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Pawns Dragon's Dogma 2 are beneficial NPCs that walk around and fight with the Arisen. There are two types of Pawns, your own main Pawn that you get to make and customize, and random Pawns that you meet throughout your journey or when entering a Rift Stone.

While your main Pawn is always by your side, you can hire up to two random Pawns to join your team. You will also come across other players’ Pawns everywhere during your journey, since they can cross through other Rifts in Dragon's Dogma 2.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Review

Dragon's Dogma 2 is everything fans could want from a Dragon's Dogma sequel, but that also means it has a few rough edges.

Should You Give Items to Your Dismissed Pawns In Dragon's Dogma 2

storage in dragon dogma 2

Unless the dismissed Pawns are owned by Capcom, giving items to your dismissed Pawn will transfer these items to their owners. So, if the Pawn was built right, a good company, and helped a lot, it’s good to give back to the community and gift the Pawn a good parting present for their master. But, if it was a Capcom Pawn, then you’re just losing the item, so, don’t do it.

As for storing items with Pawns, yes, you can give your Pawn any item without worrying about losing it later. Any item on your dying or dismissed Pawn will immediately be transferred back into the Storage. This is perfect since you can access the Storage from the comfort of your home or any Inn you come across. The only items that don’t transfer back to the Storage are the pieces of equipment you equip on your Pawns, like Weapons and Armors. If you don’t equip them, then they’re safe and will make it into your storage after losing a Pawn.

Since it’s a tedious job to keep switching items between your Pawns every time you want to hire better ones, the game helps you by transferring all your items back into your storage. You can actually use this to your advantage if you’re overloaded with items and don’t want to go back yet. Just move all the items you don’t need to one Pawn, then dismiss it or hire another one. This way, your entire collection will be transferred to your storage while you continue your travels light as a feather. However, make sure your Pawns are next to you when you start moving your items around, because if they’re far away, you won’t be able to until they make it back.

Keep in mind that dismissing Pawns isn’t a bad thing because they don't grow, which means they maintain the same level since you hired them. After dismissing them, you might find them later or hire them from a Rift Stone and their level will be updated to match their current one. This is great, since you get to keep the same Pawn but with better Skills and higher levels. Some owners would even change the entire Vocation of their Pawns, so, you’ll get to have the same Pawn with a completely different style of gameplay.

dragon's dogma 2
Dragon's Dogma 2

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
Action RPG