
  • The Battle Master Martial Archetype in Dungeons & Dragons relies on Maneuvers to control the flow of combat and has access to over 20 Maneuvers.
  • Players must choose their Maneuvers carefully, as they can only select nine by 20th Level.
  • Recommended Battle Master Maneuvers include attacks that frighten enemies, attacks that grapple foes, and attacks that hit multiple targets at once.

The Fighter of Dungeons & Dragons easily trumps most Classes in terms of combat versatility and superiority, thanks in part to their various Proficiencies and arsenal of combat options. However, the Battle Master Martial Archetype perhaps best represents the Fighter's technical know-how in tactical combat. Essentially, this D&D Subclass relies on Maneuvers to "dictate" the flow of combat.

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The Battle Master has access to more than 20 Maneuvers to use in battle. However, a full Battle Master build may only choose nine Maneuvers by 20th Level, so they must pick carefully. Just which of these Maneuvers benefits players the most?

Updated on January 27, 2024 by Rhenn Taguiam: With Dungeons & Dragons celebrating the 10th Anniversary of 5th Edition, players are bound for a new Player's Handbook that reworks a lot of D&D's core mechanics to fit both tabletop and digital formats. For players who want to prepare heavy-hitting Fighters for their upcoming sessions, selecting the right Battle Master Maneuevers can allow their combat commanders to secure the advantage in combat, especially against the game's reworked fores. Among recommended Battle Master Maneuvers to take note of are attacks that force enemies to get frightened, attacks that attempt to grapple foes, and attacks that try to hit multiple targets at once.

23 Menacing Attack

Get A Free Frighten For A Superiority Dice

Menacing Attack

Action Cost

Weapon Attack


1 Superiority Dice. After hitting creature with Weapon Attack, roll and add to Damage Roll. Target should make WIS Save or become Frightened until the end of the next turn

A Frightened enemy in Dungeons & Dragons will always try to use its turn to get away from the source of its fear, and this is exactly what a Battle Master inflicts upon its victim with Menacing Attack. When squaring off against an attacker that players want to get out of their sight, they can expend a Superiority Die in an attempt to frighten it. Not only is the result added to the overall damage, the target makes a WIS Save or else they’re Frightened of the player until the end of the player’s next turn.

A successful Menacing Attack can allow the Battle Master to focus on other opponents for a turn before their enemy returns to this senses. With the right combo, an enemy frightened of the Battle Master beside them can be wide open to attacks and have no room for retaliation.

22 Grappling Strike

Easier Access To Grappling Opportunities

Grappling Attack

Action Cost

Melee Attack, Bonus Action


1 Superiority Dice. After attacking a creature, use Bonus Action to try to Grapple the target, add dice to Athletics (STR) Check

Players know that Grappling can pave the way to some of the most broken builds in Dungeons & Dragons, especially for characters who know how to ensure their enemies aren’t able to leave their grasp. Grappling Strike is a Battle Master Maneuver that helps facilitate suuch a scenario, adding more flexibility to the Action instead of just being solely allotted to Grapple.

When used, players who hit a foe can spend a Superiority Dice to try and Grapple the target as a Bonus Action. The standard rules for Grappling applies, although the Superiority Dice’s result gets added to the player’s Athletics (STR) Check. At its core, this means the stronger the Battle Master’s Superiority Dice, the more potential bonuses they can get to render their enemy immobile.

21 Quick Toss

Get A Weapon Throw As A Bonus Action

Dungeons & Dragons 5e Players Handbook - Quick Toss

Action Cost

Bonus Action, Ranged Attack


1 Superiority Dice. Make a Bonus Action and roll. Draw and throw a Thrown Weapon. Add the dice to the Damage Roll

As games like Baldur’s Gate 3 is showing, there’s potential in D&D for Thrown Weapons to provide much-needed firepower to the Battle Master. Thanks to Quick Toss, players can draw a Thrown Weapon and make a ranged attack to throw it - all as part of a Bonus Action. Should players land a hit this way, they add one Superiority Die to the damage.

