk of depleting his Stamina.

8 Charger

Bruenor Battlehammer Charging A Dragon
  • Feat Tree: The Hammer
  • Minimal Level: 5
  • Description: 10% Physical Damage Bonus for 3 seconds after Sprinting

Charger provides Bruenor a temporary Physical Damage BoostafterSprinting. This Level 5 Feat allows him to charge into battle and immediately gain an advantage against enemies.

Although Bruenor benefits greatly from counterattacking, a devastating first blow can turn the tides of combat. Rushing towards enemies and attacking allows him to unleash such a blow. With this Feat, after Sprinting, Bruenor receives a 10%boost to Physical attacks for3 seconds. During this time he can easily cut down enemies.

7 Defender

Bruenor Battlehammer Blocking An Arrow
  • Feat Tree: The Anvil
  • Minimal Level: 1
  • Description: 15% Armor Bonus

Defender grants Bruenor a boost to his Armor. This Level 1 Feat adds to his already incredible Heavy Armor, making the mighty dwarf a nearly insurmountable tank.

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Due to his limited movement, Bruenor must suffer the full force of enemy attacks. While his Heavy Armor provides exceedingly effective defenses, this 15% Armor Bonus allows him to endure devastating blows with little consequence. This is tremendously useful when encountering overwhelming numbers or difficult foes.

6 Dungeon Delver

Bruenor Battlehammer Fighting An Enemy
  • Feat Tree: The Hammer
  • Minimal Level: 1
  • Description: 15% Damage Bonus Versus Elites

Dungeon Delver provides Bruenor a Damage BonusagainstElite enemies. A Level 1 Feat, it aids him in dealing with the Dark Alliance's formidable troops.

Bruenor's unmoving and stalwart build leaves him susceptible to foes, especially more powerful opponents. Although he is a phenomenal attacker, Bruenor struggles against Elite enemies, the enhanced variants of normal foes. However, Dungeon Delver's 15% Damage Bonus against these daunting adversaries makes them far more manageable.

5 Dwarven Fortitude

Bruenor Battlehammer In The Snow
  • Feat Tree: The Anvil
  • Minimal Level: 5
  • Description: 20% Condition Resistance Bonus

Dwarven Fortitude grants Bruenor a Resistance BonusagainstConditions. A Level 5 Feat, it protects him from the various harmful Conditions that enemies can inflict.

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The Icewind Dale's surroundings and the Dark Alliance's forces can both impose harmful effects. Bruenor may be Blinded, Confused, Exhausted, Grappled, or Frozen. These Conditions can damage or negatively impact Bruenor during battle, leaving him susceptible to foes. With Dwarven Fortitude, however, he has a 20% Resistance to these detrimental status effects, allowing him to endure.

4 Battle Master

Bruenor Battlehammer Surrounded By Enemies
  • Feat Tree: The Hammer
  • Minimal Level: 5
  • Description: 15% Physical Damage Bonus for 5 seconds after Blocking an attack

Battle Master provides Bruenor with a temporary Physical Damage Bonusfollowing aBlock. This is a Level 5 Feat that allows him to endure an enemy's onslaught and return the favor with interest.

Bruenor cannot Evade or Dash effectively, and must instead Block or Parry attacks. Even though Parrying offers greater benefits, in unfavorable circumstances it is safer to Block hits. Moreover, with this Feat, Blocking becomes far more rewarding, as it grants Bruenor a 10% boost to his Physical attacks for 5 seconds.

3 Grudge Bearer

Bruenor Battlehammer Taunting With His Axe
  • Feat Tree: The Hammer
  • Minimal Level: 5
  • Description: 20% Physical Damage Bonus for 5 seconds after Parrying

Grudge Bearer grants Bruenor a temporary Physical Damage Bonus after Parrying an enemy. This Level 5 Feat allows him to effectively counter and punish enemies.

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Bruenor compensates for his negligible movement speed by Blocking and Parrying instead. When under favorable situations, he can easily Parry foes knocking them off guard and leaving them open to counterattacks. Additionally, with this Feat Parrying becomes an immensely devastating method of punishing adversaries.

2 Indomitable

Bruenor Battlhammer Preparing For Battle
  • Feat Tree: The Anvil
  • Minimal Level: 10
  • Description: 30% Armor Bonus when below 40% HP

Indomitable provides Bruenor an Armor Bonus when his HP starts to drop. This Level 10 Feat gives him a second wind during combat, altering the outcome of encounters in his favor.

Bruenor is the most defensive character available, yet even he falters in battle. When against swarms of enemies or formidable foes, he will suffer and may even reach the brink of death. However, with a 30%Armor Bonus at or below40% HP Bruenor, can avoid death and take revenge against enemies.

1 Blessing Of The All-Father

Bruenor Battlehammer In A Snow Storm
  • Feat Tree: The Anvil
  • Minimal Level: 10
  • Description: Converts 150% of Constitution into Elemental Resistance

Blessing of the All-Father converts Bruenor's ConstitutionintoElemental Resistance. This Level 10 Feat allows him to effectively defend against the dangers of Icewind Dale and the Dark Alliance.

Throughout his adventure, Bruenor will encounter many Environmental Hazards and enemies capable of dealing Elemental Damage. These deterring dangers include Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, and Necrotic damage. However, by converting 150% of Bruenor's most prominent Attribute, Constitution, to Elemental Resistance, these threats become far less detrimental.

NEXT: Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance - Drizzt's Best Feats, Ranked