
  • Dragon's Dogma 2 introduces the Mystic Spearhand, a more aggressive melee/magic class than the Mystic Knight from the first game.
  • The Mystic Spearhand relies on a two-handed Duospear and offensive spells, contrasting with the defensive playstyle of the Mystic Knight.
  • Combat with the Mystic Spearhand is fast-paced and fluid, in contrast to the slower, calculated moves of the Mystic Knight.

Although Dragon's Dogma 2 carries over several basic vocations (classes) from the first game, it is introducing new vocations to the franchise as well. Among the new classes in Dragon's Dogma 2 is the Mystic Spearhand — a powerful melee/magic hybrid that utilizes a unique weapon called the Duospear to keep its enemies at bay. Despite technically being a new class, the Mystic Spearhand happens to share a kinship with the Mystic Knight, another melee/magic hybrid from Dragon's Dogma that is still widely considered one of its best classes.

Dragon's Dogma 2's Mystic Spearhand and Dragon's Dogma's Mystic Knight are more than similar in name. For instance, both classes use a mixture of magic and melee attacks to decimate their foes and are effective from any range, so long as their skills are taken full advantage of. However, the Mystic Spearhand functions a bit differently than its Dragon's Dogma counterpart, particularly in its weapon usage and its approach to combat.

How Dragon's Dogma 2's Fighter and Warrior Vocations Differ Explained

Every Vocation in Dragon's Dogma 2 provides a distinct way to experience the game, even if some of them sound like they would play the same.

How the Mystic Spearhand and the Mystic Knight Differ

The Mystic Spearhand Plays More Aggressively Than the Mystic Knight

The most obvious way Dragon's Dogma 2's Mystic Spearhand differentiates itself from the first game's Mystic Knight is in its aggressive playstyle. While this has already been revealed in various gameplay footage for Dragon's Dogma 2, it is otherwise made clear in the Mystic Spearhand's lack of a shield — a piece of equipment the Mystic Knight heavily relies on. The very fact that the Mystic Spearhand wields a two-handed Duospear while the Mystic Knight wields a one-handed mace, sword, or staff with a shield is enough to show how much more aggressive the Mystic Spearhand is than the Mystic Knight.

While Dragon's Dogma's Mystic Knight does wield a one-handed weapon, its best weapon is actually the Magick Shield. The primary playstyle of the Mystic Knight centers around performing perfect blocks with a Magick Shield, as perfect blocks can enhance many of the class' shield skills. This inevitably makes it a more defensive class, not on account of its inability to deal considerable damage, but because its power largely depends on a defensive playstyle. On the contrary, Dragon's Dogma 2's Mystic Spearhand vocation lacks a shield and instead relies on its Duospear being imbued with Magick and a library of various offensive and defensive spells to weaken and subdue its foes.

Mystic Spearhand Combat Is More Fast-Paced Than Mystic Knight Combat

Since the Mystic Knight primarily turns to the blocking and parrying abilities of its Magick Shield for damage in Dragon's Dogma, it is simultaneously suspended from engaging in combat until its enemies make a move. This is not to say that the Mystic Knight lacks purely offensive skills, only that the bulk of its damage depends on the enemy's advance. Because of this, the Mystic Knight tends to move a bit slower in combat, as players are all but required to make slow, calculated moves. Even so, this hasn't stopped it from being one of Dragon's Dogma's best vocations. On the other hand, the Mystic Spearhand functions in a much more fluid, almost acrobatic way than the Mystic Knight, boasting several Magick skills and weapon abilities that produce a more fast-paced combat scenario.

The most obvious way Dragon's Dogma 2 's Mystic Spearhand differentiates itself from the first game's Mystic Knight is in its aggressive playstyle.

It could very well be that the Mystic Knight and Mystic Spearhand have more in common than what has been shown off so far in gameplay videos and trailers for Dragon's Dogma 2. However, there are still clear differences between the two vocations in their approach to combat and playstyle. Likely, those who are familiar with the way Dragon's Dogma's Mystic Knight plays will have a head start with Dragon's Dogma 2's Mystic Spearhand, but there will presumably be plenty of other mechanics to get used to as well.