Artificers in Dungeons & Dragons show the potential of technology imbued with magic. Their key specialization lies in imbuing mundane items with magical properties. In the hands of the right Artificer, an ordinary weapon can become mechanized or enchanted with awesome magic. And with the right weapon, an Artificer can showcase their technological supremacy on the battlefield.

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At first glance, Artificers in D&D 5e might not seem to need a weapon due to their affinity with magic. But an Artificer with the right magic item can give Artificers a tremendous advantage in combat. And with the right backstory, an Artificer's weapon of choice can define their penchant for technology, obsession with the arcane, or love for tinkering.

Updated December 24, 2021 by Rhenn Taguiam: Artificers serve as proof that there’s a way to unify magic and technology in any Dungeons & Dragons game. Serving as mages with a knack for tinkering, Artificers become one of the Classes affected by the upcoming Strixhaven setting in the acclaimed TTRPG. This time around, Artificers will put their mastery of machinery over magic to the test against students of wizardry and magecraft. And for D&D players who want to reign supreme in this new setting, their Artificers may need the right weaponry to get the job done.

14 Shatterspike

  • Weapon (Longsword), Uncommon (Requires Attunement)

Shatterspike sounds like something taken out of a carnival or festival store, as it’s not necessarily that strong a weapon. However, an Artificer could greatly benefit from Shatterspike when faced with a troubling object. At its core, Shatterspike provides a +1 Attack and Damage Bonus to attacks.

Interestingly, where this weapon really shines as an Artificer piece is with its effect. If Shatterspike hits an object, its attack is immediately a critical hit and can deal either slashing or bludgeoning damage. Moreover, non-magical damage can’t harm this weapon, making this essentially a deterrent against most objects that can block the Artificer’s path such as doors and traps.

13 Acheron Blade

Acheron Blade
  • Weapon (Any Sword), Rare (Requires Attunement)

The Acheron Blade is a sword with a black blade made out of mysterious arcane alloy, making its crafting immediately associated with mages. Being a magic weapon, the Acheron Blade provides +1 Bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls alongside immunity to effects that turn undead. This seems like a weapon made precisely to combat holy forces, being something in tune with the darkness.

The Acheron Blade has two distinct effects. Firstly, the Dark Blessing gives Artificers a way to gain 1d4+4 Temporary Hit Points just by holding the blade. Secondly, attacks with this weapon fill enemies with dread to the point of forcing Disadvantage to their attacks until the end of the user’s next turn. Both effects regenerate every dusk.

12 Vicious Weapon

VIcious Weapon
  • Weapon (Any), Rare

Artificers have the uncanny ferocity of a Spellcaster thirsty for knowledge, and the aggressive curiosity of a tinkering scholar. This makes a Vicious Weapon quite an adequate choice for them, being a way to supplement their overall offensive prowess. Moreover, being just a Rare Weapon, the Vicious Weapon seems easily created at almost any kind of forge.

Interestingly, where the Vicious Weapon shines is in its effects. At its core, rolling a Natural 20 for an attack with this weapon grants extra 2d6 damage of the weapon’s associated type. As such, this weapon does give Artificers quite an impeccable melee edge should it be necessary.

11 Polymorph Blade

Polymorph Blade
  • Weapon (Any Sword), Very Rare (Requires Attunement)

Befitting the Artificer’s knack for crazy toys, the Polymorph Blade represents the impeccable intuitiveness of the Class. Given its rarity, the Polymorph Blade is likely something master-crafted by a smith and imbued with magic from a powerful Spellcaster. Likewise, its effects could possibly be charged with real Spell slots to justify its effects in the game.

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At its core, Polymorph Blade acts like a handy substitute for the Polymorph Spell. If this blade is used to make a Natural 20 on the attack roll, the target has to make a DC 15 Wisdom Save on top of the regular attack. If the target fails, the target becomes the subject of the Polymorph Spell, with the weapon having its own reference for the transformed output from the Spell. However, being a Cursed weapon, the user becomes subjected to the same penalties if they incur a Natural 1 in an Attack Roll.

