
  • Choose your Warlock patron wisely for unique abilities - be it the celestial healing or fiend's demonic powers.
  • Embrace the darkness or the light with Warlock subclasses like the Undying or Archfey for different playstyles.
  • Learn the art of battle with the Hexblade patron or dive into the depths with the Fathomless for a nautical adventure.

The Warlock class stands as one of the most popular choices in Dungeons and Dragons. They differ from the other casting classes such as Wizards or Sorcerers. They do not dedicate years to studying like the former, nor are they born with magic abilities like the latter.

Dungeons & Dragons: Every Casting Class, Ranked

There are many casting classes to choose from in Dungeons & Dragons. Here's a look at all of them, ranked.

Instead, Warlocks are more akin to Clerics or Paladins, which is ironic considering the dark places where some obtain their power. They reach out to lesser deities and sometimes dangerous entities to make deals with them. Warlocks pledge their servitude and their souls upon death to these beings in return for magic.

Updated May 19, 2024 by Mara Cowley: D&D is something of a hot topic nowadays, with the latest campaign, Vecna: Eve of Ruin, set to release later this month, and its inclusion in the popular, asymmetrical multiplayer horror game Dead by Daylight. This could see a whole slew of new fans deciding to take up adventuring for themselves, and they might need some pointers to help them create the perfect character.

For those choosing the warlock class, they might need help deciding which of the warlock patrons to choose, as this shapes the future of their character. Thus, this article has been updated to include more key information on each of the official DnD warlock patrons so they can make a more informed decision on what warlock patron is the best for them and their character.

9 The Archfey

The Ability To Charm And Frighten

A fey sharing laughs with some pseudodragons
  • Warlocks of this subclass devote themselves to the trickster deities from the mystic Feywild. A Warlock gains boons befitting their nature, such as skills to enthrall or frighten others in or out of combat.

Expanded Spell List for the Archfey

  • 1st Level - Faerie Fire, Sleep
  • 2nd Level - Calm Emotions, Phantasmal Force
  • 3rd Level - Blink, Plant Growth
  • 4th Level - Dominate Beast, Greater Invisibility
  • 5th Level - Dominate Person, Seeming

Known as the tricksters among the patrons, the Archfey brings their mischievous nature to their patronage with their Fey Presence ability, Mist Escape, Beguiling Disguise, and Dark Delirium, granted at 1st, 6th, 10th, and 14th level, respectively. Three of these abilities are dedicated to charming or frightening other creatures, so leveling up in this subclass offers little new abilities to warlocks and just provides them more of the same. When compared to other features provided by other patrons, these fall short.

In addition to the lackluster abilities, the expanded spell list leaves a lot to be desired. It favors situational utility spells such as Faerie Fire and Seeming. Though savvy players can create their own fun with these spells, they lack the usefulness other spells do.

8 The Great Old One

Unlocking The Secrets Of Forbidden Knowledge

An otherworldy tentacles creature emerging from a body of water
  • Inspired by the works of Lovecraft, the Great Old One brings cosmic horror to the world of D&D. Warlocks with this patron bring a cacophony of madness and mind powers.

Expanded Spell List for the Great Old One

  • 1st Level - Dissonant Whispers, Tasha's Hideous Laughter
  • 2nd Level - Detect Thoughts, Phantasmal Force
  • 3rd Level - Clairvoyance, Sending
  • 4th Level - Dominate Beast, Evard's Black Tentacles
  • 5th Level - Dominate Person, Telekinesis

The Great Old One is an otherworldly entity similar to Cthulhu, who is actually named as one of the possible patrons to choose from. Beings that escape the realm of reality and drive people to madness, the Great Old Ones awaken latent mind powers in their followers, allowing them to communicate telepathically, ward against mind-reading, and turn a foe's bad luck into their good fortune.

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This patron grants warlocks slightly more variety than the Archfey, but given that Warlocks are risking their sanity, they get little reward. There are fantastic flavor opportunities for a Great Old One, but for players looking for a bit more firepower, there are better patrons to choose from.

7 The Genie

Magical Vessel

A genie warlock dealing damage to a weapon wielding barbarian.
  • Freeing a genie grants users mastery over the elements and the genie's vessel. The Warlock can also take refuge inside that vessel.