While a Battle Master likely has a better range of attacks when dealing with opponents up close, Quick Toss as a situational Maneuver can be helpful in emergencies. For instance, a restrained Battle Master who wants to attack can use Quick Toss to deal some damage while spending the rest of the turn trying to remove whatever is halting their movement.

20 Commander's Strike

Order Another Person To Attack

Dungeons & Dragons 5e Dungeon Masters Guide - Commander's Strike

Action Cost

Bonus Action (Player) when taking the Attack Action, Reaction (Target)


1 Superiority Dice, discard 1 Attack and use Bonus Action to command a friendly creature to strike with their Reaction. Roll dice, add result to Damage Roll

Staying true to the premise of a Battle Master being a commander in combat, Commander’s Strike can trade one of the character’s Attacks for the turn and use their Bonus Action to direct a nearby ally to strike. In turn, an ally within hearing range can use their Reaction to make a weapon attack, with the Battle Master able to roll one Superiority Die and its result to the damage roll upon a hit.

At higher levels, losing out on an Attack shouldn’t dent the Battle Master’s overall damage output, especially when Commander’s Strike is paired with a high-DPS ally. When close enough to a Rogue or a Monk, Commander’s Strike could potentially deal more damage to an enemy versus a Battle Master’s regular attack.

19 Disarming Attack

Debilitate Stronger Foes With Disarms

Disarming Attack - Dungeons & Dragons 5e Storm Kings Thunder

Action Cost

Weapon Attack


1 Superiority Dice. Add roll to Weapon Attack. When hitting enemy with a Weapon Attack. Enemy does STR Save to drop a weapon of their choosing.

Unless one is a Monk in Dungeons & Dragons, unarmed strikes won’t do as much damage to opponents compared to moments when one is wielding a weapon. This caveat makes Disarming Attack an effective way of debilitating enemy mobs, mainly when Battle Masters use this on pesky opponents. Disarming Attack activates upon hitting an opponent with a weapon attack, wherein players can expend a Superiority Die to add to their damage roll while also forcing the target to make a Strength Save. Upon failure, that opponent drops an object of the player’s choosing.

Depending on the level, a Battle Master could potentially expend all their Superiority Die to make as many as four opponents drop their weapons. This can give a lot of openings for other teammates to take advantage of an enemy’s lowered DPS.

18 Lunging Attack

Increase Reach Of Attack

Lunging Attack - Dungeons & Dragons 5e Storm Kings Thunder

Action Cost

Melee Weapon Attack


1 Superiority Dice. Roll when making a Melee Weapon Attack. Extend attack’s reach by 5ft., then add result to Damage Roll

Most Battle Masters in D&D fight in melee range due to the nature of their base Fighter Class, making it rather difficult to hit opponents at mid-range unless they have Reach Weapons such as Spears and Glaives. However, Lunging Attack can give players a much-needed upgrade on their attacking capabilities, requiring a Superiority Die in exchange for giving them a 5-foot range extension while adding its results to the damage roll.

When used by a typical melee fighter, the 10-foot attack range can give Battle Masters the opportunity to protect adjacent allies from much further threats. Moreover, using Reach Weapons such as Glaives can give Battle Masters the benefit of safety as they don’t have to move as much to secure an attack at mid-range.

17 Pushing Attack

Push An Enemy To Maneuver Them Into A Bad Scenario

Pushing Attack - Dungeons & Dragons 5e Dungeon of the Mad Mage

Action Cost

Weapon Attack


1 Superiority Dice. After hitting target, roll dice and add to Damage Roll. If target is Large or smaller, make a STR Save or be pushed 15ft. away

With the Charger Feat, a D&D character can Dash towards an opponent to either make an attack or shove them away. However, Battle Masters can get an improved version of this Feat with Pushing Attack, where a Superiority Die is added to the damage roll while making a Strength Save against being pushed. Failing this pushes them away from the Battle Master as far as 15 feet, giving the Battle Master and their allies room to outmaneuver them.

