There are many esteemed families in Dune, from House Harkonnen to House Atreides. Easily bigger, or rather more influential, than any of those feuding houses is the Bene Gesserit. Audiences got a glimpse of them in Denis Villeneuve's Dune: Part One, but unlike in the novels by Frank Herbert, there's not much info divulged about this little order of women.

The most that audiences can infer from Dune: Part One is that the Bene Gesserit is comprised of women, and they wield power with their voice that allows them to control the actions of others. In just the first 20 pages of the novel, fans learn much more about the Bene Gesserit than they do watching the entirety of Dune: Part One. So, exactly who and what are the Bene Gesserit?

Dune: Prophecy, Explained

The Dune universe is expanding, with a television series coming to Max this fall.

The Bene Gesserit's Origins and Objectives

Roughly 10,000 years before the events of Dune: Part One, there was a great war throughout the galaxy known as the Butlerian Jihad. It was a revolt of anti-technologists known as the Butlerians, who found that the creation of robots, thinking machines, and artificial intelligence were more harmful than beneficial for humanity. By the end of the Great Revolt, as it was otherwise known, the galaxy banned the creation of intelligent machines and anything that could potentially replace humans. Despite the war coming to an end, there was an adjustment period for humanity, which led to much political turmoil. This gave way to the Bene Gesserit Order.

While they established themselves as political advisors to the great houses of the Empire, integrating themselves into all the different cultures around the galaxy, the Bene Gesserit became puppet masters. Thanks to some preternatural mental and physical abilities, they are able to manipulate those in power from the shadows, shaping the future as they see fit. The group has agents everywhere, from high Imperial courts to the lowly Fremen tribes on Arrakis.

The Bene Gesserit is comprised solely of women organized into a strict hierarchical structure, with the Reverend Mother Superior at the top. Through its breeding program, the Bene Gesserit has been able to maintain control of humanity since the Butlerian Jihad. It's through that breeding program that the Bene Gesserit planned to create the Kwisatz Haderach, a male member of the order. The Bene Gesserit believe the Kwisatz Haderach to be a powerful being with all of the abilities of the Reverend Mother Superior. With those powers, he would lead humanity into a stable and enlightened future.

What is the Missionaria Protectiva?

The Bene Gesserit have agents everywhere, conducting a variety of missions to achieve their goals. One branch of the order is tasked with spreading myths and prophecies in different cultures throughout the Empire. This helps the order maintain control and continue guiding events toward their favored outcome. If they need to, the Bene Gesserit can manipulate entire religious orders and communities by fulfilling prophecies. In some instances, this has helped Bene Gesserit obtain control of entire groups.

It's those very prophecies that helped Paul and Jessica survive in the desert of Arrakis after the Harkonnen usurped control over the mining operation on the planet. Many Fremen believed Paul to be the Lisan al-Gaib, the voice from the outer world, their messiah, and welcomed him into their ranks.

What Powers do the Bene Gesserit Have?

Lady Jessica talking to Gaius Helen Mohiam in Dune.

The most-used power that the Bene Gesserit exhibit in Denis Villeneuve's Dune: Part One is the voice. By controlling the pitch of their voice, the Bene Gesserit can speak directly to a person's subconscious and get them to obey their commands. However, it doesn't work on those who cannot hear, and it's possible for individuals to resist its urge.

While all members of the Bene Gesserit are able to maintain a psychic link with each other, the Reverend Mother Superior is gifted with the accumulated knowledge of all her female ancestors. Known as Other Memory, the Reverend Mother Superior can access memories stretching all the way back to when humanity was confined to Earth. Before their death, the Reverend Mother Superior passes on the Other Memory by pressing her forehead to another's, ensuring all that knowledge is always present. However, Reverend Mother Superiors are unable to access knowledge from her male ancestors, as it instinctually frightens them. This is a significant reason why they want to create the Kwisatz Haderach, as he will be able to access knowledge and memories from both sides of his ancestry.

Truthsayers in the order wouldn't be any good at their job if they didn't wield the ability to sniff out lies. Not only can the Bene Gesserit sense when a person is telling the truth, but they can also detect when a person is holding something back. Some hone these skills more than others, but they all have access to it.

In addition to the power they can have over others, Bene Gesserit are complete masters of their own bodies. They can control nearly every aspect of their body, including blood flow, heart rate, internal organs, and even their fertility. This mastery allows them to not only choose the sex of their offspring, but also break down the chemical makeup of foreign bodies, making themselves immune to poison. Above all else, the women of the Bene Gesserit are unrivaled in their hand-to-hand combat abilities.

The order uses their abilities sparingly so as not to give away to outsiders just how much control they have over others. Even when Paul deduced that the Bene Gesserit have influence on politics, Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam, who administered the gom jabbar test on Paul, was angry when she thought Jessica told him one of their deepest secrets. The Bene Gesserit's objectives only succeed if they have the trust of others.

The Bene Gesserit's Hierarchy

Bene Gesserit women Dune.

At the very top of the chain of command in the Bene Gesserit is the Reverend Mother Superior, often shortened to simply Mother Superior. The Mother Superior has the final say on everything regarding strategy, influences, and breeding. However, there's also the Kwisatz Mother. She shares a sliver of authority with the Mother Superior when it comes to the breeding program, in order to breed the Kwisatz Haderach. Every member with substantial authority within the Bene Gesserit is referred to as Reverend Mother. If an outsider knowingly interacts with somebody from the Bene Gesserit, it will be a Reverend Mother.

When a member first joins the order, they're known as initiates. Once they survive the gom jabbar test, they become sisters and earn a station where they go off to be operatives for the Sisterhood. Some, like Jessica (Paul's mother), become concubines, but they always work toward the Order's goals.

The Empire often calls on truthsayers to sniff out the truth from political opponents and agents. It's one of the well-known positions that the Bene Gesserit take on in politics. Truthsayers use the spice, or melange, to enhance their abilities.

How Much of This Will Come Up in Dune: Part Two?

The Bene Gesserit are just as significant as any of the major houses in the Dune universe. There's likely to be a greater amount of Bene Gesserit involvement in Villeneuve's sequel, especially since Bene Gesserit are living among the Fremen people to keep the Lisan al-Gaib prophecy alive. If the film follows the book closely, Jessica should take on a larger role within both the Sisterhood and the movie.

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