Illusion magic demonstrates the power of appearances. In Dungeons & Dragons, the Illusion School blends in the fake with the real. With the right skill, an Illusionist can overwhelm the mind with their fake creations. As such, illusionists range from tricksters and entertainers to sinister magicians that use their skills for personal gain.

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D&D 5e offers a wide range of Illusion Spells that make great additions to a Spellcaster's repertoire. Some Illusion Spells outclass the deadliest magics. A simple illusion can end battles before they even begin.

Updated on September 3, 2022 by Rhenn Taguiam: Players of Dungeons & Dragons will likely be eager to face the Dragon Queen Tiamat in the upcoming Shadow Of The Dragon Queen adventure book in late 2022. However, players who plan on embarking on this journey might want to ensure they have the right tools for their arsenal to fight the five-headed dragon goddess.

Among their options are a plethora of powerful Illusion Spells that could distract her far long enough for the party to dish out their most powerful attacks. Included among these recommended Illusion Spells are illusions too powerful they could be almost real, or extremely improved versions of otherwise-mundane illusory magic.

Weird (9th Level)

  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 120ft
  • Components: V, S
  • Classes: Wizard

Accessible only to the studious Wizard, an Illusionist skilled enough in the mystic arts could use Weird to tap into the minds of creatures within a 30-foot-radius sphere within 120 feet. Taking advantage of their innate fears, Weird forces creatures in the sphere to make a Wisdom Save or be frightened with the greatest fears that exist inside their head.

The flavor text alone can make Weird such a terrifying notion, especially when dropped in the middle of an enemy army. Not only that, all frightened creatures also take 4d10 Psychic Damage on each of their turns until they finally succeed the Wisdom Save within the 1-minute limit of the Spell.

Illusory Dragon (8th Level)

Illusory Dragon
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 120 ft
  • Components: S
  • Classes: Wizard

Wizards know better than to bother trying to have a dragon submit to their will. With high-enough mystic power, a Wizard can cast Illusory Dragon to conjure their own dragon to do their bidding, albeit illusory in nature. Wizards can do this within an unoccupied space, summoning shadows from the Shadowfell to create a deadly dragon illusion.

Enemies seeing the dragon need to make a Wisdom Save or be frightened for up to an entire minute. However, this illusion isn’t just for show. The Wizard can actually make the illusion move up to 60 feet and even unleash a 60-foot cone blast against foes!

Mirage Arcane (7th Level)

Mirage Arcane
  • Casting Time: 10 minutes
  • Range: Sight
  • Components: V, S
  • Classes: Bard, Druid, Wizard

One of the more long-lasting illusions, Mirage Arcane can affect up to a square mile worth of terrain for up to 10 days. This is extremely large for an area, considering that Mirage Arcane can make this area feel, smell, sound, and look like another kind of terrain.

While the terrain itself retains its general shape, its “appearance” and perception in the minds of others could take the appearance of a hill, swamp, or even impassable terrain. This Spell won’t be able to add, conceal, or disguise creatures, however. Interestingly, since this Spell can affect the senses, seemingly-ordinary terrain could become difficult terrain throughout the duration. Even Truesight won’t dispel the illusion - only allow the user to acknowledge its existence.

Project Image (7th Level)

Project Image
  • Casting Time: 1 Action
  • Range: 500 miles
  • Components: V, S, M (A small replica created worth at least 5gp)
  • Classes: Bard, Wizard

Bards and Wizards with access to Project Image can tap into their innate magical abilities to create an illusory copy of themselves. Not only that, this copy can appear in a location the user has seen before, provided it’s within 500 miles. This illusion looks and sounds like the user, but it would be intangible.

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Not only that, but the illusion can move up to twice the user’s original speed while still behaving and speaking the same way as the user. Interestingly enough, users of the spell can “switch” senses with the illusion, allowing them to perceive events in a faraway area as themselves. When people make a successful Investigation (INT) check, they can discern that the user’s copy is an illusion, but only direct damage will destroy it.

Simulacrum (7th Level)

  • Casting Time: 12 Hours
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V, S, M (Snow or ice in quantities to make a life-sized copy of the target creature, some piece of the target’s body placed inside the snow or ice, and powdered ruby worth 1,500 GP)
  • Classes: Wizard

With the above components, a Wizard can “shape” the ingredients into an illusory duplicate of a humanoid or beast within the range of the Spell. This duplicate can be affected as a normal creature, and therefore take the same kinds of actions as the original. However, it possesses only half the creature’s HP and won’t have equipment.

