Dune is an incredibly dense text, but for fans, that only means more to love. Some esoteric elements remain deliberately tough to pin down, but the technological innovations of the story are carefully explored. From unique flying vehicles to faster-than-light travel, Dune features some appropriately impressive gear. One of the simplest inventions in the franchise is also one of its most necessary, the stillsuit that allows people to survive the desert.

Most of Dunetakes place on Arrakis, one of the most unpleasant destinations in science fiction. The surface frequently reaches temperatures of 158 degrees Fahrenheit or 70 degrees Celsius. It's covered in withered mountains and rocky outcroppings. Survival on Arrakis requires an inhuman level of tenacity, but it also requires the right equipment.

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How Does Fremen Armor Work?

stilgar dune 2021

The native population of Arrakis is called the Fremen. The Fremen have strange traditions and harsh beliefs that attach to the impossible conditions of their home planet. They ride the planet's giant sandworms from place to place, live in small patriarchal tribes, and regularly consume the Spice. Fremen's culture is dominated by water. Arrakis has only one natural supply of water. Its large mountains hide some water, but accessing it is dangerous. As such, Fremen do everything in their power to preserve water. The stillsuit is one of their most helpful tools in that quest. Without the protection of their unique armor, the Fremen would struggle to last a day out in the desert.

The stillsuit recycles every drop of water in the human body to ensure nothing is lost. Through moving around in a harsh climate, an average person on Arrakis could lose more than 10 liters of water daily through their pores. The stillsuit reduces that potentially disastrous loss to less than 5 milliliters. Stillsuits fully cover the body because any exposed skin would likely get sunburned. The suit is made of several layers of fabric and sturdy outer garb. These layers allow the wearer to sweat freely and capture the perspiration in their lattice. The stillsuit also includes a catheter, a nose plug, and a face mask. Wearers enjoy filtered air through their mouth and exhale into the nose plug.

Any fluid that escapes the body, sweat, urine, and even the saliva that is expelled during respiration is captured by the stillsuit. The suit contains filters that purify the salt, water, and waste. Fluids are pushed through the various "catchpockets" by the wearer's exhalation. This ensures a constant reserve of water contained within the stillsuit. The stillsuit features a tube clipped at the neck through which the wearer can drink their reclaimed water. It's not a pleasant system, but the stillsuit allows the desperate people of the desert a constant supply of clean water, which they then refill through their body's natural processes.

When Do Fremen Wear Stillsuits?

Fremen are expected to wear their stillsuits at all times. The suits are necessary for survival, but they also represent an essential element of Fremen culture. To the people of the harsh desert, water is sacred. The limited water on the planet is considered communal property. Refusing to wear a stillsuit means sacrificing a tremendous amount of precious fluids to the unforgiving sands. Fremen have a bit of wiggle room in their small settlements, where they're more free to discard their suits. However, most Fremen view preserving water as a personal responsibility and keep their stillsuits clean and functioning at all times.

Every Visual Depiction of Stillsuits

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The first look at the stillsuit comes from the illustrated Dune Encyclopedia. Like many details from the franchise, the illustrated version looks very different from the on-screen versions. It's most reminiscent of a hazmat suit, though it's missing the full face covering. The 1984 film adaptation reimagined them as a distinctly organic bodysuit. They fit like a second skin rather than billowing outward like the loose PPE gear of the book. The 2000 miniseries featured a more faithful adaptation of the encyclopedia's depiction but with some militaristic elements. Finally, Denis Villeneuve's 2021 Dune attempted to accurately recreate the idea behind the stillsuits. Jacqueline West and Jose Fernandez created actual "micro-sandwiches" out of acrylic fibers and porous cottons. These suits contained real tubes to increase flexibility. They resemble modern extreme sports gear, with elements of tactical gear, but they also demonstrate the closest current imagination of what a stillsuit might be in real life.

The stillsuits are a well-considered element of the world of Dune. Setting a story in a nightmarish desert planet like Arrakis raises so many questions. Frank Herbert was an intelligent enough author to deliver satisfying answers to almost all of them. Modern incarnations update the concept and add such impressive details. Fans will get to enjoy the modern stillsuits in all of their glory in the upcoming Dune: Part Two.

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