Just because the upcoming Duke Nukem Forever was delayed until June does not mean the promotion machine behind the game has to slow down. From the 'What Would Duke Do' videos released on April Fools, to the announcement of the 'Balls of Steel Edition' of the game, it is clear that Gearbox does not want gamers to forget about the game between now and its eventual release.

That trend continues with the latest Duke Nukem Forever trailer, 'Babes.' This latest trailer reminds gamers of exactly what type of man Duke is and what type of women he attracts. It has a little bit of everything: twins, costumes, strippers, and even just a woman in an elevator.

The trailer does not really show much actual gameplay per se, as much as it demonstrates how much Duke hasn't changed over the years. That core personality is still very much present in DNF, whether or not that is a good thing is up for gamers to decided themselves. Check out the trailer below for yourself.

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The graphics in Duke Nuken Forever certainly are not the best around. They are not even close. It is hard to tell if better graphics would make this trailer better or worse. If the graphics were actually more realistic looking it could make this kind of trailer a little creepy. This way it just seems a little silly, which might be a better avenue for the controversial return of Duke Nukem.

What are your thoughts on the trailer? Do you think this kind of video is likely to get you or anyone to go out and actually purchase Duke Nukem Forever? Does this trailer make you more or less interested in the game? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.


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Duke Nukem Forever will be released internationally on June 10, 2011, with a North American release following shortly after on June 14, 2011.