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At its core, Pushing Attack becomes a decent substitute for the Charger Feat, as this “reverses” the ability’s steps without the cost of an entire Feat. This means players can replace their Charger Feat with a more useful ability, especially for players who want to min-max their character’s overall combat style.

16 Tactical Assessment

Study Situations More Efficiently

Tactical Assessment

Action Cost

Investigation (INT), History (INT), Insight (WIS) Check


1 Superiority Dice. Roll and add the result to the above check

Sometimes, the Battle Master is not only useful inside combat but also outside of it, especially when assessing strategies and tactics of war - perfect for D&D Fighters with a military background. This is reflected in Tactical Assessment, one of the more useful non-combat utility Maneuvers in the Battle Master’s arsenal.

When activated, Tactical Assessment can have the Battle Master roll a Superiority Die and add the result to an Ability Check, provided that said check is related to Investigation (Intelligence), History (Intelligence), and Insight (Wisdom). This is a great supplement to Battle Master builds with D&D Backgrounds attached to law enforcement.

15 Rally

Give Temporary HP To Allies

Rally in Dungeons and Dragons

Action Cost

Reaction, Melee Attack


1 Superiority Dice. A friendly companion who can see or hear the player gets Superiority Dice Roll + CHA Mod Temp HP

As one of the Maneuvers highlighting the motivating nature of the Battle Master as an archetype in D&D, Rally is a great way for a Battle Master to give emergency healing to their allies. This is perfect for players who love tactical combat encounters, especially in online D&D campaigns.

When used, Rally will have the Battle Master roll a Superiority Dice. They can use the result of the roll (plus the player’s Charisma Modifier) as Temporary HP which they can bestow to a target of their choosing. This can serve as emergency healing to an ally in need, such as the team’s original healer, or provide extra survivability to an NPC that players need to protect as part of their mission.

14 Bait And Switch

Switch Places For Better Combat Visibility

Bait and Switch in Dungeons and Dragons

Action Cost

Has already moved at least 5ft. Movement


1 Superiority Dice, switch places with a creature within 5ft. without provoking Opportunity Attacks. Roll the dice, the result is added to the AC of the player or target until the start of the player’s next turn

As the name implies, Bait and Switch allows Battle Masters not just to feint an attack but make a strategic displacement that practically repositions members of the team for free.

To do this, the Battle Master Fighter of D&D must be within five (5) feet of a target creature. They can spend a Superiority Die to switch places with the said creature, provided the creature is willing and the Battle Master still has at least five-feet worth of movement to spend. Not only that, but the creature used in the Bait and Switch receives an AC boost equal to the number on the Superiority Dice until the Battle Master starts their next turn.

13 Maneuvering Attack

Maneuver Comrades Into Positions Easily

Maneuvering Attack - Dungeons & Dragons 5e Dungeon Masters Guide

Action Cost

Weapon Attack (Player), Reaction (Target)


1 Superiority Dice. After hitting a creature with a Weapon Attack, roll and add to Damage Roll. Choose friendly creature nearby, they can use their Reaction to move half speed without provoking Opportunity Attacks

Tacticians in the thick of combat don’t just bark orders to their comrades while they sit comfortably on a chair - they lead by example and often make assessments while fending for their own. This is reflected in D&D through Maneuvering Attack, which is both an attack and a free movement option perfect for D&D newcomers.

With this particular Maneuver, players can spend one Superiority Die after hitting a creature with a weapon attack. In doing so, they can add the number rolled in the die to their damage roll (which in this case isn’t the priority) and choose a target that can hear or see them. That creature can use its Reaction to move up to half its speed without provoking Attacks of Opportunity from the player’s original attack target. This Maneuver is perfect for allies to reposition to a more advantageous location.