Expanded Spell List for the Genie

  • 1st Level - Detective Evil and Good (Genie), Sanctuary (Dao), Thunderwave (Djinni), Burning Hands (Efreeti), Fog Cloud (Marid)
  • 2nd Level - Phantasmal Force (Genie), Spike Growth (Dao), Gust of Wind (Djinni), Scorching Ray (Efreeti), Blur (Marid)
  • 3rd Level - Create Food and Water (Genie), Meld into Stone (Dao), Wind Wall (Djinni), Fireball (Efreeti), Sleet Storm (Marid)
  • 4th Level - Phantasmal Killer (Genie), Stone Shape (Dao), Greater Invisibility (Djinni), Fire Shield (Efreeti), Control Water (Marid)
  • 5th Level - Creation (Genie), Wall of Stone (Dao), Seeming (Djinni), Flame Strike (Efreeti), Cone of Cold (Marid)
  • 9th Level - Wish

Introduced in Tasha'a Cauldron of Everything, the Genie subclass allows players the chance to form a deal with the elusive noble genies in the Elemental Plane. The genie grants elemental benefits, such as a resistance to one type of elemental damage depending on which element that genie possesses. This elemental decision also alters the expanded spell list the Warlock gains access to.

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The main feature of the genie subclass is the vessel that grants them their powers. This vessel also acts like a magical container that the Warlock can retreat into for several hours up to double their proficiency bonus. This means that the vessel could be used to take a long rest inside once the warlock reaches higher levels. The vessel is the main draw of the Genie Warlock subclass, and while this is a unique idea, it doesn't stand out as much as the benefits granted by other patrons.

6 The Fiend

Healing As They Harm

A powerful Pit Fiend seated on his hellish throne in an infernal background.
  • These corrupt Patrons grant their Warlocks the ability to heal themselves as they injure others, as well as more horrifying abilities befitting the infernal pact.

Expanded Spell List for the Fiend

  • 1st Level - Burning Hands, Command
  • 2nd Level - Blindness/Deafness, Scorching Ray
  • 3rd Level - Fireball, Stinking Cloud
  • 4th Level - Fire Shield, Wall of Fire
  • 5th Level - Flame Strike, Hallow

Those that shake hands with a devil gain the infernal benefits of these hellish creatures, including an expanded spell list of pyromaniac spells such as Burning Hands and Flame Strike, and a variety of additional features.

Forming a pact with a powerful pit fiend or one of the mighty demon lords of Hell grants Warlocks the ability to heal themselves from the deaths of others, gain a d10 boost to their rolls once per long rest, choose one type of damage to be resistant to, and hurtle their enemies into a nightmarish hellscape. Of course, a Warlock must be at the appropriate level to reap these rewards, but Fiends are rather generous patrons. Players must hope it is worth the price of spending eternity in hell upon death.

5 The Celestial

Partial Healer

A celestial being flying aloft white feathery wings, glowing with radiant power.
  • This subclass straddles the line between Cleric and Warlock, allowing them to heal without taking away the bread-and-butter components of the main class.

Expanded Spell List for the Celestial

  • 1st Level - Cure Wounds, Guiding Bolt
  • 2nd Level - Flame Sphere, Lesser Restoration
  • 3rd Level - Daylight, Revivify
  • 4th Level - Guardian of Fire, Wall of Fire
  • 5th Level - Flame Strike, Greater Restoration

For players stuck between choosing a Cleric or a Warlock, they need look no further than the Celestial Warlock. This subclass breaks the stereotype that all Warlocks dabble in dark arts, by offering an angelic alternative with healing abilities.

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Those who choose to accept the aid of a celestial creature gain access to healing spells such as Cure Wounds, as well as powerful radiant spells such as Guiding Bolts. This allows the warlock to find the balance between healing and damage. They also get pact features that bolster their healing, such as Healing Light, which allows them to use a pool of d6's equal to their level+1 to heal other creatures from a distance. They can also resist death at level 14. The Celestial Warlock stands out as not only a unique concept but a powerful one at that.

4 The Undead

The Gifts Of Unlife

The demilich Acererak stands on a mountain of corpses as he channels purple energy through his hands and gnarled staff.
  • Striking a deal with Undead Patrons gives players a taste of unlife, such as no longer needing to eat, drink, or breathe, as well as resistance to necrotic damage.

Expanded Spell List for the Celestial

  • 1st Level - Bane, False Life
  • 2nd Level - Blindness/Deafness, Phantasmal Force
  • 3rd Level - Phantom Steed, Speak with Dead
  • 4th Level - Death Ward, Greater Invisibility
  • 5th Level - Antilife Shell, Cloudkill

Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft introduced a host of eerie and gothic lineages and character subclasses to 5e for players to bring a bit of Ravenloft's spookiness across the multiverse, including the Undead warlock. This subclass allows Warlocks to tap into the powers of undead creatures such as demilichs and vampire tyrants, granting them a fraction of their undead natures.