This Simulacrum will be an ally to the caster and assigned creatures. This duplicate also moves according to the caster’s wishes, although it won’t be able to learn and become more powerful. Unfortunately, this meant it can’t regain any used Spell Slots. However, if the duplicate is damaged, the Wizard is capable of repairing it. The crazy part about this Spell is how the duplicate is only destroyed when it reaches 0 HP - but until then, the Spell ends only if the Wizard casts it again.

Mental Prison (6th-Level)

Mental Prison - 5e Best Illusion Spells
  • Casting Time – Duration: 1 Action, 1min (Concentration)
  • Range: 60 ft
  • Components: S
  • Classes: Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

It's often said that people make their own worst nightmares, and Mental Prison demonstrates that. When cast, the target immediately takes 5d10 Psychic Damage and must make an Intelligence Save. On a success, the Spell ends. However, on a failure, the creature perceives its surroundings as dangerous. Moreover, the target can't hear or see anything beyond the illusory prison for the duration.

Any attempts to get past the Mental Prison will break the Spell, whether the target is moved out, reaches through it, or attacks it. However, the target will have to 10d10 Psychic Damage to fully escape. With its sheer destructive power, a Mental Prison is a horrible way to kill a powerful boss.

Blur (2nd-Level)

Blur - 5e Best Illusion Spells
  • Casting Time – Duration: 1 Action, 1min (Concentration)
  • Range: Self
  • Components: V
  • Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard

An Illusionist with sufficient skill can make their body look like a blur to anyone who perceives them. In combat, this makes them extremely hard to spot and hit. Mechanically speaking, Blur imposes Disadvantage to Attack Rolls against the caster. However, this Spell won't affect individuals who don't need to use sight (e.g., with Blindsight) or can see past illusions (e.g., with Truesight).

While not as powerful as a defensive option, it still works wonders in emergencies. The Concentration caveat won't leave much room for other activities. However, this can be a lifesaver against powerful melee foes.

Major Image (3rd-Level)

Major Image - 5e Best Illusion Spells
  • Casting Time – Duration: 1 Action, 10mins (Concentration)
  • Range: 120 ft
  • Components: V S M (a bit of fleece)
  • Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

When a Spellcaster casts Major Image, they can create any visible phenomenon (creatures, objects, etc.) that can fit in a 20-foot cube. Within range, the caster can "move" the image to another spot. The only thing that reveals its illusory properties would be physical touch, as everything passes through it. Creatures need to make an Investigation (INT) Check versus the caster's Spell Save DC to know the phenomenon is an illusion.

Despite its fickle nature, Major Image can become a huge asset. The need to physically touch the illusion and make a check to discern its true nature can give the party a lot of time to do other actions.

Hypnotic Pattern (3rd-Level)

Hypnotic Pattern - 5e Best Illusion Spells
  • Casting Time – Duration: 1 Action, 1min (Concentration)
  • Range: 120 ft
  • Components: S M ( a glowing stick of incense or a vial with phosphorescent material)
  • Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

A more advanced spell in the Illusionist's repertoire, Hypnotic Pattern creates a swirl of colors that fits a 30-foot cube. The Pattern will only appear and dissipate in an instant, forcing all creatures in said area to make a Wisdom Save. Those who fail will be instantly Charmed for the duration, and can't move as they're incapacitated. However, a creature snaps out of the Spell if they take damage or if another creature shakes them.

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Hypnotic Pattern is a safe way to stop escalating tensions. Thanks to this action, Spellcasters have an easier way of stopping a fight before they get worse. If creatures do break the spell, they make easy pickings for the rest of the party while other enemies stay incapacitated.

Invisibility (2nd-Level)

Invisibility - 5e Best Illusion Spells
  • Casting Time – Duration: 1 Action, 1hr (Concentration)
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V S M (an eyelash in gum arabic)
  • Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

One of the more straightforward Illusion Spells, Invisibility transforms the Spellcaster's target into an invisible creature, alongside everything they're carrying or wearing. However, the invisibility does dissipate when the target casts a Spell or attacks anyone. A Spellcaster can increase their number of targets for each higher-level Spell Slot used.

