The following article contains spoilers for Dune (2021).

Denis Villeneuve's Dune: Part One became a massive success, both in theaters and on HBO Max. While the epic sci-fi feature was well-structured in its vision of introducing Paul Atreides (Timothée Chalamet) and his household going up against an evil army that wants complete control of the desert planet Arrakis (since it's the only source of spice), the sequel could potentially offer more background story into its characters (both living and deceased). The sequel will also undoubtedly pursue Paul's ongoing journey to battle the army of House Harkonnen, who took down Paul's father, Duke Leto Atreides, and many close allies associated with House Atreides.

Similar to Blade Runner 2049, Dune is an epic sci-fi feature that has multiple characters, gorgeous cinematography (especially in the desert), elegant wardrobe, and some brief but skillful fight sequences in a world that appears both ancient and futuristic. The film efficiently takes its time in presenting Paul as an ambitious but conflicted protagonist because he has visions that could impact his future, but make his path uncertain because he doesn't know everything that's going to happen. Will Paul take his father's place as the head of the Atreides household, or will his journey take a darker route?

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While the film is a good starting point for the series, the second part of Dune can go so much further. First, Paul's visions need to be understood in order to determine his fate. After the unfortunate death of his father, Paul has to come up with a plan for how to take down House Harkonnen, especially its leader, the freakishly large Baron Vladimir (played with menacing conviction by Stellen Skarsgård). Along with Baron Vladimir, his nephew, Glossu Rabban (the mighty Dave Bautista), will also continue to be a major nemesis, especially after his attack on House Atreides in Arrakis was immensely successful, resulting in numerous deaths, and Rabban beheading several opponents.


Despite the success of that attack, it appears that certain members of House Atreides are still alive, most likely taken by House Harkonnen and held captive. Gurney Halleck (Josh Brolin), Paul's mentor and the weapons master for House Atreides, was last seen fighting men from Rabban's army, but was not heard from again after that battle. Gurney's death would surely have been depicted, implying that he wasn't killed and was presumably captured. Thufir Hawat, a close advisor for the Atreides household, wasn't present during the major batle in Arrakis, and was also likely taken by the Harkonnen army.

Gurney and Thufir are allies who hold vital information concerning House Atreides and the planet of Arrakis, which may interest Baron Vladimir. The Baron may also just be holding hostages in order to guarantee that he will regain control of Arrakis, including all of the spice. The sequel should also explain more about why the spice is significant, and how it will be used in the future.

Another element that should be addressed is the revolutionary army called the Fremen, run by Stilgar (a mysterious Javier Bardem), who was briefly shown in the first film. They appear to be reliable allies for Paul because the Fremen are also at war with House Harkonnen. While Paul was able to prove his worthiness to the Fremen by successfully making his first kill during a ritual battle, his mother, Lady Jessica Atreides (an emotionally powered Rebecca Ferguson) looked somewhat disappointed that she and her son are now part of the Fremen tribe.

Throughout the first film, Lady Jessica acknowledges Paul's strength and capability, but fears for his life because she doesn't want her son to be harmed. She constantly fears for Paul's safety, and always whispers "fear is the mind killer," knowing that his journey will be challenging and painful, especially after his father's death, and allies such as Duncan Idaho (Jason Momoa in one of his best action roles) sacrificing themselves for Paul. In order to help her son, Lady Jessica will have to confront her own fears, and determine if the Fremen can be trusted in helping them pursue their goals. Jessica's worries may also signify that there's information she hasn't shared with Paul, and is keeping secrets from him.

Jason Momoa Dune Denis Villeneuve Fight Scene

Villeneuve claims that the Dune sequel will be more fun than the first film. A large part of this could include the bond between Paul and Chani (Zendaya in a brief but memorable appearance as a young Freman). In Paul's visions, Chani constantly appeared as a guiding ally, as well as an enemy who stabs Paul, but this could have been Paul's mind contemplating with what his visions actually mean, or it was a warning that partly foreshadowed Paul's ritual battle with an opposing Fremen fighter. However, at the conclusion of the first film, Chani appears to be accepting of Paul, and welcomes him to the Freman tribe, signifying that both young warriors will work together to battle House Harkonnen, and learn more about each other.

While Duncan Idaho fought to the death to save Paul and Lady Jessica, he still seemingly appeared in Paul's visions, which include Chani and the Fremen. Duncan is pretty much deceased, but his presence, and his teachings on fighting in combat, will serve as guidance for Paul moving forward.


Dune: Part One is the perfect setup for a great series. Dune: Part Two can be even better by taking an approach similar to The Godfather: Part II, in which the Dune sequel partly looks back on the past involving Paul's household and his mentors, while also focusing on the present-day war between Paul and the Fremen versus House Harkonnen.

MORE: Dune: 8 Things The 2021 Movie Changed From The Book