Gamers waiting for Cyberpunk 2077 will be entering a world of robust implants, artificial intelligence, cybernetic warfare, and a whole lot of punk. Ideally, players excited to play Cyberpunk 2077 will want to look at its TTRPG counterpart, Cyberpunk 2020. After all, a significant portion of the game's mechanics and themes come from its TTRPG source. However, players not in the mood to learn a whole new system may be able to play their own cyberpunk game in another system: Dungeons & Dragons.

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Interestingly, D&D's D20 Roleplaying System may be modified to fit a modern, futuristic, or even a cyberpunk setting. Moreover, certain Fifth Edition-compatible sourcebooks exist to make this possible. For interested Dungeon Masters out there, just how can someone make a cyberpunk D&D campaign?

Updated on October 30, 2022, by Rhenn Taguiam: Thanks to the release and positive reception of the Cyberpunk: Edgerunners Netflix anime this 2022, Cyberpunk 2077 has seen a resurgence in player numbers. And with Cyberpunk 2077 being dead set on its Phantom Liberty DLC with a 2023 release, this marks a perfect time for tabletop RPG (TTRPG) enthusiasts to consider transforming a dystopian sci-fi setting into their Dungeons & Dragons 5e sessions. Thankfully, players can look at Cyberpunk 2077 and Cyberpunk: Edgerunners as inspiration for their planned campaign, with additional input from concepts such as artificial intelligence and other current events. Just how else can players create an engrossing cyberpunk setting?

19 Include Content From Cyberpunk: Edgerunners

Cyberpunk 2077 Edgerunners

Considering how Cyberpunk 2077 has seen a resurgence with the release of Cyberpunk: Edgerunners in September 2022, players who love anime but don’t have the time to play through 2077 may do well with just using Edgerunners as an inspiration for their D&D campaign. This time around, the vibrant take of Studio Trigger into the anime and how it contributed to a fresh take on 2077’s worldbuilding could help players and DMs-to-be get visual cues on their depiction of a dystopian cyberpunk society.

In the anime, street kid David Martinez decides to “renew” his life after losing everything to a drive-by shooting, transforming into an edgerunner and diving headfirst into the exciting yet dangerous and refreshing yet deadly world of the underground. Players may want to include plot points from Edgerunners, general concepts from Cyberpunk 2077, or even player’s own theories on questions they have about the Cyberpunk series - including rampant addiction to cybernetic implants, the rise of violence among the dissatisfied populace, and the deployment of the Psycho Squad to eliminate threats.

18 Incorporate Real Puzzles To Simulate Hacking

Hacking in Cyberpunk 2077

It’s common for sci-fi titles like Cyberpunk 2077 and other futuristic games to include various minigames to simulate advanced concepts, such as hacking. Cyberpunk 2077's hacking takes the form of a minigame that allows players to “simulate” the feeling of manipulating the game environment through simple puzzles, allowing them to achieve various results.

Those aiming to include a “deep” hacking component into their D&D cyberpunk story might consider applying a similar concept. However, instead of using a complicated riddle or a puzzle, hacking minigames can take the form of simple puzzles. Players can take cues from daily brain teasers, where they have to guess a chess move that results in a checkmate, completing a sudoku puzzle, or other logic tests. This can occur during an active encounter, where the hacker can’t do their turns unless they complete said puzzle. Using this approach to the mechanic can add a more “immersive” component to the cyberpunk experience, even if said puzzles are rather rudimentary.

17 See If Artificial Intelligence Applies

A person connected to the internet

With a Midjourney-based piece sparking controversy on AI-generated art, people are now seeing the immediate impact of artificial intelligence outside conventional fiction. And in the context of a cyberpunk D&D campaign, integrating artificial intelligence from real-world events could add much realism to concepts players and would-be-DMs aspire to apply to their setting.

Aside from the typical trope of an AI-gone-haywire a la The Matrix or Terminator, players may want to consider looking into the day-to-day impact of AI-like variants to have a more realistic, close-to-the-real depiction of intelligence devices. These include concepts such as wholesome Cyberpunk tools, smart assistants, and smart gadgets - devices and technologies people already use today but could be twisted to accommodate a dystopian setting.

16 Consider Future Effects Of Modern Situations

The World of Cyberpunk 2077

Aside from focusing solely on technological concepts that may be applied in a player’s D&D version of a cyberpunk dystopia, players may want to consider looking at recent historical developments for inspiration - similar to how the world of Cyberpunk world was created. Players may want to see whether these current events could become a “divergence point” that could spark the development of concepts and technologies that will inevitably lead to their cyberpunk setting.

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For instance, with any real-world ongoing wars, history fans may want to consider thinking about the far-reaching consequences of a long-term war going into the future. For instance, would a cyberpunk D&D campaign set in Europe be affected by the war in the future?

