The mysterious, ever-changing waters of Dredge are home to a large variety of sea creatures. As any productive fisherman knows, not all of them are of equal value. In a game in which players must amass as much wealth as possible in order to not only upgrade their boat, but to feed and improve the surrounding towns, bringing in a good haul is vital to success. As one of Dredge's core mechanics revolves around inventory management, it is worth keeping an eye on each fish's value to ensure maximum profits.

There are several different types of fish in Dredge, and each will require players to purchase fishing rods appropriate to each fish type. For example, Coastal fish will require a rod that fishes Coastal waters, and Mangrove-dwelling fish will require necessary upgrades to fish in the Mangrove environment. The value of each fish will also vary slightly depending on its weight, so each value here is approximate based on the average value it can be sold for. Trophy Fish and Aberrations of each species will also, of course, fetch higher prices.

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20 Bronze Whaler (Oceanic): $100

Dredge Bronze Whaler

One of the first big fish that newer players will be able to catch is the Bronze Whaler. This type of shark can be found in the deeper waters surrounding The Marrows. Catching it will require the installation of a Hydraulic Rod, which can be purchased via the Shipyard. This fish is relatively easy to reel in, but be wary of the complicated shape that it will present within the inventory.

19 Sailfish (Oceanic): $120

Dredge Sailfish

The Sailfish is another oceanic species and can usually be found between The Marrows and Stellar Basin. While presenting a moderately awkward shape, they do not take up too much inventory space, and are worth it thanks the high value they sell for.

18 Blacktip Reef Shark (Oceanic): $120

Dredge Blacktip Reef Shark

The Blacktip Reef Shark is another valuable oceanic species that can be caught using the Hydraulic Rod. The large ocean shark will take up a hefty chunk of inventory space, particularly for players who have not upgraded to a larger hull. It is worth the catch though, selling for at least $120 at the Fishmonger. This is one of the easier fish catch about the $100 value point.

17 Frilled Shark (Volcanic): $120

Dredge Frilled Shark

This mutant fish dwells at Devil's Spine, and will require Volcanic fishing rods in order to catch. Though catching them may be straightforward enough, they can be awkward to arrange due to their 'S' shape in the boat's inventory, and may have to be arranged several times in order to maximize capacity. But at $120 each, they take up less room than some larger fish of less value.

16 Congealed Rattail (Hadal): $130

Dredge Congealed Rattail

The Congrealed Rattail is an Abberration of the regular Rattail, which are commonly found in the deep ocean crevices between Twisted Stand and Devil's Spire. As a Hadal fish type, they will require a special Rod upgrade to capture.

15 Defaced Skate (Volcanic): $135

Dredge Defaced Skate

This Abberration of the Pale Skate can be found at Devil's Spine and will require Volcanic fishing equipment. At a relatively low capacity cost of 5 spaces, this creature is more than worth the haul. Capturing them, however, requires traversing some of the most dangerous areas of the map, so take extra care when hunting this creature down.

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14 Bony Wreckfish (Shallow): $140

Dredge Bony Wreckfish

Wreckfish are some of the most highly sought after and profitable fish in the world of Dredge. There are several variations, ranging from the standard Wreckfish to the Shattered Wreckfish. But the most valuable is the Bony Wreckfish, which can usually be found on the South-Eastern side of Gale Cliffs.

13 Shard Ray (Shallow): $150

Dredge Shard Ray

This Abberration of the Stringray can be found in Shallow waters around The Marrows. Occupying 7 inventory spaces, it is a relatively large catch for fish in this area, but its simple shape means that it will not be too awkward to arrange and organize. For this area of the game, there are not many fish that can provide this level of profit, so it's worth the space that it takes up.

12 Twinned Eels (Mangrove): $155

Dredge Twinned Eels

The Mangrove waters around Twisted Strand are home to some of the strangest creatures and most fascinating lore mysteries in Dredge's world. With eels and catfish in abundance just like any real swampland, explorers can expect to encounter, at some point, the Twinned Eels, a kind of mutant version of the Longfin Eel. This specimen will fetch an extraordinarily high price, especially considering its compact size and minimal strain on inventory capacity.

