Frank Herbert's Dune depicts the dramatic conflicts between House Atreides and its rivals in the far future. Denis Villeneuve's take on the saga has catapulted it into the mainstream thanks to its breathtaking visuals and some inventive twists on Herbert's original material. Indeed, while previous attempts to dramatize the narrative have met with only lukewarm success, Denis Villeneuve's Dune: Part One and Dune: Part Two have shown that telling the story of Paul Atreides (Timothee Chalamet) is possible in a visual medium.

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Dune's brand of social stratification goes by the name of the Faufreluche system, but why does the Imperium impose it?

Central to Dune's narrative are the Fremen, a desert-dwelling people who must carefully ration their water if they are to survive the harsh wastelands of Arrakis. Paul himself is adopted into the Fremen's way of life. As a result, the Fremen become everything from his lovers to his most ardent disciples in his crusade against the Harkonnens and their allies, cementing themselves as an important faction in the Dune universe.

This article contains spoilers for Dne: Part Two

6 Shishalki

Chani's Closest Friend

The Fremen Shishalki in Dune Part Two.

Villeneuve's films make several changes to Herbert's source material, with several characters changed or eliminated entirely. This is understandable, as his films are lengthy even after the alterations. The director also increases the number of female characters in the narrative by reformulating several men into women. One example is Shishalki (Souhelia Yacoub), a Fremen warrior and friend of Chani.

Like many of the Fremen, Shishalki is initially unsure of Paul. However, she grows to follow and admire him due to his commitment to retaking Arrakis for the Fremen. Sadly, Shishalki does not survive to see Paul's victory over the Harkonnens, as she is killed by the psychopathic Feyd-Rautha. Her death is, at least, a memorable one—not bad for a character who receives limited attention in Herbert's original novel.

5 Jamis

Paul's First Victim

Harah's Husband Jamis

Jamis (Babs Olusanmokun) is Paul's first challenger among the Fremen. Following the Fremen's capture of Paul and Jessica, Jamis makes his distrust of the outsiders clear. This tension culminates in him challenging Paul to a fight to the death, from which Paul emerges the victor. Paul's triumph over Jamis is integral in his path toward becoming a fully-fledged member of the Fremen.

Dune: The Politics Of The Imperium, Explained

The Imperium in Frank Herbert's Dune is a delicate balance between the Imperial House and the various powers that constitute it.

However, while Jamis is primarily depicted as a minor antagonist to Paul, it is made apparent that the conflict between the two men is by no means destined. Paul glimpses an alternative future where he and Jamis are close friends. Paul even sees a vision of the dead Jamis while proving himself to the Fremen, suggesting that Jamis is as much a guide as a rival.

4 Liet Kynes

Influential Scientist And Leader

Liet Kynes On Arrakis-Dune 2021

While fan reception to Villeneuve's take on Dune has been broadly positive, some controversy was engendered by the director's decision to rework the character of Liet-Kynes. Kynes is depicted as a man in Herbert's text; more significantly, Kynes is the father of Chani. As such, the decision to cast Sharon Duncan-Brewster in the role and to seemingly drop the character's connection to Chani ruffled some feathers in the Dune community.

However, regardless of fan disputes over Kynes' casting and characterization, it cannot be denied that the character is an important figure among the Fremen. Kynes is an esteemed planetologist who intends to transform Arrakis from a wasteland. She also serves as the liaison between House Atreides and the Fremen prior to the Harkonnen attack and shields Paul and Jessica from the fallout. This decision proves fatal when Kynes dies (at least in Villeneuve's version) after being tracked by Sardaukar soldiers.

3 Stilgar

Paul's Most Committed Disciple

Stilgar and the Fremen in Dune.

Stilgar (Javier Bardem) is a seasoned Fremen fighter and leader of Sietch Tabr. Long years in the deserts of Arrakis have transformed Stilgar into a practical survivalist; he cautions Jessica (Rebecca Ferguson) against vomiting because it will waste her precious water supply. He is initially unsure of Paul and Jessica, but grows to respect them both for their fortitude. These reservations vanish completely when he becomes aware of Paul's potential destiny.

Dune: 8 Best Characters From The Sequel Novels

The Dune series expands well past two blockbuster movies; some of the best characters have yet to hit the big screen.

Stilgar is deeply faithful, so it's no surprise that he seizes on the idea that Paul is the Fremen Messiah. Despite mockery from many others among the Fremen, Stilgar remains committed to Paul's cause. As such, he plays a pivotal part in securing Paul's influence over his people—no matter the consequences for the wider universe.

2 Chani

Paul's Lover And Biggest Critic

Zendaya as Chani in Dune Part Two

Chani (Zendaya) is a young Fremen who, although initially skeptical of Paul Atreides, soon finds herself falling in love with him. As such, Chani becomes a key supporter of Paul in his quest to retake Arrakkis from the Harkonnens, as well as being a capable fighter in her own right.

Unfortunately, the path of true love rarely runs smoothly, and Chani and Paul's relationship encounters some bumps. She is disturbed by his embrace of the Lisan al-Gaib prophecy, which she believes is intended to repress her people. Villeneuve also chooses to show her as being upset by Paul's strategic marriage to Princess Irulan; however, other depictions of the character (such Barbora Kodetová's version in the 2000 Sci-Fi Channel miniseries) accept the marriage as being purely political.

1 Paul Muad'Dib

The Kwisatz Haderach, And The Fremen's Messiah

Paul Atreides in Dune.

In many ways, Dune serves as a coming-of-age narrative for Paul Atreides as he matures from a noble teenager into a Fremen fighter and religious icon. Indeed, while Paul is by no means a Fremen at the start of Villeneuve's films, he certainly is by the end of Dune: Part Two. He is even given a variety of Fremen names, including Muad'Dib and Usul, the latter, the Fremen word for the base of a pillar. This is appropriate, as Paul is foundational in changing life not only for the Fremen but across the entire universe.

Dune: The Litany Against Fear, Explained

To what end does Rebecca Ferguson's Lady Jessica recite the Litany Against Fear in Denis Villeneuve's Dune: Part One?

Thanks to his glimpses of the future, Paul is able to identify the "narrow way through" which will lead him to victory in his fight against the Harkonnens. However, while Paul is a significant Fremen, he is also something of a problematic one. It's arguable that he simply uses the desert warriors in order to further his own goals rather than fully integrating with them. Whether Paul is a hero or villain is a question that has intrigued fans of Dune for decades—either way, his importance in the narrative is undeniable.

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While there's nothing in the sci-fi landscape exactly like Dune, these other sci-fi franchises are similar stories that fans of Dune will still enjoy.