The Dune: Spice Wars is here, and it has a lot more going on than the usual RTS game mechanics that the fans are used to. The latest release from the franchise takes more than just base-building and military brute to conquer the planet of Arakkis. Economics and Politics are deciding factors in this game for power and supremacy, and the four factions in the game have their own ways of using them.

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For players wanting to take up the mantle of taking house Atreides to glory, it is only fitting to read the game as socio-political tie-ups rather than out-and-out warfare. Someone who could take full exploits of such sly, devious and artful ploys, victory can be found without a need to call to arms.

4 The Atreides Faction

Traits and bonuses of House Arteides in dune spice wars

The noble house of Atreides in the Dune universe takes honor and pride to heart. The faction hailing from the water planet of Caladan takes a more diplomatic approach as opposed to brutal military tactics. Dune: Spice Wars adapts the same principle of the house and keeps its character traits true to the books. The faction's economic prosperity is evident in its efficiency in raw material production. Despite its military might, house Atreides are forced to take a political route in its expansion route. Anything such as pillaging villages would hamper the reputation of the faction.

Players can take control of nearby villages using diplomatic keys such as Influence, Water, and Authority. With a strong position at the Landsraad council, the house needs minimal persuasion to sign treaties with enemy factions. The house is basically the most powerful in playing around with its inept statesmanship. The players choosing Atreides should remember that there is a need to shun any thoughts of military imperialism.

3 The Councilors Of The House

Dune Spice Wars Lady Jessica, Duncan Idaho,Thufir Hawat, Gurney Hallbeck as the councils for house artreides

Lady Jessica is first on the list, and her main USP provides the faction to pay a sum of influence enforcing a treaty on other factions in the game. Do bear in mind that this can go sideways if and when the faction on the other end blocks the advance by paying an equal sum of Authority.

Duncan Idaho helps reduce the authority points spent on annexing villages and securing a neutral/beneficial playground with the Freman. The players can benefit from a more peaceful expansion on the map and unlock more Lansdraad charters.

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Thufir Hawat is typically the head of the spy game for the faction. His inclusion in the team provides for a more efficient and flexible spy network and reduces the risk of the enemy faction plotting against the house.

Gurney Hallbeck is the man for all things and fits the bill for players who would need a bit of muscle power as a contingency. The councilman helps boost levels of freshly trained military units and provides for veteran militia units aiding the defenses of captured villages.

2 Military Units

Troopers, rangers, heavy weapon squad, wardens, support drones are the mlitary unites for Military unites of House Artreides in Dune Spice wars

Troopers are basic close-range units and are open to train at a scanty cost. With average attack and defense skills, they are the first choice for the military and can help with the first village occupancy. However, later down the line, they get additional add-ons when support drones and wardens are unlocked. The second in line is the rangers. They are the faction's riflemen in all the primary forms. They are the best for medium-range combat and form a better core when combined with The Heavy Weapons Squad.

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The Heavy weapons squad are grenadier options in the house Atreides. A platoon of them combined with the rangers form a formidable team and can make quick work of raiders or troops of the enemy factions.

Support drones are supporting units providing 20% health regeneration to all nearby squadrons. The support drones work well with the troopers and offer them an extra boost on the attack and defense skills of the units. Wardens are the last on the roster and are heavy support units. They provide extra armor to all nearby units and increase the strength of troopers exclusively.

1 Strategy

House Atreides strategy pose during faction option in dune spice wars

As mentioned earlier, the house of Atreides ticks off all the points to be in the good books of many who find the just way of existence. They are the most powerful in the Landsraad Council regarding economic prowess and diplomatic respect. Any wrong move in the game outside their characteristics can hamper their Landsraad Council points, and some factions have a better military than Atreides. Although players can get creative on their path to victory, getting there through Charters and Landsraad Council resolutions is much easier. Political ploys are the faction's biggest strength, and they are better at it than the others.

One more bonus for the House Atreides is the additional Hegemony received for every Landsraad resolution passed by the faction. Getting things under control at the council goes a long way, and the political developments there aid the expansion to a higher level. Authority, Water, and Influence will be of the highest requirements as a house that gets things done their way. Assigning agents to Arakkis and Landsraad will provide for all the tabs mentioned.

And the last point to do would be to keep the military power at efficient usage. It would be wise not to over number the army but to have the right team for the right cause. Unlocking the support drones and wardens goes a long way to the cause. Find the right combo, use them for the right reason, and the military of the house of Atreides might be a lot more potent than it seems.

Dune: Spice Wars is now available for PC as early access on steam.

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