15 Define "Cyberpunk"

Cyberpunk anime

DMs planning to make a D&D campaign with a cyberpunk setting should understand what "cyberpunk" as a setting means first. Literary fans can trace the origins of cyberpunk back to William Gibson, whose pieces since the 1970s became pivotal in defining the subgenre.

Mainly, "cyberpunk" describes a setting where advanced achievements in science and technology juxtapose a shift in the social order. This definition explains how most cyberpunk works such as Akira, The Matrix, and Ghost in the Shell find protagonists in futuristic but dystopian environments.

14 Redefine the History

Redefine the history - How To Create A Cyberpunk DND Campaign

Before DMs get into the nitty-gritty of their cyberpunk world, they need to know what changed civilization. Did humanity stumble upon an alien relic that paved the way for advanced technology? Did a sentient AI go rogue, forcing corporations into an arms race for the “perfect AI” to counter it? Grasping into that defining moment in history can help DMs forge a more coherent and unified cyberpunk setting. It also helps DMs make their cyberpunk world unique. Remember, this technological disruption will shape everything else in the cyberpunk setting.

For instance, in Ghost in the Shell, the propagation of AI through cybernetics led to the transhuman philosophical crisis of “the depth of humanity”. In The Matrix, it's the machine revolt and the creation of the Matrix that forever redefined humanity.

13 Get Corporate

Get Corporate - How To Create A Cyberpunk DND Campaign

What’s a cyberpunk campaign without corporations representing major powers? In any cyberpunk story, it’s corporations that benefit the most from existing technological advancements in the setting. Moreover, it’s the same corporations that propagate – and sometimes fight for – the evolution of said technologies. These conflicts jumpstart the story’s narrative.

To avoid the “usual corporation” route, DMs shouldn’t just focus on making random “big corporations” for the setting. Rather, DMs should build power players that have a legitimate stake in what happens within the world. That way, DMs end up with factions than those that only exist for cosmetics.

12 Include The Resistance

The Resistance - How To Create A Cyberpunk DND Campaign

In any cyberpunk story, resistances show “the other side” of present technological advancements. Whereas corporations struggle to evolve and profit from technology, it’s resistance that struggles to undermine the authority of corporations and reject modern reality. They aren’t necessarily terrorists or juvenile rebels in technicolored outfits. Rather, resistances show a more outward and sometimes more proactive take on their desire to redefine society.

DMs should focus not just on why these factions hate a facet of their present dystopia. Focus on the change these resistance groups want to impart to the world. For example, in The Matrix, Morpheus and the rest of Zion hope to win the war against the Machines. Moreover, resistance groups don’t always have to come in the form of gangs and unruly groups. Sometimes, resistance groups begin in more hidden cadres; for example, a group of employees who have unraveled a company secret.

11 Find A Common Threat

Common Threat - How To Create A Cyberpunk DND Campaign

Cyberpunk settings remain dystopian because of their sense of impending doom. A DM who wants to create a cyberpunk setting should focus on a looming threat that comes with the setting’s technological breakthrough. Perhaps, upon discovering the alien relic, humanity has activated a call to outer space – and someone finally answered? Or, in humanity’s fight against a rogue AI, is their own “counter-AI” about to gain sentience of its own?

This threat should affect all factions in radical ways. For instance, Agent Smith in The Matrix originally served as an agent of the simulation. However, with Neo's "code," he gained sentience and sought to take over the Matrix, threatening both Machines and the remnants of humanity. In a D&D campaign, a common threat can force corporations and resistance groups to work together. On a more cynical level, a threat to all factions can help once again reshape the current status quo of the cyberpunk setting. Either way, this is a great way to introduce a new change to the setting and continue the story.

10 Test Players' Resilience

Test their resilience - How To Create A Cyberpunk DND Campaign

Cyberpunk settings shine not in the future dystopia they present, but rather in the conflict that forces new change. DMs should find avenues that will pave way for character growth. These come in the form of challenges that will test the player characters’ resilience and willingness to see the world change. Unlike common threats that pit corporations and resistances together, character challenges find personal connections between player characters and their current situations.

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For instance, a PC may discover that the corporation they’re employed in is also responsible for the death of their parents. Likewise, a PC may realize that the modus operandi of the resistance group they’re joining is the same MO that resulted in the accident that changed their life forever. Unlike usual personal plots in typical campaigns, a personal narrative in cyberpunk stories will almost always lead to a character’s transformation – for better or worse.

9 Build A World-Changing Technology

Cyberpunk 2077 V standing by his car

Cyberpunk settings meet the "cyber" in their definition with some form of world-changing technology. These concepts can come in the form of singular events such as "sentient AI" (e.g., The Matrix). Other DMs can also opt for a combination of ideas such as "sentient AI and cybernetics" (e.g., Ghost in the Shell, Cyberpunk 2020).

DMs interested in making a cyberpunk setting should find this "foundation" first. It's in these concepts that DMs can discover the numerous subplots and story hooks that can form the world around them.

