Magic items in Dungeon & Dragons are some of the most exciting tools that players can attain. From simple bonuses to abilities to unique effects that defy the laws of physics. Depending on the type of game that the players are involved in, they might have access to an entire magical arsenal, or do their best with only a handful of magical artifacts.

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However, certain items can be much more than a simple tool for a job. From corrupting powers to world-ending cataclysms, some items can bring unmitigated chaos to both the players, and the world they are exploring. Whether to make them accessible in D&D or not is completely up to the DM, but their impact on a story is undeniable.

8 Sovereign Glue

Sovereign Glue

This is fun, but a terrifyingly powerful item in the wrong hands. The Sovereign Glue can permanently bond two objects together, with almost no way of undoing the effect. The effect is absolute, no feats of strength or power can undo the bond, save for the Universal Solvent, Oil of Etherealness, or the most powerful spell: Wish.

One small bottle is enough to wreak havoc in cities, imprison enemies, or defy the laws of physics. One must carefully consider using it, as without the proper tools, reversing it might be impossible.

7 Ring of Three Wishes

Ring of Three Wishes

Ring of Three Wishes acts exactly as advertised. Having access to a Wish spell is usually reserved for mages of the highest order, those who have supposedly learned the true nature of power and the responsibility behind it.

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What happens when a bunch of overhyped adventurers get their hands on one? Pretty much anything that can be imagined, but almost never something that the DM expects. From riches to power, to giving all turtles wings. How exactly that will turn out is up to the Dungeon Master, but giving that much power to players might lead to an absolute disaster—or an amazing story.

6 Vorpal Sword

Vorpal Sword

The Vorpal Sword is one of the most legendary weapons in the multiverse. It is a weapon of great power and renown, known for its ability to sever the heads of its enemies with a single strike. The sword is often sought after by adventurers and warriors seeking to defeat powerful foes and enemies.

It can be an amazing ultimate weapon to give to a player, but its ability to instantly decapitate an enemy can trivialize most encounters, making it a very dangerous item at any point in the game.

5 Eye And Hand Of Vecna

Eye and Hand of Vecna

Vecna is one of the most infamous Dungeons and Dragons villains, being a legendary lich that ascended to divinity. It is no surprise then, that his artifacts hold immense dark power, granting unbelievable magical prowess, and even access to Wish.

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Much like other corrupted magic items, they gradually affect the mind of the individual that tries to tempt fate and wield them. The interesting part about this combination is that the Eye and the Hand are extremely powerful as separate items, but grant even greater boons when combined, dooming the individual to fall under Vecna’s control.

4 The Book of Vile Darkness

Book of Vile Darkness

The Book of Vile Darkness is a legendary tome of forbidden knowledge, rumored to contain the most depraved and malevolent spells and secrets known to the multiverse. Its pages are said to be bound in the flesh of evil creatures and inscribed with the blood of their victims.

The book's contents are so vile that even the most hardened adventurers and scholars fear to even touch it. Players might be tasked with finding or destroying it, but there is always a chance that they decide to keep it, dooming themselves and the world.

3 Wand of Orcus

Wand of Orcus

This might be the most dangerous Wand in the game. This powerful artifact is a symbol of Orcus, the Demon Prince of the Undead. The Wand can create and control undead creatures, granting its user incredible power over life and death. But players have to pay a great price if they wish to try and control it, as the wand will gradually corrupt the players, bending them to its will.

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The Wand is also a magnet for other evil creatures, drawing them to its user and potentially putting them in harm's way. And worst of all, the Wand has a mind of its own. It can turn on its user at any moment, potentially leading to their ultimate downfall.

2 Sphere Of Annihilation

Sphere of Annihilation

The Sphere of Annihilation is a powerful magic item that can destroy almost anything it touches. It's a weapon of mass destruction that can bring about the end of entire civilizations. The Sphere’s power is so great that only a highly Intelligent character even has a chance of controlling it, with a DC 25 check to move it in any direction.

It's easy to see how in the wrong hands, this can be a devastating tool to have. Who knows what players would choose to do with it? From bringing down the dark mage’s castle, to wiping off the store of that pesky merchant that wouldn't give them a discount.

1 Deck Of Many Things

Deck of Many Things

The Deck of Many Things is both a blessing and a curse. This seemingly innocuous deck of cards can grant players their greatest desires or destroy everything they hold dear. The unpredictable nature of the Deck has made it a notorious item among players, and it's not hard to see why.

The Deck's power can change the course of a campaign and leave players struggling to pick up the pieces. Or they could be granted riches beyond their wildest dreams, and powers far exceeding their own. One thing is for certain: once a player draws a card, their journey will never be the same again.

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