Undead Warlocks can manifest features of their chosen patron's deathly visage, granting the Warlock temporary hit points and frightening those they successfully attack while rendering themselves immune to that condition. In addition, Warlocks gain resistance to necrotic damage, defy death by dropping to one hit point instead of 0, and even project their spirit from their physical form. This subclass serves as an excellent addition to horror campaigns, but the strength of the features should make this a consideration for Warlocks no matter the nature of the campaign.

3 The Fathomless

Affinity With Water

A kraken destroys a tall tower, creating a huge tidal wave of water.
  • The Fathomless offers the gift of the seas to their Warlocks, allowing them to swim, speak, and breathe underwater.

Expanded Spell List for the Fathomless

  • 1st Level - Create or Destroy Water, Thunderwave
  • 2nd Level - Gust of Wind, Silence
  • 3rd Level - Lightening Bolt, Sleet Storm
  • 4th Level - Control Waterm Summon Elemental
  • 5th Level - Bigby's Hand, Cone of Cold

For those wishing for a more nautical theme for their Warlock, the Fathomless is the perfect fit. Gaining their power from aquatic lesser deities such as krakens, water elementals, and merfolk, Warlocks gain access to the powers of the oceans. They get the option to take spells such as Create or Destroy Water, Control Water, and Cone of Cold to bolster their repertoire of spells.

Unlike other warlocks, Fathomless Warlocks gain two features at level 1. They can summon a tentacle to deal 1d8 damage to foes and reduce their speed, as well as gain a swim speed of 40 feet. Leveling up as a Fathomless also grants them more damage with their tentacle strikes, as well as the ability to reduce enemies' damage against allies. They gain the spell Evard's Black Tentacles as a freebie and can transport themselves and their allies into a body of water up to 1 mile away. This last ability can come in clutch when trying to save the party from a deadly situation.

2 The Undying

Resistant To The Undead

A close-up of Vecna covering half of his face with a gold and gem gauntlet.
  • Warlocks of the Undying learn the secrets behind everlasting life and are resistant to diseases and attacks from undead creatures.

Expanded Spell List for the Undying

  • 1st Level - False Life, Ray of Sickness
  • 2nd Level - Blindness/Deafness, Silence
  • 3rd Level - Feign of Death, Speak with Dead
  • 4th Level - Aura of Life, Death Ward
  • 5th Level - Contagion, Legend Lore

Not to be confused with the Undead patron, the Undying is a similar pact with similar benefits, but they are disparate and powerful enough to warrant its lofty place on this list. The Undying patron allows Warlocks a modicum of mastery over death, and tools to help them avoid it for them and their allies.

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Warlocks are among the most interesting and powerful spellcaster classes in Dungeons & Dragons. Here are the best of the spells at their disposal.

Starting at level 1, warlocks gain the Spare the Dying cantrip and advantage on saving throws against diseases. Undead have difficulty attacking them and must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw to do so; otherwise, they are forced to choose a new target or forfeit their attack altogether. At higher levels, Warlocks gain hit points equal to 1d8 and their constitution modifier when they succeed on a death save or use Spare the Dying to stabilize someone. Additionally, Undying Warlocks age more slowly, and can reattach severed limbs and regain hit points as a bonus action. The staunch nature of these Warlocks makes the Undying a good candidate when choosing patrons.

1 The Hexblade

Wielder Of Weapons And Magic

The famed sword Blackrazor, a sword of glowing black
  • The Hexblade teaches their arcane student the art of battle with weapons, allowing them to wield martial weapons and shields, and don armor.

Expanded Spell List for the Hexblade

  • 1st Level - Shield, Wrathful Smite
  • 2nd Level - Blur, Branding Smite
  • 3rd Level - Blink, Elemental Weapon
  • 4th Level - Phantasmal Killer, Staggering Smite
  • 5th Level - Banishing Smite, Cone of Cold

For those who cannot decide between a caster and a melee class, look no further than the Hexblade. Introduced as one of two new subclasses in Xanathar's Guide to Everything, the Hexblade allows Warlocks to learn the art of swordplay. Warlocks with this patron gain proficiency with medium armor, shields, and martial weapons at the starting levels, along with the ability to place a curse on foes. This curse grants them multiple benefits in combat to give them the edge that can be the difference between life and death.

Continuing their patronage to further levels allows Warlocks to bring back those they slay as servants, who will obey all verbal commands given. They can also impose a d6 penalty on foes affected by the curse when they attempt to attack and can transfer their curse to another creature upon the death of the one previously marked. Death serves only to fuel a Hexblade Warlock's power, proving them to be the deadliest of all Warlocks. This is the patron that players should choose when they're looking for the strongest.

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E. Gary Gygax , Dave Arneson