Media Molecule’s unique sandbox game Dreams has come away from this year’s Games for Change Awards, held on July 14, with two well-deserved titles.

In addition to being named Most Innovative--along with Concrete Genie, Sea of Solitude, and Sky: Children of the Light--Media Molecule’s Dreams, which focuses on allowing players to play, create, and share, also won Game of the Year.

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The developers of the highly successful LittleBigPlanet franchise and the third-person platform adventure game Tearaway, Media Molecule aimed just as high with their latest title, Dreams. Part game and part content creator, the game allows players to bring their own dreams to life by developing fully fledged games and sharing them with others.

Surreal level created in Dreams

Games for Change is a nonprofit organization founded in 2004 whose aim is to recognize innovators in the video game space who push the boundaries of technology and have a real-world impact with their creations. Every year a festival is held to celebrate the most innovative games, those that have had the most significant impact, the best learning games, the best student games, and of course those with the best gameplay.

Dreams was released in February 2020 and is available on PS4.

MORE: Dreams Players Recreate The Shining's Overlook Hotel

Source: Games for Change Festival Awards