
  • Pawns in Dragon's Dogma 2 feel lifelike, as they converse, give high-fives, and help players in unique ways during their travels.
  • These small details make Pawns feel like true friends, adding a sense of companionship to an open-world RPG setting.
  • The unique mechanics of Dragon's Dogma 2's Pawns help make the game stand out, offering a special experience in the RPG genre, and other games that feature companions should follow suit.

There are a lot of unique things within Dragon's Dogma 2 that help set it apart from the rest of the RPG genre, but perhaps one of the coolest comes in the form of its Pawn system. This system lets players build a party of three NPCs, with one being fully customized by them and the other two recruited from other players. And while they may not be on the same level as followers in games like Fallout, these Pawns do shine in other ways.

As players explore Dragon's Dogma 2, their Pawns will serve as constant companions during their travels. Instead of having them simply be allies in combat, they actually feel lifelike thanks to a few unique mechanics. Not only will they converse with one another and assist the player in finding things, but tiny details like simple high-fives go a long way in making them a great ally within this world. Though some of those details may go unnoticed by, the addition is just one of the many reasons why this game stands out from the RPG crowd.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Is Sorely Missing One Soulslike Feature

Dragon's Dogma 2 isn't a Soulslike game, but it could definitely benefit from having one mechanic that's become a staple of the genre.

Dragon's Dogma 2's Pawns Feel Like a Special Version of an RPG Standard

Dragon's Dogma 2's Pawns Are Filled WIth Fun Little Details

One of the first things players may discover with Dragon's Dogma 2's Pawns is that they sometimes behave like actual people. During travel, they will converse with one another and talk about everything going on within the world. Sometimes they will discuss events they had with other players, and other times they will give players tips and tricks. They will also help point players in the direction of exciting new discoveries. Along with that, they may even spend some time comparing themselves to each other or bickering about something random. That alone would give them a ton of life, but Capcom did not stop there.

As players take down enemies, they may notice that occasionally Dragon's Dogma 2's Pawns will give them high-fives or elbow bumps. It may not seem like much, but that simple addition can sometimes feel like the perfect thing in the aftermath of battling an extremely tough enemy. They do not just stop with high-fives either, as they will pat players on the back, collect loot for them, and even catch them occasionally if they fall from great heights. Even though the Pawns are simply coded to do these things, all the small touches come together to really help make them feel a bit more like true friends.

Pawns Help Give Dragon's Dogma 2's World a Unique Flair

Not only do these mechanics help make Pawns feel more lifelike, but they also help make the world feel a bit less lonely. Since Dragon's Dogma 2 is a singleplayer open-world RPG, players will spend a lot of time just traversing its landscape alongside these NPCs. In some games, that could get rather lonely, especially for fans of multiplayer experiences. But these special mechanics have made it so that players might actually feel like they are traveling alongside other people. As their conversations fill the air, their high-fives hype up the main Pawn, or they lead the group to untold riches, players may never want their companions to leave.

All of this really helps make Dragon's Dogma 2's world feel like a step above the rest. Couple that with its emergent gameplay, interesting stories, and even the Dragonsplague, and players are in for a special treat. While some may yearn for the worlds of The Elder Scrolls or Dragon Age, as of now, there seems to be nothing quite like what Capcom has created here. Hopefully, other games look at how every one of Dragon's Dogma 2's Pawns are full of life, as it should become a genre standard.