8 Technology Should Cause Fear

Cyberpunk 2077 V inside the subway

Franchises such as Ghost in the Shell remain famous because of their portrayal of technology's impact on society. Despite the prevalence of cybernetics and AI in Ghost in the Shell, problems arise when these improvements happen in a community with corrupt politicians and humans with different agendas.

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Compelling cyberpunk stories need concepts that divide public opinion as to how "useful" they are to society. For instance, cybernetics make people fear cybercrimes, while the threat of a robotic uprising makes people fear AI. There's always a catch somewhere.

7 Make It A Harsh World

Cyberpunk 2077 Night City slums

Punk settings tend to be "punchier" compared to other genres. In cyberpunk settings, humans will have a divided view of technological advancements due to specific events or circumstances. These technologies will lead to a major upheaval that will change the way the world works.

For instance, ads will portray androids as efficient assistants in households at workplaces. Unfortunately, their arrival led to people losing their jobs. Cyberpunk settings can be harsher or darker than the example mentioned. These flaws shape a player's view of the cyberpunk setting. Likewise, this presentation also helps their characters understand NPC viewpoints.

6 Find A Glitch In The System

Neo in Matrix

The arrival of player characters should signal the start of significant faction plans coming to fruition. It's at this point that the campaign starts to unfold. Likewise, DMs should bring players to th setting.

Cyberpunk characters know how harsh the world can be, so they want to move towards a particular goal. They may work with other factions or work alone to achieve their agenda. An example of this is Neo being "The One" in The Matrix. When DMs try to find a plot hook for their players, they should consider having any faction make a big move for change and begin from there.

5 Decide What Skills & Features To Add

Cyberpunk 2077 Maman Brigitte the Voodoo Boy leader

With the setting fleshed out, DMs can start implementing changes to gameplay mechanics. As the D20 System primarily revolves around a fantasy setting, DMs should make technical changes to accommodate a sci-fi setting. Some sourcebooks overhaul the D20 System to add exciting mechanics such as cybernetics and firearms. However, DMs can opt for an easy fix by thinking about what features and skills they want to add.

DMs that feel overwhelmed with changing mechanics should first imagine what things people in a cyberpunk setting should be able to do by themselves. For instance, most people should know how to use computers, tinker with gadgets, and interact with robots. DMs can convert these activities into skills. For instance, Hacking and Cybernetics can be their separate Intelligence-based checks. Animal Handling can make way for Robotics.

4 Convert Equipment, Items Into Cyberpunk

Cyberpunk 2077 Trauma Team

After defining what "natural" skills cyberpunk people have, DMs can start tinkering with items and equipment characters can interact with. For instance, DMs can add specific properties to modern weapons. While Longswords are Versatile (can be wielded 1H or 2H), a Rifle can have Rapid-Fire (perhaps attack multiple targets with a penalty).

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Meanwhile, a D&D 5e cyberpunk setting can still have Magic Items in the form of Cybernetics or other gadgets. It makes sense for Cybernetics to be Magic Items, as they have to be attuned. Moreover, DMs can also convert classic Magic Items into modern counterparts, such as the Bag of Holding into a "Compression" Backpack.

3 Transform Classes, Races Into Modern Versions

Cyberpunk 2077 Jackie sitting at a bar

DMs should also make the hard decision of what Classes and Races to include in their cyberpunk D&D 5e campaign. They can opt to retain classic Races in their campaign to give them that fantasy cyberpunk aesthetic. DMs may even force their campaign to be human-only, with other factors adding value to Ability Scores and other features for character builds.

Moreover, DMs should also decide whether they'll retain all Classes as they are or change characteristics. For instance, a fantasy cyberpunk setting can still have Warlocks. Alternatively, Warlocks in a cyberpunk campaign can worship "tech gods" in the form of AI that helps Warlocks with "eldritch" hacking.

2 Look For Inspiration

Cyberpunk game artwork

Dungeon Masters can look for inspiration for their cyberpunk campaigns in a lot of places. Aside from the above media, gamers can play System Shockor even Shadowrun (another TTRPG-inspired game) to get their cyberpunk fix. For instance, in Shadowrun, magic returned to the world, and mutations caused humans to mutate into elves and other "fantasy" creatures.

Likewise, other sourcebooks exist that can provide an excellent TTRPG ruleset for modern and futuristic stories. For instance, UltraModern5 by Dias Ex Machina lets gamers play futuristic campaigns with mechanics adjusted for the D20 System.

1 Don't Be Too Strict

Cyberpunk Night City view

Perhaps most importantly, DMs should cut themselves some slack when playing a cyberpunk D&D 5e campaign. DMs should remember that unless they've made clear-cut rules in their cyberpunk campaign, they should let loose and let imagination run its course during the game. Cyberpunk settings tend to be mysterious and wacky, with hacking and AI presenting wonders that might even be considered magic.

For instance, a Magic Missile can be in the form of a magnetic blast. Meanwhile, a Hunter's Mark can be an advanced program for Hunters.

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