10 Longbow

  • Ranged Weapon (Martial, Bow), Common

Just because an Artificer has a knack for magic doesn't mean they can't rely on a good old ranged weapon. With a Longbow, an Artificer can dish out 1d8 Piercing damage to opponents as far as 150ft, up to 600ft as they gain skill. Despite its need for ammunition, the 1d8 damage from afar easily allows a Battlesmith Artificer to maintain distance while still picking off opponents.

Due to the Battlesmith's nature, the Longbow will rely on the Artificer's Intelligence to make attacks. This easily gives Artificers an advantage, as high-enough Intelligence can almost always guarantee hits. Since Longbows are Common items, they're found almost anywhere.

9 Pistol

An Artificer using a pistol
  • Ranged Weapon (Martial, Firearms), Common

Perhaps a more fitting ranged weapon for the Artificer could come in the form of a Pistol. Unlike the Longbow, a Pistol boasts 1d10 Piercing damage, albeit this time with a reach of 30ft to 90ft. As a Loading weapon, Pistols do take time to reload; however, their innate high damage make them superior to both a Longbow and a Hand Crossbow.

Given its thematic context, an Artificer can acquire a Pistol from the nearby blacksmith, or even craft one themselves. Artificers can infuse the Pistol with Repeating Shot, grab a Shield, and they can become a potent long-ranged combatant.

8 Weapon +1, +2, +3

Weapon Plus
  • Weapon (Any), Uncommon (+1), Rare (+2), Very Rare (+3)

An Artificer could bring a weapon of their choice to a blacksmith to have them enhanced into their Weapon +1, +2, or +3 Variants. Compared to ordinary weapons, a Weapon +1 and its other variants become capable of overcoming Resistance to non-magical damage. Depending on the plus, the Artificer also gains a bonus to Attack Rolls and Damage Rolls equal to the number denoted.

Artificers could of course simply achieve similar effects through the Enhance Weapon infusion. But Artificers could still benefit from the innate damage boost from any weapon within this variant. This is especially the case with Weapon +3, as even Enhanced Weapon can't give the same +3 bonuses.

7 Ring Of Spell Storing

Ring of Spell Storing
  • Ring (Ring), Rare (Requires Attunement)

As a Spellcaster, the Ring of Spell Storing can do wonders for an Artificer. When attuned, the Artificer can have the Ring store Spells up to Level 5 . Anyone can store Spells within the Ring, provided they hold it while casting the said Spell. Whenever the Artificer casts a Spell from the Ring, they take on the same properties of their original Caster (e.g., the Spellcasting Ability, Attack Bonus, and Save DC).

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Artificers should likely use the Ring of Spell Storing for defensivepurposes, as Shield and Absorb Elements greatly add survivability. Offensive Artificers could appreciate a few extra aggressive Spells from their peers, which can save them in a pinch. An Artificer can perhaps make a Ring of Spell Storing themselves, purchase this from an items merchant, or have a Wizard create this for them.

6 Wand Of The War Mage

Wand of the War Mage
  • Wand, Uncommon (+1), Rare (+2), Very Rare (+3)

An Artificer who becomes a member of a War Mage band or guild may acquire the Wand of the War Mage. As the name implies, the Wand of the War Mage greatly enhances the Artificer's potential for Spellcasting in direct combat – something a Battlesmith could take advantage of.

Based on the rarity of the Wand, the Artificer gains a boost in both Attack Rolls and Damage Rolls with the same number. Battlesmiths who want a more offensive approach can appreciate this Wand, as spell attacks channeled through the Wand will also ignore half cover, making this essential in fierce duels.

