Dragon's Dogma is one Capcom's greatest action-RPGs. The amazing combat combined with its unique world and offbeat mechanics have led to Dragon's Dogma being one of the most underrated titles of all time. The game slowly gained steam after its release, and is considered by many to be an excellent dark fantasy RPG. The player's incredible moveset and the game's dynamic combat are some of the major reasons why people love this experience so much.

When Dragon's Dogma 2 was finally announced, it's easy to see why many people were blown away by this announcement. Until this day, the sequel felt like nothing more than a pipe dream. Dragon's Dogma 2 is the perfect way to bring the uniqueness of this title to a new generation, while also improving upon the many elements of its predecessor.

7 A More Personalized, Unique Story

dragon's dogma dark arisn key art

Dragon's Dogma excelled on many fronts, but there's no denying that the story is as generic and by-the-numbers as can be. The initial few hours, in which the player loses their heart to a dragon, are pretty shocking and memorable — but it's clear that the game has played its best hand pretty early.

The sheer slog of trekking through the world to find out that this is nothing more than a "stop the evil force before it destroys the world" plot will barely hold the player's interest over the course of its lengthy runtime. Hopefully, Dragon's Dogma 2 will present a more engaging and thought-provoking story that won't feel like a rehash of almost every fantasy story out there.

6 Make The World Bigger & More Fun To Explore

dragon's dogma Dark Arisen party looking over a cliff with a building in the background

The world of Dragon's Dogma seems like a ton of fun to explore...for the first few hours, that is. Players will soon realize that game world is pretty small, and most people can get through it in a shockingly small amount of time.

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While there are enough quests, encounters, and the like to keep exploration fresh, there's only so much content that the game can pack in such a small open world. Dragon's Dogma 2 has the perfect opportunity to expand the size of the world and still keep each corner filled with secrets, enemies, and the like.

5 Improve The Lackluster Visuals

Split image of Dragon's Dogma characters.

Even for its time, there's no denying that Dragon's Dogma didn't really look unique or distinctive. Everything in the game looked as generic as can be, with the majority of the game's environments being pretty forgettable from a visual standpoint.

With Dragon's Dogma 2 releasing for a new generation with powerful hardware, it's only a given that players would want a higher degree of visual fidelity in this sequel. Thankfully, given the recent trend of great graphics in Capcom games, most fans are pretty confident that the company will pull off something magical for the graphics of this much-awaited sequel.

4 Give Companions More Impact

Dragon's Dogma party squad

The Pawns are easily one of the most hated parts of Dragon's Dogma. For a world that is small enough as is, lugging around a set of companions who have absolutely no personality of their own feels like a slap in the face at times.

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This is the most obvious and needed change that Dragon's Dogma needs to integrate in the sequel. Having companions with actual personalities who react to the events of the world would make Dragon's Dogma infinitely better in the minds of many fans.

3 Create More Engaging Quests

dragon's dogma dark arisen

Questing in Dragon's Dogma ranges from being absolutely enthralling to downright tedious at times. Unfortunately for this game, there are a lot of times when it veers into the latter category, and questing can feel boring or pointless.

Hopefully, Dragon's Dogma 2 can reduce these annoying fetch quests to focus on more narrative-rich experiences instead. Even the main quest had a habit of feeling rather rote at times, which definitely needs to improve in the sequel.

2 Overhaul The Stamina System

Why Dragon's Dogma 2 Should Exist

Back when Dark Souls was a relatively fresh game, there still weren't many titles that justified their inclusion of a Stamina system. Dragon's Dogma was one such title where the Stamina bar felt like a constant hindrance instead of actually improving the game with its presence. It was more of a limitation than an interesting mechanic.

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Many times, players had to stop sprinting in the main world and measure their attacks simply because their Stamina ran out before they could even get a few hits in. The need to manage Stamina is definitely important in a game like Dragon's Dogma, where a lot of actions that help the player can become downright overpowered without the need for Stamina management. However, sequel should try and justify its inclusion even more instead of making it feel like a hindrance every single time.

1 Increase The Quality Of NPCs

dragon's dogma pawn stars mod

A big reason why so many people gave up on Dragon's Dogma was that its NPCs felt like lines of code instead of actual people. This was a shame, especially since the towns and cities in the game are a joy to explore and make for a fresh change of pace from the usual flow of exploration.

Capcom needs to spend a ton of time fleshing out these characters to make them worthwhile to even talk to, let alone take quests for. Doing so will go a long way in making Dragon's Dogma 2 the perfect sequel.

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