
  • Warrior and Mage are S-Tier Pawns in Dragon's Dogma 2 for their combat prowess and support abilities.
  • Sorcerer is A-Tier due to high damage output, while Fighter balances offense and defense effectively as B-Tier.
  • Archers and Thieves are less ideal Pawns due to limited defensive capabilities and AI inefficiency.

Dragon's Dogma 2 has a variety of vocations for players to choose from when creating a new character, and even more vocations become available as they progress through the game. This contributes to the game's ability to offer diverse gameplay options to suit many different preferred play styles, with anything from a heavy-hitting tank to a squishy spellcaster. However, while there are plenty of vocations made available to players, only a handful of them can be used by Dragon's Dogma 2's Pawns, and some are much better than others.

Only six vocations are available for Pawns in Dragon's Dogma 2, so, at the very least, players don't have to lose their sanity over deciding which one to roll with. This is especially true considering there are two obvious choices for Pawn vocations that stand out among the rest, even though each one has its merits.

How Dragon Dogma 2's Open-World Map Compares to Skyrim

Dragon's Dogma 2's open-world map is very similar to Skyrim's, but it might encourage exploration a bit more than Bethesda's most famous RPG.

S-Tier Pawn Vocations: Warrior and Mage

When it comes to the best Pawn vocations in Dragon's Dogma 2, two of them outrank the rest and arguably tie one another for the number-one spot. Pawns with the Warrior and Mage vocations are some of the best and most helpful available, simply due to what they contribute to the team when it comes to facing Dragon's Dogma 2's emergent combat scenarios.

Pawn Warriors in Dragon's Dogma 2 are both hearty and powerful, donning heavy armor for resilience and dealing devastating damage to keep an enemy's attention off the player. Mages, on the other hand, can keep the player and their party healed, so they are more than worth keeping around for the long haul. In fact, any attempts to travel without a Mage will result in the rest of the player's Pawns commenting on how a Mage would greatly benefit the team.

A-Tier Pawn Vocation: Sorcerer

Sorcerers are the next-best Pawn vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2, due to their ability to deal considerable damage to foes. Despite their low armor rating and susceptibility to fatal blows, their raw damage output is enough to compensate, so players shouldn't be too quick to look the other way when considering whether to have a Pawn Sorcerer in their party. Coupling a Sorcerer Pawn with a Warrior Pawn and Mage Pawn is one of the best party combinations players can get in Dragon's Dogma 2.

B-Tier Pawn Vocation: Fighter

Every party arguably needs a Fighter in Dragon's Dogma 2, as they strike the best balance between offense and defense, and can therefore be one of the more efficient members of the team. While its offensive power doesn't come close to matching the Warrior's, the Fighter has considerably high defense, so players looking for a Pawn who can survive the night in Dragon's Dogma 2 should look no further than a Fighter.

C-Tier Pawn Vocation: Archer

While Dragon's Dogma 2's Archers are effective with a player behind the wheel, they take on an entirely different role as Pawns. Pawns are more beneficial to the player when they provide support, but since Archers are strictly an offensive class, all they can do is deal damage. On top of that, their defenses are very limited, so players might end up spending more time keeping their Pawn Archers alive than focusing on the battle itself.

D-Tier Pawn Vocation: Thief

Last, and justifiably least, is the Thief vocation for Pawns. Like Archers, Dragon's Dogma 2's Thieves work better when the player is in control of them, as the game's notoriously unresponsive and clunky AI can't quite keep up with the quick and precise movements required for Thieves to be effective in battle. That being said, as long as players don't mind their Pawn never doing what's best for the party, they might be okay with choosing a Pawn Thief.