Players can take on the role of Bruenor Battlehammer's adoptive daughter, Catti-brie, in Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance. A kind and practical ally, Catti-brie is a member of Icewind Dale's greatest heroes aiding in Kessel's defeat. Despite this, the forces of darkness continue plaguing Icewind Dale forcing Catti-brie and her allies to fight once more.

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While Catti-brie is a skilled marksman she will require greater support against the Dark Alliance, mainly gear. Her basic Armor is no longer enough against the forces of darkness. Fortunately, Icewind dale has numerous Sets of Armor at Cattie-brie's disposal. Not just any gear will suffice as Catti-brie needs the best.

8 Cold Resistance

Catti-brie and the full Cold Resistance Bow and armor set
  • 3 Pieces Bonus: 30% Resistance to Cold Damage
  • 5 Pieces Bonus: 50% Resistance to Cold Damage
  • 8 Pieces Bonus: 2% Chance to release a Cold Burst when hit. This deals Cold Damage, possibly Freezing enemies.

The Cold Resistance Armor Set grants Catti-brie the Chance to unleash a Cold Burst and Cold Resistance. This allows her to effortlessly handle the Dark Alliance's forces, especially during the early stages.

Icewind Dale is brimming with enemies and environmental hazards capable of dealing devastating Cold Damage. Although Catti-brie should avoid taking damage altogether, being able to sustain Cold Attacks is an invaluable benefit. Moreover, if she unleashes a Cold Burst, she can easily pick off weakened or even Frozen foes. This Armor Set is immensely valuable not only at the beginning but throughout the campaign as well.

7 Sea Sprite's Watch

Catti-brie and the full Sea Sprite Watch Bow and armor set
  • 3 Pieces Bonus: 15% Extra Gold with every drop
  • 5 Pieces Bonus: 25% Extra Gold with every drop
  • 8 Pieces Bonus: 50% Extra Crystals with every drop

The Sea Sprite's Watch Armor Set provides Catti-brie an increased drop amount for both Crystals and Gold. She will need these resources throughout the campaign to perform various functions.

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Gold and Crystals help Catti-brie to effectively progress alongside increasingly challenging enemies. She can use Gold to Upgrade Items, buy Consumables, and purchase Moves that provide her innumerable benefits. Additionally, Catti-brie requires Crystals — which vary in Rarity — to Upgrade gear to a higher and more effective tier. While Catti-brie can farm for these resources this Armor Set expedites the process.

6 Alustriel's Gift

Catti-brie and the full Alustriel's Gift Bow and armor set
  • 3 Pieces Bonus: 10% Chance not to Consume Usables
  • 5 Pieces Bonus: 15% Chance not to Consume Usables
  • 8 Pieces Bonus: 25% Chance not to Consume Usables

The Alustriel's Gift Armor Set grants Catti-brie a considerable Chance to not Consume Usables. This allows her to not only conserve Potions but valuable Gold as well.

There are a variety of Potions available to Catti-brie which can influence the outcome of battles greatly. They provide distinct and immensely beneficial effects from recovering HP to restoring the Ultimate Meter. Moreover, with each Upgrade, the Potion's effects become increasingly potent. With a 50% Chance to not Consume Usables, Catti-brie receives far more utility from Potions than any other character.

5 Goblin Reaper

Catti-brie and the full Goblin Reaper Bow and armor set
  • 3 Pieces Bonus: 8% Chance to deal a Critical Hit
  • 5 Pieces Bonus: 12% Chance to deal a Critical Hit
  • 8 Pieces Bonus: 35% Bonus to Physical Damage against Goblins

The Goblin Reaper Armor Set provides Catti-brie an advantage against Goblins and a higher Critical Hit Chance. Even though this set focuses on Goblins it can unleash havoc upon all enemies.

