Denis Villeneuve's Dune movies are quickly becoming this generation's Lord of the Rings: an adaptation of a series of novels exploring the true depth of the material. There's also the high praise through early screenings to consider, which is setting up Villeneuve's trilogy to be the next big fandom after the MCU, Star Wars, and LotR. Just like all of these fictional worlds, Dune is receiving an episodic prequel adaptation for the small screen, further expanding on the universe's mythology. That series is Dune: Prophecy​​​​​​.

Originally titled Dune: The Sisterhood, the upcoming series has undergone multiple creative changes, including Denis Villeneuve stepping down as the series showrunner. News of a Dune TV series first hit the airwaves in June 2019. Despite Villeneuve leaving the project to focus on his feature films, the studio has every intention of the show and movie co-existing within the same universe. It's been a rocky production for the cast and crew of Dune: Prophecy, but it's in the final stretch and will be accessible to fans sooner than they think.

February Is Your Last Chance To Watch Dune On Netflix

Denis Villeneuve's Dune is still on Netflix, but not for long. With Dune Part 2 arriving soon, now is the perfect time to watch it.

What is Dune: Prophecy and its Story?

As the original "Sisterhood" title implies, Dune: Prophecy will focus on the Bene Gesserit, a secretive matriarchal society with special abilities that empower them to influence politics and social matters throughout the galaxy. More specifically, the series will follow the Harkonnen family and the women who established the Bene Gesserit. Taking place 10,000 years before Dune: Part One, fans won't see Paul or Leto Atreides, but the Atreides name will be present along with other recognizable family names from the Villeneuve movies. Villeneuve told Deadline in 2019:

The Bene Gesserit have always been fascinating to me. Focusing a series around that powerful order of women seemed not only relevant and inspiring, but a dynamic setting for the television series.

While specific plot details are unknown, turning to the source material gives a general idea of what to expect. Frank Herbert's son, Brian Herbert, alongside Kevin J. Anderson, wrote a prequel novel titled Sisterhood of Dune. This novel takes place shortly after a great war called the Butlerian Jihad, which eradicated all existing computers and "thinking machines," leading to a permanent ban on such creations. The Butlerian movement, an anti-technology group, wishes to expand on the ban and eliminate all technology. Meanwhile, the Harkonnen family struggles to regain its former glory.

Despite a name change to the new series, which could be a hint that the story won't follow anything from Sisterhood of Dune, the cast list suggests otherwise. Mark Strong (Shazam!) will play Emperor Javicco Corrino, who plays a significant role in the novel. Valya and Tula Harkonnen, played by Emily Watson (Chernobyl) and Olivia Williams (The Crown), respectively, are also set to play lead roles in the show, mirroring their significance in the novel. Brian Herbert is taking a hands-on role with the project as an Executive Producer, while Anderson is listed as a producer. Their involvement gives the series a significant grounding in the source material, unlike The Rings of Power and its differences to Tolkien's works and Peter Jackson's movies.

Dune: Prophecy’s Release (Fall 2024)

Lady Jessica Bene Gesserit

There were a lot of creative shake-ups with Dune: Prophecy that exceeded just Villeneuve leaving the project. Not only did the original lead actor exit the project as well, but after the famed director stepped away, the studio struggled to find a suitable replacement. They first landed on the director of five Chernobyl episodes, Johan Renck, but he didn't stay long, forcing another search for a showrunner. It would appear that the production finally found its showrunner in Alison Schapker, a screenwriter who has previously worked on Lost and Fringe.

More importantly, the team landed a director for multiple episodes, including the pilot, with Anna Foerster. Foerster has previously directed episodes of Westworld, Carnival Row, and Marvel's Jessica Jones. It goes without saying that fans feared the series would never see the light of day, especially with the way Warner Bros. has handled highly anticipated releases and its library of content on Max. Luckily, the series started shooting in early November 2023 in Hungary, with a slated premiere on Max in fall 2024.

How is Warner Bros. Releasing the Series So soon?

It would seem to most that a production crew would need more time to film a series and work through post-production than a year, especially with a project as grandiose as Dune. However, pre-production started as far back as 2019, with the script for several episodes completed as soon as 2022. The biggest assistance to an expedited premiere date was the use of non-union actors as a means to avoid any delays, such as the SAG-AFTRA strike, which ended on November 9, 2023.

Along with Mark Strong, Emily Watson, and Olivia Williams, the cast includes Jodhi May as Empress Natalya, Sarah-Sofie Boussnina as Princess Ynez, Faoileann Cunningham as Sister Jen, Aoife Hinds as Sister Emeline, Jade Anouka as Sister Theodosia, Edward Davis as Harrow Harkonnen, and Chris Mason as Keiran Atreides.

Dune Messiah - Denis Villeneuve's Potential Third Dune Movie, Explained

Dune: Part Two cries out for a sequel, and the director has the perfect follow-up if Warner Bros. will greenlight it.