12 Evasive Footwork

Add AC While Moving To Avoid Opportunity Attacks

Evasive Footwork

Action Cost



1 Superiority Dice. Add roll to the AC until players stop moving

While some players may be convinced that the best Battle Master Maneuvers are the ones that are the most complicated, this isn’t necessarily the case. For instance, Evasive Footwork is a nifty Dungeons & Dragons defensive option for Battle Masters who find themselves in a bind against tricky foes while defending the rest of the team.

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With this Maneuver, players can move and spend one Superiority Die and add the number rolled to their AC until they stop moving. This essentially boosts their AC to almost surely avoid Attacks of Opportunity, which can be a bummer for enemies if they’ve originally surrounded the Battle Master in question.

11 Ambush

Improve The Fighter’s Combat Entrance

Ambush - Dungeons & Dragons Best Battle Master Maneuvers

Action Cost

Stealth (Dexterity) Check, Initiative Roll


1 Superiority Dice, add result to the roll

Provided the Battle Master isn’t incapacitated, they can spend one Superiority Die to make an Ambush Maneuver. When activated, Ambush adds the result of that roll to an Initiative Roll or a Stealth (DEX) check.

In terms of usage, Advantage on Stealth always helps in terms of large rolls. For instance, Ambush works great if the Battle Master has to sneak around a room undetected or elude a pursuit through a crowd. Likewise, a Battle Master can get more positioning opportunities the higher their Initiative gets.

10 Commanding Presence

Improve Staple Checks

Commanding Presence - 5e Dungeon Master's Guide

Action Cost

Intimidation (CHA), Performance (CHA), Persuasion (CHA) Check


1 Superiority Dice, add result to the Ability Check

Battle Masters didn’t just train in the art of combat, but in the art of diplomacy as well. With Commanding Presence, the Battle Master can add a Superiority Die to improve on a Persuasion (CHA), Performance (CHA), or Intimidation (CHA) check.

If the Battle Master focuses too much on their battle training, Commanding Presence ensures they don’t get rusty in terms of their people skills. Commanding Presence can greatly help the Battle Master become a secondary “Face” of the team, even with a low Charisma. For parties who know they could do more investigating splitting up, having a Battle Master work on their own to talk with people and uncover clues can expedite social challenges.

9 Distracting Strike

Secure Advantage To A Strong Target’s Attack

Distracting Strike - Dungeons & Dragons Best Battle Master Maneuvers

Action Cost

Weapon Attack


1 Superiority Dice, add to Damage Roll. Next Attack Roll to the target has Advantage until the start of the next turn

A Battle Master knows that being straightforward won’t always win battles. With a Distracting Strike, a Battle Master can transform an attack into a feint, giving allies an opening against their target. In terms of mechanics, Distracting Strike will trade a Superiority Die to gain Advantage in their next attack against that target. This second attack has to be done before the Battle Master starts their next turn, though.

Distracting Strike is a great way to incentivize coordinated attacks with other heavy hitters in the group. This Maneuver works best with Monks, Rogues, and other Classes that have devastating attack combos. To maximize this Maneuver’s benefits, try pairing this up with high-powered attacks such as Sneak Attack, Harm, and Inflict Wounds.

8 Precision Attack

Simple Attack Roll Modifier For More Consistent Attacks

Precision Strike - Dungeons & Dragons Best Battle Master Maneuvers

Action Cost

Weapon Attack


1 Superiority Dice. When making a Weapon Attack, roll dice and add to the roll. Can be used before or after the Attack Roll is made.

Unlike other combatants, a Battle Master knows how to make the best approach into any attack. When activated, Precision Attack prompts the Battle Master to spend one Superiority Die and add it to their current attack roll. They can use Precision Strike before or after making the attack roll but before applying any attack effects.

