The following contains MAJOR SPOILERS for Dragon's Dogma 2 .


  • The Unmoored World is an endgame area, dry and challenging, with a unique map and storyline that fits the game's narrative.
  • Reaching the Unmoored World involves a specific process after challenging the Dragon, leading to new quests and bosses to conquer.
  • The Unmoored World is more than an endgame area, tying directly into Dragon's Dogma 2's story.

Dragon's Dogma 2 is filled with interesting locales to discover, many of which are only found through exploring areas the game doesn't necessarily force its players to explore. While many of these locations can be found throughout Dragon's Dogma 2's open world, some are accessible only by taking certain narrative paths in the game. One region, the Unmoored World, is only accessible by triggering the game's true ending and is one of the most distinctive locations in the game.

The Unmoored World functions as Dragon's Dogma 2's endgame area and is essentially a completely dry version of the game's original map. Here, the game ramps up in difficulty but eventually results in a highly rewarding ending, especially if players accomplished as much as they could in the main game's various side quests before they pursued Phaesus in the main story. However, the Unmoored World's true nature goes far beyond the endgame activities and rewards it offers players and fits into the game's overarching narrative like a glove.

A Dragon's Dogma 2 Location is Essentially the Brainchild of Zelda and Dark Souls

One major Dragon's Dogma 2 location combines elements of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Dark Souls for one of the game's more challenging regions.

Dragon's Dogma 2's Unmoored World Explained

How to Reach the Unmoored World

To reach the Unmoored World in Dragon's Dogma 2, players will first have to pursue the game's good ending, which requires them to challenge the Dragon. Soon after, the Dragon will take flight with the player on its back, but rather than seeing the entire flight through to its end, players must climb down to the Dragon's heart and then use the Empowered Godsbane Blade on themselves. This effectively brings an end to the cycle and triggers Dragon's Dogma 2's true ending, which sees players transported to the Unmoored World via the Brine as the Arisen and the Dragon plunge into the ocean. This ending can also be achieved after defeating the Dragon, so long as the player doesn't take the throne during their coronation and instead speaks with the Pathfinder, who is seated at a table nearby and will give the player a second chance to end the cycle that repeatedly calls forth the Arisen and the Dragon to keep the world eternally alive.

What the Unmoored World Truly Is

The word "unmoored" means "no longer tied in place," which heavily implies the Unmoored World's detachment from the cycle, as it has now been broken. The Unmoored World's map is identical to the map players explore before Dragon's Dogma 2's main game's point of no return, except the player's decision to end the cycle has resulted in the world becoming an arid wasteland. After the players used the Empowered Godsbane Blade on themselves, an entire month passed and strange beacons appeared around the world, including one peculiar blue beacon that players are encouraged to pursue.

Upon pursuing the blue beacon, players encounter Rothais, the Mad Sovran, who also did what he could to break the cycle. Unfortunately, after defeating the Dragon, he realized that he was only a puppet of the Pathfinder and went mad, killing everyone whom he believed was an agent of the Pathfinder in order to get back at him. Rothais then summons the former Arisen who inhabited the Unmoored World and invites them and the player to evacuate the people. This is where the Unmoored World's gameplay loop is established.

The Unmoored World's Gameplay Loop

The Unmoored World sees players participating in a variety of endgame activities, including completing quests and defeating new bosses. While there are many new quests to complete, most of them are evacuation quests, which see players completing quests for the world's various leaders and convincing them to evacuate. There are also four new bosses in the Unmoored World, unique dragons called Purgeners who can be summoned once players interact with the red beacons on the map. Once all four Purgeners are defeated, a final red beacon appears on the map and players can trigger Dragon's Dogma 2's final ending by interacting with it.