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Leveling up is a staple mechanic in the majority of RPGs, and the same holds true for Dragon's Dogma 2. Players gain incrementally more power with each level they get, though this system works a little bit differently in this game compared to most.

Dragon's Dogma 2: Do Age and Moniker Mean Anything?

Age and Moniker are two of many elements of the extensive character creator in Dragon's Dogma 2. Here's a brief explanation on what they do in-game.

There are plenty of things to know about Dragon's Dogma 2, and the nuances behind leveling up should definitely be one of them. While it's not terribly complex, there are some important elements that the game doesn't outright mention. This guide includes a brief explanation of the game's max level, how stat distribution works, and the quickest ways to earn XP for your character and Vocations.

Max Level and Stat Distribution

Leveling up in Dragon's Dogma 2

The maximum level cap for characters in Dragon's Dogma 2 is 999. As players level up, they'll gain stat points that will automatically get distributed based on their currently equipped Vocation. Warriors, for example, may gain more Health per level than Thieves, while the latter might earn more Stamina to compensate. Unlike in the first game, your character's stats will adjust themselves depending on your equipped Vocation. If you're a Lvl 30 Arisen Thief, for example, and you switch to the Sorcerer Vocation, your stats will shift more towards the Magick side of things.

Completing quests often rewards generous amounts of XP as well as money for anyone who wants to get rich quick in Dragon's Dogma 2. Those who want to level up as quickly as possible should do as many quests as they can while defeating as many enemies along the way. If needed, you can dismiss all your pawns (either through Riftstones or by throwing them off a cliff) to gain a 20% boost to XP gains.

How to Level Vocations Fast

Encountering a drake in Dragon's Dogma 2

Unlike for regular levels, Vocations can only be improved through combat. Quests will not reward Vocation XP, which means the only option is to fight. Thankfully, there's no shortage of monsters in the wilderness, though wandering around and keeping the roads free of goblins isn't exactly the most exciting thing to do in this game.

The best way to enjoy the game while still earning respectable amounts of XP is to continuously explore. There are tons of side quests to find, and the majority of them involve combat one way or another. Make sure to finish them in a timely manner — some quests, like Prey for the Pack, can have very unpleasant outcomes if finished late.

Manually mapping out the expanded world of Dragon's Dogma 2 is a delight, especially since there are chests and useful ingredients scattered about the countryside. If you really want to maximize the number of enemy encounters, try exploring at night, as undead tend to rise when the sun has already sunk.

dragon's dogma 2
Dragon's Dogma 2

PC , PS5 , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
March 22, 2024
Action RPG