Shrio Games' Dune: Spice Wars puts players in control of one of the many warring factions on the fictional planet of Arrakis from Frank Herbert's famous book series, Dune. Taking control of the recruitment of troops, the construction of buildings, and the negotiation of politics, players have many different mechanics to engage with in this complex sci-fi strategy game.

One of the most important aspects of managing a successful campaign in Dune: Spice Wars is the creation and maintenance of a powerful Military. Armies are made up of a variety of Military Units, which can be used to assault targets; and Militia, which can be stationed to defend Villages. With varying unit types in each faction, no two counterparts in the same class are equal. Each unit will have its own demands and benefits when it comes to their upkeep and combat effectiveness.

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8 Lansraad Punisher (All Factions)

Dune Spice Wars Best Units Lansraad Punisher

Lansraad Punishers are a relatively new addition to the game, and are a mercenary unit available to all factions. The Lansraad is a historic organization comprised of all the Great Houses. Players will need to earn Lansraad Standing in order to hold more political power on Arrakis, and can also vote in the Lansraad Council, which is how the Lansraad Punishers can be acquired.

These destructive units primarily serve to destroy enemy buildings, with a +200% damage bonus to enemy bases. Additionally, the Lansraad Punishers will do +100% damage against flying units, and have a 30% chance to destroy enemy armor.

7 Incinerators (Corrino)

Dune Spice Wars Best Units Corrino Incinerators

Incinerators are one of the most destructive infantry units in the game, and are exclusively available to the House Corrino faction. Incinerators use flamethrowers to cause large area-of-effect damage, even to the detriment of their own friendly forces.

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These shock troops are best used to weaken enemies before sending in further assaults, and will also be effective for destroying enemy buildings. All attacks from the Corrino Incinerators will completely ignore enemy armor, rending enemy defensive units relatively useless.

6 Gunners (Harkonnen)

Dune Spice Wars Best Units Harkonnen Gunners

The ruthless Harkonnens are well represented by the force of their gunners. This relatively basic Harkonnen unit easily surpasses its Heavy Weapons counterparts from other factions, and can be used to wreak havoc in the early stages of a game.

Harkonnen Gunners will inflict the Maimed effect on enemy targets, slowing their health regeneration by 50%. Much like the Lansraad Punishers, Harkonnen Gunners will also inflict 100% bonus damage to flying units, and will have a 30% chance to destroy armor.

5 Wardens (Atreides)

Dune Spice Wars Best Units Atreides Warden

Atreides Wardens are a powerful melee unit armed with swords and shields, which inspire their fellow troops around them to fight better. Warden will have the passive ability of granting all nearby allied units +2 Armor. These Elite units are expensive, but they are more than worth it when compared with many other melee alternatives.

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Wardens will cost 300 Solari,20 Manpower, 5 Water and 5 Command Points to produce, so creating large legions of them is not really a good strategy unless the controlled territories are extremely resource-abundant. Wardens are best used to lead larger squads into battle and provide support to them.

4 Fedaykin (Fremen)

Dune Spice Wars Best Units Fremen Fedyakin

The Fremen elite infantry, the Fedaykin are a fearsome melee unit, perhaps only matched by the Sardaukar in terms of their close-quarters combat abilities. Even when outnumbered, these units will cut through all but the strongest opponents.

Fremen Fedaykin also possess the Against The Odds perk, which grants them 10% Unit Power and +1 Armor for every enemy unit engaged in combatwith them, up to a maximum of five. This means that the Fedaykin often only get stronger as the fight goes on and enemy reinforcements arrive.

3 Snipers (Smugglers)

Dune Spice Wars Best Units Snipers Smugglers

The Smugglers have access to some deceptively strong units, one of the most notable being their Snipers. These relatively cheap, long-range units have a variety of special abilities, and can be even more deadly when upgraded with additional gear.

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In addition to their +30% Damage against non-mechanical units, the Snipers will also gain camouflage when no enemy units are nearby, and can only be detected from close range. Best kept at a distance from any melee combat, the Snipers are one of the most powerful support units in the game.

2 Free Company (Smugglers)

dune spice wars military units fighting

The Free Company are a group highly trained elite infantry units who excel in melee combat. Part way between assassins and soldiers, these powerful mercenaries are only concerned with the job at hand, and will follow their orders without a second thought for morals or ethics.

Free Company units have the Sharpen Swords trait, which gives them increasing power up to 100% as target's health decreases. This makes them ruthlessly efficient at finishing off injured enemy squads. The Free Company also have the Stealth ability to remain undetected from mid-to-long range, as well as 10% speed bonus when nearing combat.

1 Sardaukar (Corrino)

Dune Spice Wars Best Units Sardaukar

The Emperor's elite guard, the legendary Sardaukar, are without a doubt the most powerful units in the game. These elite melee troops specialize in the elimination of weakened enemy squads, and much like the Free Company, serve as an ideal second wave of attack against large enemy forces.

Sardaukar troops will have the Executioner ability, which enables them to Execute enemies when their Health reaches 20% or lower. Additionally, the Sardaukar gain 5% health for each enemy squad executed.

Dune: Spice Wars is currently available on PC.

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