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By far the most common and most troubling foes in Icewind Dale are Goblins. While hardly a challenge on their own, swarms of Goblins can easily overwhelm and defeat Catti-brie. With this set, however, Goblins and their hordes are hardly an issue. In addition, the Dark Alliance's forces become far less strenuous to deal with.

4 Underdark Camo

Catti-brie and the full Underdark Camo Bow and armor set
  • 3 Pieces Bonus: 10% Chance to inflict Poison upon a Critical Hit
  • 5 Pieces Bonus: 15% Chance to inflict Poison upon a Critical Hit
  • 8 Pieces Bonus: 30% Extra Duration to Poison

The Underdark Camo Armor Set grants Cattie-brie a Chance to inflict Poison upon enemies for a prolonged Duration. This allows her to weaken foes making combat much easier.

Of the Dark Alliance's forces, few are entirely immune to this debilitating Condition. This allows Cattie-brie to deal passive Damage to nearly any enemy. While Poison is not as useful against swarms of foes against more formidable enemies it is invaluable. Alongside Cattie-brie's Physical Attacks, Poison greatly increases her overall Damage output.

3 Tundra Explorer

Catti-brie and the full Tundra Explorer Bow and armor set
  • 3 Pieces Bonus: 5% Bonus to Physical Damage
  • 5 Pieces Bonus: 15% Bonus to Physical Damage
  • 8 Pieces Bonus: Successful Parries grant Precision Strikes

The Tundra Explorer Armor Set provides Catti-brie Precision Strikes and a Bonus for Physical Damage. While she is an impressive Damage dealer this set seeks to maximize her potential.

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Most enemies Catti-brie can easily dispatch however more formidable foes require a considerable amount of effort. With Precision Strikes, however, she acquires a boost to her Critical Hit Chance allowing her to handle these enemies near-effortlessly. Moreover, a general increase to Damage allows her DPS to reach exceedingly high numbers. This set is especially beneficial for solo players needing to handle seemingly insurmountable enemies alone.

2 Battlehammer Princess

Catti-brie and the full Battlehammer Princess Bow and armor set
  • 3 Pieces Bonus: 10% Reduction to Cooldowns
  • 5 Pieces Bonus: 15% Reduction to Cooldowns
  • 8 Pieces Bonus: 25% Extra Duration to Abilities

The Battlehammer Princess Armor Set grants Catti-brie a significant buff to her Abilities. She possesses both offensive and supportive Abilities capable of shifting the most uncertain of battles in her favor.

Catti-brie has four incredible Abilities: Healing Spirit,Ensnaring Strike, Heartseeker Strike, and Resurrection. Ensnaring Strike and Heartseeker Strike synergize effectively to annihilate enemies. Healing Spirit and Resurrection, however, provide beneficial effects to both Catti-brie and allies. By granting these Abilities a decreased Cooldown and increased Duration, she becomes an indomitable supporter best suited for cooperative play.

1 Barbarian Diplomat

Catti-brie and the full Barbarian Diplomat Bow and armor set
  • 3 Pieces Bonus: 15% Bonus Damage against Grappled Enemies
  • 5 Pieces Bonus: 25% Bonus Damage against Grappled Enemies
  • 8 Pieces Bonus: 10% Chance for Charged Arrows to inflict the Grapple upon enemies

The Barbarian Diplomat Armor Set provides Catti-brie an advantage against Grappled enemies. This set utilizes her, AbilityEnsnaring Strike, to exploit weakened foes.

Ensnaring Strike unleashes an onslaught of roots to Grapple enemies in its path. This Condition immobilizes foes leaving them susceptible to Catti-brie's Attacks. Following this Ability, she can use Heartseeker Volley, a devastating attack that unleashes a volley of destructive magical arrows. Overall, the synergy between these Abilities in conjunction with this Armor Set allows Catti-brie to effortlessly annihilate hordes of foes.

NEXT: Dungeons & Dragons: Dark Alliance - The Best Armor Sets For Bruenor, Ranked