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Given the rare number of Superiority Dice every encounter, Precision Attack works in emergencies where it is crucial for an attack to hit. Given that Precision Attack can work after rolling for AC, a Battle Master can use this precisely when they need to. Additionally, since Precision Attacks don’t need Actions to pull off, attacks that use Bonus Actions will have more firepower with Precision Attack.

7 Goading Attack

Perfect For Tank Taunt Plays

Goading Attack - Dungeons & Dragons Best Battle Master Maneuvers

Action Cost

Weapon Attack


1 Superiority Dice. When hitting a create with a Weapon Attack, roll dice and add to Damage Roll. Target to WIS Save, failure inflicts Disadvantage on all Attack Rolls against targets other than the player until the end of the player’s next turn

A Battle Master knows that an angry opponent will almost always make a mistake. With Goading Attack, they can lure their targets into a trap. When attacking, Goading attack will expend a Superiority Die to taunt the opponent. This will force them to make a Wisdom Save. If the target fails, they will have Disadvantage on all attacks against targets aside from the Battle Master. This lasts until the Battle Master ends their next turn.

Goading attack serves as one of the rare instances of a taunt mechanic in 5e. Menacing attack is the more efficient option in terms of forcing a debuff to the enemy; however, Goading Attack works just as well if the Battle Master needs an opponent – such as a powerful boss – to focus on them while allies reposition or dish out more attacks.

6 Feinting Attack

Secure Advantage To An Attack Within The Turn

Feinting Attack - Dungeons and Dragons Best Worst Battle Master Maneuvers

Action Cost

Bonus Action


1 Superiority Dice. Use Bonus Action to feint an attack against a creature within 5ft. Gain Advantage on Attack Roll against that creature this turn. Add the result to Damage Roll

With this Maneuver, Battle Masters can roll a Superiority Die and a Bonus Action to feint against a target. The player then has Advantage on the next attack roll against that target during the same turn. On a hit, they add the Superiority Die's result to the damage.

An ability that adds Advantage to one's own attack is a godsend against powerful bosses. Moreover, Fighters that use potent weapons can capitalize on Feinting Attack to potentially land much-needed hits to eliminate enemies much faster. This Maneuver is perfect for players planning on attacking their target during that turn.

5 Sweeping Attack

Multi-Hit An Enemy With The Same Attack

Sweeping Attack

Action Cost

Melee Attack


1 Superiority Dice. After hitting a creature with a Melee Attack, choose a creature within 5ft of the target. If it can get hit by the original Attack Roll, it takes Superiority Dice Roll Damage

While the D&D 5e Action Economy and its Fighting Styles do pave the way for more methods of inflicting damage in combat, Martial Classes like the Battle Master do lack the innate DPS of Spellcasters especially when they pull off AOEs with just a few rolls of the dice. Thanks to Sweeping Attack, Battle Masters have the option of extending a single weapon attack towards two targets, even for a lesser overall DPS.

To pull this off, players need to hit a creature that has another creature adjacent to it. They need to expend a Superiority Dice, wherein the Dice is spent if the adjacent creature would be hit by the original Attack Roll that hit the first creature. In this situation, the rolled result is dealt to the second creature while also sharing the same Damage Type.

4 Parry

Use A Reaction To Avoid Enemy Attacks

Parry - Dungeons and Dragons Best Worst Battle Master Maneuvers

Action Cost

Weapon Attack, Reaction


1 Superiority Dice. After being hit by a Melee Attack, roll dice. Use Reaction to reduce the Damage by result + DEX Mod

With Parry, Battle Masters can spend a Reaction and one Superiority Die to successfully parry otherwise-deadly attacks. If they trigger this Maneuver, they can reduce the opponent's damage based on the Superiority Die roll and their Dexterity Modifier.

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Reducing overall damage always trumps having to get healing from Spellcasters. Remember, players will almost always need healing when dealing with powerful bosses. If there's a way to reduce damage, then the party will always have better survivability.