
  • Vocations in Dragon's Dogma 2 embody classic RPG classes like Mages, Warriors, and Thieves.
  • The game lacks a summoner or pet-based class, missing the popular companion-centric archetype.
  • A Summoner Vocation could make further use of monster designs in Dragon's Dogma 2 and open up a new playstyle.

Just like with many other RPGs, Dragon's Dogma 2 features multiple classes for players to mess around with. In this game, those classes come in the form of Vocations, which can be changed on a whim. These Vocations form the backbone of the core progression system, with each one representing the most popular fantasy archetypes. However, even though there are many to choose from, Dragon's Dogma 2 seems to be missing one of the most popular ones.

RPG fans will know what to expect with these Vocations as they represent the classic ranged, melee, and magic wielders. But players may be surprised to learn that there is no sign of any summoner or pet-based Vocation to choose from. While they can fight alongside all sorts of Pawns, the player is never able to fight with any sort of animal or beast. The other Vocations may still be a lot of fun to mess around with, yet the lack of a companion-centric class may be sorely missed for many.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Point of No Return, Explained

Players who are concerned about passing the point of no return in Dragon's Dogma 2 can find all the information that they need in this guide.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Could Really Benefit From a Summoner Class

Dragon's Dogma 2's Vocations Hit Almost All the Major Classes

As of now, players have ten different Vocations that they can try out during their Dragon's Dogma 2 adventure. At the start, they can choose between four that serve as the core fantasy classes RPG players have grown accustomed to over the years. Fighters are the classic melee-based character, Archers take their enemies down from afar with a bow, Mages cast powerful magical spells to either hurt their enemies or protect their allies, and Thieves use all sorts of traps to take down their enemies from the shadows.

As players progress further through Dragon's Dogma 2, they will be able to unlock even more Vocations to play as. Not only can they unlock the powerful Warrior and Sorcerer, but they can also gain access to four Hybrid Vocations which combine the best parts of the starting ones for a whole new type of experience. While that may give players a ton of unique play styles to mess around with, some RPG fans may sorely miss a pet-based class.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Needs a Summoner Vocation

In a lot of fantasy RPGs, there is a summoner or pet-based class that lets players fight alongside powerful creatures. World of Warcraft Hunters and Warlocks have the ability to call all sorts of creatures to their side, Diablo 4 Necromancers utilize armies of undead, and even Baldur's Gate 3 lets Rangers have trusty companions fight alongside them. But in Dragon's Dogma 2, there is no summoner class in sight.

A summoner or pet-based class could do wonders in Dragon's Dogma 2 if it was given the chance. It could be a lot of fun for players if they were able to call in some type of bear or wolf whenever they wanted, send it off to attack their enemies, and assist them as they unleash carnage. If not an animal, then maybe players could call undead soldiers or otherworldly creatures to assist them. To make things even more engaging, players might be forced to actually head out and tame their beasts or learn the powerful spells needed to accomplish this. The world is already filled with all sorts of animals, so now Capcom just needs to let players do more than fight them.

These types of classes have become extremely popular in gaming, which is why it would make a ton of sense for Dragon's Dogma 2 to add it. Some players just want to live out the fantasy of exploring a massive world alongside a trusty pet, and Capcom could deliver that in an extremely unique way. While it will likely not happen, if the studio is planning some DLC, then this should make the list.