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Dragon's Dogma 2 features a wide range of collectible items and unique currencies for players to find during their journey. These items will be encountered at various stages of the game, and provide access to some of the best items available. When one of these unique items is discovered, Dragon's Dogma 2 does not always provide detailed directions on what to do with it. This guide will focus on helping players find a use for one of these items: Seeker's Tokens.

Seeker's Tokens are unique collectibles that are found in every corner of Dragon's Dogma 2. These small, metal coins will often turn up in some of the most unexpected places. While they may at first prove challenging to find, there are several helpful tips that will make the task much easier. This guide will focus on helping players locate Seeker's Tokens, and show them what to do once they have them.

Dragon's Dogma 2: How To Set Pawn Quests

Your Pawn can be sent off to do additional work while you rest in Dragon's Dogma 2. Here's how to assign Pawn Quests for those adventures.

What Do I Do With Seeker's Tokens in Dragon's Dogma 2?


As mentioned previously, Seeker's Tokens are found in nearly every corner of Dragon's Dogma 2. According to information inside the game, there are at least 220 individual tokens spread across Vermund, Battahl, and Volcanic Island.

Once players begin to find Seeker's Token's, they will likely ask: what do I do with them? The answer is simple: take them to any Guild Hall. Along with changing vocations and equipping skills, accepting Seeker's Tokens and giving out the rewards they earn is one of a Guild Hall's key purposes.

The rewards given out by the Guild Hall for turning in Seeker's Tokens are some of the best in Dragon's Dogma 2. Make sure to take the time to get the first few rewards, as they help immensely in the early game.

All Seeker's Tokens Rewards:







  • A stone that can instantly spirit the user back to the location of a Portcrystal


Ring of Vehemence

  • The wearer's attacks are more likely to stagger and knock down foes.


Ring of Triumph

  • Slightly boosts maximum health, stamina, and carry weight.


Dowsing Spikes

  • Daggers with hilts meant to recall snakes on the hunt. They emit a glow whenever treasure is near.


Twilight Star

  • A simple metal circlet. Adorned with a small jewel over the brow that resembles a faintly twinkling star.


Ring of Profusion

  • Moderately increases the maximum weight the wearer can carry.


Champion's Mantle

  • A mantle that exudes self-assured majesty. Makes any triumph feel like a forgone conclusion.


Eternal Bond

  • A ring that brims with mystic light. Grants the wearer a more companionable air. When offered as a gift, it deepens the bond between giver and receiver.


Charming Corset

  • A garment of thin cloth that hugs the wearer's frame, drawing tightly over the waist and hips to flattering effect.


Legion's Might

  • A staff crowned with a small piece of an Arisen's Heart. Pawns who equip it revive of their own accord when rendered immobile.


Ring of Endeavor

  • A ring bearing a mysterious power that invigorates the spirit. Slightly boosts discipline gained from defeating foes.

How to Find Seeker's Tokens in Dragon's Dogma 2


Seeker's Tokens are spread around the entire game world, and more often than not, like to hide in plain sight. There are several things players can do to better prepare themselves when looking for these collectibles. Follow these guidelines for the best results:

  • Listen to your pawns: This is probably the best possible advice a player can receive when looking for Seeker's Tokens. They won't specifically mention them by name, but they will usually mention an item 'catching the light.' When that expression is used, it is almost always a Seeker's Tokens. This works hand in hand with the next rule.
  • Check your minimap:Dragon's Dogma 2's pawns love to mark your minimap with exclamation marks. These are not always Seeker's Tokens, but they are always worth checking out. When a mark pops up after hearing about an object catching the light, that's your cue it's probably a token.
  • Check duplicate POIs: When a Seeker's Token is found on an object that can be found in multiple places, always check those objects when you see them. Now, this does not apply to everything. But, a perfect example is the broken statues that mark viewing points. Seeker's Tokens are often found at the base of these statues, so keep an eye out for them. Harpy nests are also a good bet, especially in Battahl.
  • Check up high: Seeker's Tokens love to hide on top of broken pillars, ruins, buildings, etc. Climb to the top of everything you can, especially when looking for tokens.
  • Explore everything: This may sound obvious, but its worth considering. With 220 tokens in the world, nearly every area is likely to have one. If you see a part of the map not filled in, explore it. If you find a cave, explore it. If you know there's an alternate route - explore it. Tokens love to hide in areas that you are most likely to write off. Be diligent, and all tokens will start stacking up.
dragon's dogma 2
Dragon's Dogma 2

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
March 22, 2024
Action RPG