Invisibility is a great asset for reconnaissance. Moreover, there aren't a lot of opportunities to break Invisibility on the player's part. Players may get a free pass on Invisibility's offensive potential with polymorph effects, and even a Dragonborn's natural breath weapon.

Greater Invisibility (4th-Level)

Greater Invisibility - 5e Best Illusion Spells
  • Casting Time – Duration: 1 Action, 1min (Concentration)
  • Range: Touch
  • Components: V S
  • Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard

At first glance, Greater Invisibility seems like the "weaker" Invisibility variant due to its short description. After all, the target is just invisible for a full minute. However,, Greater Invisibility allows the target to cast Spells and make attacks without breaking invisibility. This is a huge difference when comparing the two Spells.

For instance, when using Invisibility, players can only make one attack with Advantage. With Greater Invisibility, all attacks during the duration all have Advantage. It also helps to note that a lot of Spells can only target creatures that Spellcasters see, meaning that Greater Invisibility is one of the best defensive Spells out there.

Phantasmal Killer (4th-Level)

Phantasmal Killer - 5e Best Illusion Spells
  • Casting Time – Duration: 1 Action, 1min (Concentration)
  • Range: 120 ft
  • Components: V S
  • Classes: Wizard

With this spell, casters can manifest their enemy's worst nightmares into an illusion that can literally kill them. When activated, Phantasmal Killer creates a manifestation of that target's deepest fears that only they can see. Its target must make a Wisdom Save, which ends the Spell on a success. If they fail, they become frightened for the duration. At the end of their turns, they need to retake that Wisdom Save, but this time failure means taking 4d10 Psychic Damage. This continues until they make the Save.

With a higher-level Spell Slot, casters can increase the damage of Phantasmal Killer by 1d10. Granted, Phantasmal Killer takes a lot of time before releasing its full brunt to a target. However, a target forced to make Wisdom Saves at a Disadvantage through other means can remain at the receiving end of a lethal Phantasmal Killer.

Minor Illusion (Cantrip)

Minor Illusion - 5e Best Illusion Spells
  • Casting Time – Duration: 1 Action, 1min
  • Range: 30 ft
  • Components: S M (a bit of fleece)
  • Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard

Unlike Major Image, Minor Illusion simply creates an image or a sound within range. An Investigation (INT) Check against the caster's Spell Save DC can determine its true nature as an illusion.

Despite this minor setback, Minor Illusion is far more useful than Major Image due to its nature as a Cantrip. Since a party often only needs a minor deception for an escape plan, the cost-free Minor Illusion is a more worthwhile investment compared to Major Image.

Silent Image (1st-Level)

Silent Image - 5e Best Illusion Spells
  • Casting Time – Duration: 1 Action, 10mins (Concentration)
  • Range: 60 ft
  • Components: V S M (a bit of fleece)
  • Classes: Bard, Sorcerer, Wizard

Silent Image creates a purely visual illusion within a 15-foot cube. With an action, the caster can "move" the image to any location within its range. Being a visual illusion, physical interaction will reveal its true nature. As with other illusion-based Spells, an Investigation (INT) Check versus the caster's Spell Save DC will reveal this as well.

What makes Silent Image useful is its innate flexibility as a visual Spell. Given its visual focus, an adventurer can hide within its realistic walls and surprise attack enemies.

Creation (5th-Level)

Creation - 5e Best Illusion Spells
  • Casting Time – Duration: 1min, Special
  • Range: 30 ft
  • Components: V S M (a piece of matter of the same type of the item to be created)
  • Classes: Sorcerer, Wizard

The best illusions are the ones that seem real – and Creation transforms illusions into reality. When cast, Creation has the caster pull shadow material from the Shadowfell to create a nonliving object. This object should fit within the confines of a 5-foot cube, and must have a form and be made of material that the caster has seen. The more complicated the material, the less time the object lasts. With higher-level Spell Slots, Creation can manifest at a larger space.

With Creation, an Illusionist can make full use of their ingenuity. Since objects created via Creation are "real" for its duration, these things can take the form of food for sustenance, gold and gems for fake bribes, and even an arsenal for a quick skirmish.

Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen is slated for a December 6, 2022 release.

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