11 Hammerhead Shark (Oceanic): $175

Dredge Hammerhead Shark

This legendary ocean predator can be found in the Oceanic region surrounding Stellar Basin. Though they pose no threat to the boat itself, they can be tricky to organize and arrange due to their almost ladder-like shape within the inventory manager. Players will likely requrie a Tier 2 Hull or better in order to fit more than one of these bad boys on deck. But for $175, they are one of the most lucrative non-mutant catches in the game, so they're worth the space they take up.

10 Nightwing Catfish (Volcanic): $180

Dreadge Nightwing Catfish

Another Mangrove-native species players are likely to encounter is the Catfish. The mutated Abberration becomes the Nightwing Catfish, an alien-like creature with hooked barbells protruding from its face. On average, this catch will fetch a very good $180 price.

9 Bloodskin Shark (Oceanic): $220

Dredge Bloodskin Shark

The Bloodskin Shark is the Aberration of the Bronze Whaler. It can be found by fishing the Oceanic region surrounding The Marrows, in particular Blackstone Isle. These mutants can fetch more than double the price of a normal Bronze Whaler, so if caught, it will bring in a considerable profit.

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8 Gulper Eel (Hadal): $250

Dredge Gulper Eel

The Gulper Eel is one of the rarest and most lucrative eel species to capture in Dredge. Generally dwelling within the inner circle of Stellar Basin, these supernatural-looking fish have a giant, snake-like extendable jaw and are able to consume prey larger than themselves. As such a rare species, the Gulper Eel will fetch a high price. This species will also be requested by the Traveling Merchant as part of the Recording Rarities Pursuit, so it's well worth chasing down.

7 Oarfish (Abyssal): $250

Dredge Oarfish

The Oarfish is a rare and highly sought-after Abyssal species, which can sometimes be found in the inner fjords of Gale Cliffs. Fetching a staggering $250, it is the most valuable to be found in this area of the game. Like the Gulper Eel, the Oarfish will be requested by the Traveling Merchant as part of the Recording Rarities Pursuit. Its long L-Shape can be awkward to arrange in the inventory, however, so ensure there is enough Inventory Space before pursuing this creature.

6 Goliath Tigerfish (Mangrove): $250

Dredge Goliath Tigerfish

The Goliath Tigerfish is another one that will need to be caught in order to complete the Recording Rarities Pursuit. Like the other fish involved in the objective, it will also fetch a hefty $250 price. The Goliath Tigerfish can be found in Twisted Strand and will occupy 8 Cargo Slots in the inventory.

5 Coelacanth (Abyssal): $250

Dredge Coelacanth

The final, and most treacherous to catch, of the four fish needed to complete the Recording Rarities Pursuit, is the elusive Coelacanth. This giant, Abyssal creature will occupy 7 Cargo Slots, and will also fetch $250 like the other rare species. It can be located on the Easternmost side of Devil's Spine.

4 Cleft-Mouth Shark (Oceanic): $275

Dredge Cleft Mouth Shark

The Cleft-Mouth Shark is an Aberration of the Blacktip Reef Shark. With a lot of luck, players can find this fish relatively early in the game. Typically, the sharks dwell in The Marrows, around the shores of Blackstone Isle. Ensure that there is sufficient Cargo space, however, as the awkward shape can be difficult to manage in a cluttered inventory.

3 Twisted Shark (Volcanic): $300

Dredge Twisted Shark

The Twisted Shark is an Abberation of the Volcanic Frilled Shark, but it is considerably more valuable and represents one of best catches in the game. Occupying only 6 Cargo spaces, it is less awkward than some larger catches. What's more, it will fetch at least $300 at a Fishmonger or fish Market. This species is typically only found in the central regions of Devil's Spine.

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2 Sallow Sailfish (Oceanic): $350

Dredge Sallow Sailfish

This mutated variant of the Sailfish is very rare and fetches a suitably high price of $350. It can occasionally be found in the Oceanic region between Devil's Spine and Little Marrow, and will occupy 9 Cargo Slots when caught.

1 Gazing Shark (Oceanic): $425

Dredge Gazing Shark

The Gazing Shark is by far the most valuable fish in Dredge, and as a result it is an extreme rarity. This gnarly Aberration of the Hammerhead Shark can be found in the outer waters beyond Stellar Basin, and will occupy the same prong-shaped space as the Hammerhead. Sailors who have managed to bag one of these behemoths will have a story to tell across all five isles of Dredge's archipelago.

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