Capcom’s cult classic open-world fantasy RPG, Dragon’s Dogma originally released over a decade ago, but the enduring appeal of the world of Gransys has managed to keep players engaged over the years. Fans of the title have eagerly anticipated news of the next installment in the wake of Capcom’s modern updates to all of its flagship franchises, and this patience has finally been rewarded with the announcement of Dragon’s Dogma 2. Utilizing its developer’s now trademark RE Engine, every aspect of the original has been seemingly enhanced in this second outing. As the narrative moves even further up into the forefront, the new characters of Dragon’s Dogma 2 already give an insight into the depth of the upcoming sequel.

Separating itself from the events of the first game, Dragon’s Dogma 2 introduces an entirely fresh cast apart from the dragon Grigori. Regardless of whether this is the future or the past relative to the timeline of the original story, the presence of this diabolical villain of a dragon who met his defeat in the original Dragon’s Dogma indicates that the sequel must take place in a different time during when Grigori was active. This new take on the world seems to come with not only a new Arisen as the protagonist, but also a set of supporting characters that set the stage for a different scenario. In the more complex narrative of Dragon's Dogma 2, these still-mysterious additions to the cast have already begun to define the tone of the series' new direction.

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Ulrika’s Connection to the Arisen Has Dark Implications


In the gameplay showcase for Dragon’s Dogma 2, the updated combat of the upcoming title was presented along with some hints regarding its new storyline. While direct details about the several key characters being featured were sparse, there were some heavy implications made concerning some of the latest Arisen’s potential allies. A woman who wields a bow, named Ulrika, was shown in what seem to be crucial moments of the early game, confirming the statement of her unknown deep importance to the player.

In the recent trailer, Ulrika is shown ambiguously asking Dragon's Dogma's Arisen about their memory in a scene that could be key to the narrative. It is possible that the player already knows Ulrika, but having their heart taken by Grigori could have induced some form of amnesia that drives the plot this time around.

Additionally, the aspect of the story involving the lost memory of the Arisen could tie into the presence of yet another new character, a sinister-looking man bearing a purple rift amulet on his chest. This glowing, ominous amulet could act as an artificial scar of the Arisen, potentially allowing this man to steal the Arisen’s connection to a dragon and the immortal abilities that come with it. Ulrika’s familiarity could signal that she knew the player before Dragon's Dogma's Grigori takes their heart, but this mystery man has possibly taken advantage of the situation and even stolen the Arisen’s memories as well.

With the player seemingly emerging from some kind of gaol within the trailer footage, the Arisen's memory and powers could have become compromised during imprisonment orchestrated by the amulet-bearing man. If Ulrika is the one to help restore the player's memories after circumstances such as these, she would need to have had a connection to the Arisen for long enough to truly know them. Whether she is a lifelong friend or even a new face to the Arisen in Dragon's Dogma 2's expanded world, Ulrika is sure to somehow be very familiar with the player by the events of the game.

Empress Nadinia Represents the Importance of Dragon’s Dogma 2’s Beastren


With the unveiling of the sequel, Capcom also revealed an entire previously unseen race of sentient beings in the world of Dragon’s Dogma. Seemingly powerful and matching the men of the land in strength, the anthropomorphic human-feline hybrid species known as the Beastren was a key aspect of Dragon’s Dogma 2’s announcement. With what appears to be a highly dignified demeanor, these beast people fit right into the dark fantasy world with the skills to wield weapons and don armor in the exact same manner as humans as well.

Between their ability to serve as Pawns and the appearance of several key narrative characters belonging to the new race, the Dragon's Dogma 2's Beastren are likely set to be a massive factor in the upcoming game. The presence of a character known as Nadinia, known as the Empress of the Beastren, shows their significance could be huge through the presence of a major supporting cast member with such deep political ties.

While Nadinia’s role in the story has yet to be fully revealed, the territory of her people has an innate impact on the world of the game. Dragon’s Dogma 2's announcement trailer from Capcom has shown signs of a desert biome being introduced in the game, and the Beastren race appears to be associated with this environment.

Between the garments of both a character named Menella and Empress Nadinia herself, it can be inferred that their species rules over an arid climate that they have adapted to thrive within. If Nadinia and her people originate from such a disparate place relative to the original map of greenery, the Empress’ association with the player could be part of a grander relationship between entire kingdoms of the Mainland.

On the official website for the upcoming game, the few words used to describe Nadinia has specifically as an Empress, but not the singular ruler. Considering this wording implies that there are other Empresses with which she shares her power, there seems to be room for the Beastren to potentially have multiple disagreeing factions in the world of Dragon's Dogma politics. With rich storytelling and characters already teased in its initial showcase, Dragon’s Dogma 2 is set to bring a new layer of depth to the world of Gransys and beyond.

Dragon’s Dogma 2 is in development for PC, PS5, and Xbox Series X/S.

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