5 Staff Of Power

Staff of Power
  • Adventuring Gear (Staff), Very Rare (Requires attunement)

When acquired from a mage school or from an ancient temple, a Staff of Power can become an extremely potent weapon for an Artificer. The Staff of Power has all the basic properties of a Quarterstaff – albeit this time with +2 bonus to Attack Rolls and Damage Rolls. Artificers who hold the Staff also gain +2 bonuses to Spell Attack Rolls, Saving Throws, and Armor Class.

The Staff of Power is an attractive choice for a go-to weapon given its hidden Spells, all of which cost one of 20 Charges to cast. These Spells include Fireball, Cone of Cold, Lightning Bolt, and Magic Missile, to name a few. With Retributive Strike, the Artificer can destroy the Staff can deal 16x the number of Charges left in the Staff. They also have a 50% chance to escape the ensuing explosion by traveling to another plane of existence.

4 Hammer Of Thunderbolts

Hammer of Thunderbolts
  • Weapon (Maul), Legendary (Requires attunement)

Artificers can stumble upon the Hammer of Thunderbolts inside a ruined temple, or upon contact with a Storm God. Given the Hammer's properties, it does require the player to have the Gauntlets of Ogre Power and Belt of Giant Strength. When equipped, the Hammer gives +4 Strength Score to the Artificer, and can instant-kill a giant on a critical Attack Roll.

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The Hammer also contains five Charges, which recharge every dawn. Artificers can expend a Charge to throw the hammer as a ranged weapon (20/60 Range), and can stun enemies it hits. Why become a simple Artificer if they can become Thor?

3 Holy Avenger

Holy Avenger
  • Weapon (Any Sword), Legendary (Requires attunement)

Despite the Paladin requirement, an Artificer who Multiclasses into a Paladin or gains the blessing of their DM can benefit from the Holy Avenger. When attuned, the Holy Avenger grants the Artificer +3 bonuses to Attack Rolls and Damage Rolls.

Befitting its theme, the Holy Avenger deals extra 2d10 Radiant damage to Undead and Fiend enemies. An unsheathed Holy Avenger also emits a 10ft aura, providing an advantage on Saving Throws to allies. The Artificer can obtain a Holy Avenger from a sacred temple, or perhaps after meeting a Deity in disguise should the campaign reach a point of having to save the entire universe.

2 Staff Of The Magi

Staff of the Magi
  • Adventuring Gear (Staff), Legendary (Requires attunement)

A more potent form of the Staff of Power, the Staff of the Magi acts as a magical Quarterstaff. It gives a +2 bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls, on top of +2 to Spell Attack Rolls while held. The Staff of the Magi lets users tap into a list of Spells that make use of its 50 Charges, including Fireball, Ice Storm, Lightning Bolt, and Wall of Fire.

Alternatively, Artificers can use its Spell Absorption property, giving the Artificer an advantage on Saving Throws. Under the same property, the Artificer can use their Reaction to cancel the effect of an incoming Spell and store it instead, gaining Charges based on the Spell's level. Given the sheer power of the Staff of the Magi, the Artificer may need to acquire it from an all-powerful Wizard.

1 All-Purpose Tool

An Artificer with her gauntlet
  • Wondrous Item, Uncommon +1), Rare (+2), Very Rare (+3) (Requires attunement)

Despite looking like a simple screwdriver, the All-Purpose Tool may be the best weapon in an Artificer's arsenal. This screwdriver can transform into any kind of artisan tool that the Artificer needs. Additionally, the Artificer is Proficient in whatever form the All-Purpose Tool takes. While held, the All-Purpose Tool gives the Artificer a bonus to Saving Throw DCs and Spell Attack Rolls, based on the Tool's rarity.

Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the All-Purpose Tool is its other property. The Artificer can imbue a Cantrip of their choice into the All-Purpose Tool, which can come from any Class. When done so, the Cantrip becomes an Artificer Cantrip for the user for eight hours. The Artificer can choose another Cantrip to use at dawn.

  • “Strixhaven: A Curriculum of Chaos” was released December 7, 2021.

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