
  • Saints Row and Dragon's Dogma 2 may have started a trend of advanced character creators that have launched before the game, enhancing player engagement.
  • Studios like Volition and Capcom allowing players to create and share characters ahead of the game release should set a new industry precedent, as the concept has been well received both times.
  • Providing access to character creators early has paid off by building hype, giving players a head start, and ensuring a seamless transition into the game world.

At first glance, it may not seem like Saints Row or Dragon's Dogma 2 really have anything in common. One title is an open-world Grand Theft Auto-like experience, while the other is set to be one of the biggest RPGs around. They seem to be at completely different ends of the open-world genre, with both going after unique audiences. And yet, Dragon's Dogma 2 seems to have followed in Saints Row's footsteps when it comes to the character creator.

Both experiences put a lot of emphasis on having some fantastically rich video game character creators, and it seems like the studios were able to pull it off incredibly well. They give players the ability to truly build whoever they want, which helps make them some of the best creators in the industry. But the best part may be that both were given to the players well before the actual game was released, so they can get a head start on their adventures. While that may not necessarily be revolutionary, it should really set a new precedent for similar experiences.

Every Monster Confirmed for Dragon's Dogma 2 So Far

Many of Dragon's Dogma's monsters are making a return in Dragon's Dogma 2, but players will face plenty of new creatures as well.

Saints Row and Dragon's Dogma 2 Should Kick-Off a Trend

Both Studios Launched Their Character Creator Before The Game

The lead up to the release of Saints Row was an interesting one, as the franchise was in a bit of a tough spot. Saints Row 4 and Gat out of Hell were not exactly what fans were looking for, and Agents of Mayhem failed to make any sort of impact. Additionally, players were not that excited about the prospect of the reboot to begin with. Ultimately, they ended up being left with an experience that proved lackluster, yet the character creation was still a sight to behold.

Before Saints Row hit store shelves in August 2022, Volition decided to launch the Boss Factory demo for players to experience that new advanced character creation. Instead of simply being another demo, this allowed players to make up to six different characters using all the tools the base game would have. Along with that, they could also share their boss with other players. And once the full game finally launched, they were able to instantly jump in with the characters they had spent months building.

Now, the highly anticipated Dragon's Dogma 2 seems to be doing the exact same thing. To build upon the massive hype for this title, Capcom released its own character creator demo a couple of weeks before the game's official launch. This free tool lets players create up to five different characters and their Main Pawn. Once the game launches, they will be able to transfer these characters to it and start their journey right away. While it remains to be seen if the title is truly worth it, the character creator at least seems to be extremely powerful.

Giving Players a Look at the Character Creators Has Paid Off Fantastically

Even though it may not be game-changing, releasing the character creators of both these games before launch day seems like a great idea. This way, players are able to experience a slice of the game's customizability while also preparing themselves for the launch. They can spend weeks or months finetuning their perfect character, then when the release date arrives, they can instantly jump into its world without worrying about spending time building their protagonist.

One of the most popular aspects of games like Saints Row and Dragon's Dogma 2 is the character creator. Players want to have the tools to be whoever they want within this world, but often times, building said character can take forever. However, if they are given the ability to do that weeks or months in advance, then they do not have to worry about doing it on the release date. Additionally, giving players a look at the creator can also build those levels of hype, especially if it feels virtually limitless. So, hopefully, other RPGs or open-world titles will take some notes.