
  • Enhance gear, hire same level pawns, and complete side quests before reaching the end of Dragon's Dogma 2 for the best experience.
  • Craft potions and stamina items, reach max vocation, and give a gift to your beloved NPC to prepare for challenging battles in the game.
  • Save at an inn to have a backup in case of mistakes during final quests, as Dragon's Dogma 2 lacks multiple save files.

Dragon's Dogma 2 is a game that values exploration over everything else. However, eventually, players are going to need to continue the main story, which is arguably the shortest part of the game if players are going to focus on only that.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Best Armor For Strike Resistance

Strike Resistance increases how much defense the player has against that type of damage. Here's the best Strike Resistance armor.

With this in mind, it's important that players finish certain things before they start the final few quests of the game. Therefore, when players are given the quest 'The Guardian Gigantus,' these are the tasks the Arisen should complete beforehand to give them the best experience possible before reaching the end of Dragon's Dogma 2.

8 Enhance All Gear

Increase Defense And Heal More

Dragon's Dogma 2 the Dragonforged

One of the most vital steps a player should complete in Dragon's Dogma 2 before completing the final quest is enhancing all the gear both themselves and their pawn are wearing. By this point, players should have access to some of the best armor and weapons in the game.

Once they have chosen what vocations they want to use, it's just a matter of enhancing the gear at the various smithys to give it its perfect improvements. Players should also remember to return to the Dragonforge to get their fourth and final upgrade, which significantly increases the stats of the gear they use.

7 Hire New Pawns

Make Sure They Are The Same Level

Pawn holding up his hand in Dragon's Dogma 2

Pawns are a crucial part of any Arisen's team. While the player's own Pawn levels up alongside them, players may forget that the two other Pawns they recruit do not.

Therefore, it's important to remember to hire new Pawns that match the player's current level, or that are even a couple levels ahead, so they are a better help in the future main quests. It's also worth mentioning that players can also pick specific Pawns that have the skills they most desire on their team.

6 Complete The Seeker's Token Collection

There Are 220 To Collect

The Seeker’s Token screen in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Although it might at first appear rather tedious to go looking for every Seeker's Token in Dragon's Dogma 2, handing in all 220 Tokens can earn the player some solid rewards, on top of another Eternal Ring which instantly improves the player's affinity with an NPC by a substantial amount.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Best Early-Game Weapons For Strength Builds

There are a ton of fantastic weapons to use in Dragon's Dogma 2, but not all of them are available early on. Thankfully, these weapons are.

There is also an impressive outfit that many players may be inclined to wear, not only because of its style, but also due to its amazing stats. Additionally, there are other items that can help the player level up their vocation, as well as fulfill that completionist goal of finding everything the game has to offer.

5 Finish All Side Quests

There's No Going BackDragon's Dogma 2 Crossing Shadow

Naturally, approaching the end of the game means that players are likely to encounter a point of no return. Therefore, players should be sure they have completed all the available side quests before they continue the main story. There are multiple moments like this within Dragon's Dogma 2, where players are likely to have missed some content, but it's still possible to complete some tasks around the map.

Players should be sure to talk to anyone that appears to be in distress and complete their quests before continuing on, especially as players are likely to have missed some when adventuring around, with some quests not even being near the two main cities.

4 Craft Potions And Stamina Items

Have All Healing Items At The Ready

A health potion in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Players can expect a variety of challenging battles as they near the end of the game. Therefore, it's important that players have their packs prepared for whatever may approach. Crafting is a vital mechanic in Dragon's Dogma 2, as players not only make healing potions for themselves to keep them alive when a Mage can't, but also stamina boosts too, so players can keep using their weapon skills during intense combat moments.

There are also plenty of other things for players to craft, such as potions to stop burning and other status effects, which will be important for a player that is hoping to defeat the Dragon.

3 Reach Max Vocation

Unlock The Best Skills And Augments

A Pawn will all max vocations in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Players don't need to reach max vocation in every class in the game, although it would be a good idea to reach rank 9 in the vocations they think will benefit them. Firstly, this is because augments can be shared between all vocations, with some vocations having augments that may benefit from playing as a different vocation.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Best Armor For Slash Resistance

Any melee characters in Dragon's Dogma 2 will want to invest in armor with good slash resistance. Here are the best armor pieces for that.

Getting a max rank also means players can improve their weapon skills further. When dealing with the end of the game, it's important that both the Arisen and their Pawn are at max vocation with the skills they are most comfortable using, or that will be the most helpful.

2 Give A Gift To Their Beloved

Speak To Them And No One Else

A player holding Hugo in Dragon’s Dogma 2

The Beloved in Dragon's Dogma 2 is a character that the player values most over all the NPCs they have met in the game. Usually, this is the NPC that the player has the most affinity with. While the character may not have an extremely important role, they do make an appearance at the end of the game.

To avoid this Beloved character being some random NPC, the player should go and talk to the NPC they care for most to make sure they are the Beloved for that quest. It may also be a good idea to gift them something they like to increase the odds of the Beloved being them, and then avoid talking to anyone else until the quest is over.

1 Save At An Inn

Always Have A Back-Up

Dragon's Dogma 2 - Talking To Innkeeper

One of the complaints players have about Dragon's Dogma 2 is the lack of save files. This can be an issue when approaching the end of the game, as players can either load from the last Inn save they made or their most recent save in general.

Therefore, when approaching the end of the game, players should make sure to make an Inn save, so if they do something wrong during these final main quests, they can load back to a point before they started them. It's important to mention that anything that is done after this save will be lost if they decide to load it back, and therefore, it should only be used in an emergency.

dragon's dogma 2
Dragon's Dogma 2

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
March 22, 2024
Action RPG