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  • Pawns in Dragon's Dogma 2 act as guides, leading players to hidden chests and completing unmarked quests.
  • Pawns gather loot, saving players time from collecting everything after a battle, allowing for quicker progression.
  • Pawns can use curatives on the player, providing healing in combat and out, reducing the need for manual potion usage.

Pawns are perhaps the defining feature of Dragon's Dogma 2, and the adventure is all the more fun thanks to their presence. At the start of the game, players will have the opportunity to create a main Pawn who will be their constant companion as an Arisen. Additionally, throughout the game, players will recruit many other Pawns for a few days at a time, before swapping them out for higher-level options.

Dragon's Dogma 2: 6 Ideas For Naming Your Character & Pawns

Naming your character is one of the first decisions that players will have to make in Dragon's Dogma 2. These ideas can get the ball rolling.

On top of fighting alongside the Arisen and providing damage in combat, Pawns have a plethora of uses. In many ways, they make the entire gaming experience easier and more enjoyable by performing menial tasks that would otherwise fall on the player's shoulders.

1 Pawns Can Act As Guides

If Pawns Have Completed A Quest Before, They Can Take The Player Where Needed

Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn Acting As A Guide

Dragon's Dogma 2 is a game that rarely tells players exactly what they should be doing or where they should be going. Often players will have an objective that is unmarked on the map, or in other cases the path to it is unknown. However, when players recruit Pawns, there is a chance that their new ally has already completed certain quests during their time with their own master.

If this is the case, the Pawn will tell the player this knowledge and by clicking the "Go!" command for Pawns, players will then have their own guide. As travel very often gets interrupted by combat, players just need to remember to reissue this command every time combat ends. If a Pawn is leading correctly, they will have a hand sign over their head. Similarly, Pawns can also lead players to hidden chests they have found on their previous travels, and in this case, an exclamation mark will be shown in place of the hand.

2 Pawns Can Gather Resources & Loot

This Saves The Player From Having To Walk Around Collecting Everything

Dragon's Dogma 2 Gathering Resources

Looting is fun in RPGs, especially the feeling of opening a rare chest that was, until very recently, protected by a fearsome foe. However, going around and looting every single corpse after a big fight, or collecting every herb in the vicinity can quickly become an unwelcome chore.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Best Early-Game Body Armor & Where To Find Them

Armor in Dragon's Dogma 2 differs by vocation, but it's hard to go wrong with these particular pieces.

Thankfully, Pawns in Dragon's Dogma 2 can help with this and lessen the repetitive burden of collection. This not only allows players to move onto their next adventure sooner, but it also means that loot, and therefore weight, is more evenly spread out throughout the party.

3 Pawns Can Use Curatives On The Player

This Stops The Player From Having To Pause During Combat To Find The Right Potion

Dragon's Dogma 2 Curatives Inventory

Dragon's Dogma 2 has some very niche potions, or Curatives as they are called in-game, with some of these removing certain statuses such as being tarred or drenched. With all the chaos going on in battles, players are not only unlikely to notice, but to put themselves right they would have to pause the game mid-flow to enter the items menu and find exactly what they are looking for.

Thankfully, by having at least one Pawn with the Chirurgeon Specialization, and by putting curatives in their inventory, this Pawn will automatically come up to the Arisen to cure them of whichever affliction is troubling them. This is even useful outside of combat, as while running to an objective and losing stamina, the Pawn will give their master a boost of energy. While some Curatives are simply food or herbs picked up, others must be crafted using a long list of recipes.

4 Pawns Carry Loot & Some Can Organize Everyone's Inventories

This Allows Players To Spend Less Time Organizing Or Making Trips Back To Inns

Dragon's Dogma 2 Golden Trove Beetle

Having companions to share the weight of loot and equipment isn't exactly new in RPGs. However, it is nevertheless a blessing, especially with three Pawns to share the burden. Additionally, if one of the Pawns has the Logistician Specialization, then on top of combining herbs and the like to make curatives, they will also move around items in the party's various packs.

Dragon's Dogma 2: All Map Icons, Explained

Dragon's Dogma 2's map is filled with different symbols to indicate the different facilities you can visit. Here is everything you need to know.

This somewhat alleviates the player from constantly having to organize four inventories, which for most people is no fun at all. The only thing to keep in mind is that before sending a Pawn back to their original master, it is a good idea to see if they have any super valuable or useful items.

5 Pawns Call Out All Manner Of Helpful Things

This Gives The Player Three Extra Sets Of Eyes & Helps Them Learn In An Immersive Way

Dragon's Dogma 2 Talking to Pawn

Learning the intricacies of any new game is always a journey, but for large open-world RPGs such as Dragon's Dogma 2, there is often too much to take in. This is particularly true of the chaotic combat that ensues every few minutes, but thankfully, another way in which Pawns help is simply through their callouts.

For example, Pawns will let the Arisen know they are suffering from negative effects such as being covered in oil, and will subsequently warn them to avoid fire. Mages will let the player know when they are performing a healing spell so that the player doesn't waste a healing potion. Outside of combat, Pawns will also call out chests and other things they can see such as ladders, which often lead to more chests. All in all, if players keep an ear out for their Pawns, they will have a much easier time in Dragon's Dogma 2​​​​​.

dragon's dogma 2
Dragon's Dogma 2

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
March 22, 2024
Action RPG